In 1969, alarmed by increasingly grim reports of environmental threats brought on
by human activity, Wisconsin senator Gaylord Nelson proposed a national day of environmental
education and activism. Writing to governors, mayors, and educators, Nelson hoped
his grassroots campaign would raise awareness of important ecological issues. The
idea was a success; twenty million Americans participated in the first Earth Day on
April 22, 1970, and today the annual event is celebrated all over the world.
Curated by Kelli Billings, Tyler Haney, Katie Mulligan, and Ben Popp. Designed and
installed by Kelli Billings and Katie Mulligan.
View the History of Earth Day

Gaylord Nelson signed this copy of his 2002 autobiography, which also explores environmental concerns present three decades after the first
Earth Day, for a West Chester University faculty member.
On loan from Joan Welch.

Popular magazines covered the events of Earth Day 1970. Nelson’s piece for Look explains the rationale behind his calls for environmental action and encourages readers
to participate. In the following days, Life published a photo of demonstrators crowding New York City’s Fifth Avenue, as well as an article highlighting
the key role of college students in the events. TIME’s April 23, 1990 cover story highlighted the growing global interest in environmental
action after a period of stagnation in the 1980s.

This beach towel is on loan from WCU Department of Mathematics member James Godbold, who purchased
it in Washington D.C. in 1971. It depicts the “ecology” symbol designed by cartoonist
Ron Cobb in 1969, which is also featured in our collection of buttons.

One donor shared a letter reminiscing about the Earth Day celebration in 1990 and her love for Ben and Jerry’s
ice cream, which produced the pink “green” Earth Day button on display.

The United States Postal Service has issued several stamps commemorating EarthDay,
attesting to the movement’s cultural and political importance.In 1995 (top), a series
of stamps focused onenvironmental education for children; in1999 (middle) Earth Day
was selected as one of the momentous events of the 1970sin the “Celebrate the Century”
series; in 2020 (bottom) a new stamp was issuedcommemorating the 50thanniversary of
Earth Day.

On the 10thanniversary of Earth Day, the United States honored Rachel Carson,author
of the influential book,Silent Spring, on a postage stamp. Her book inspiredAmericans,
including Gaylord Nelson, to think more about their impact on theenvironment.

Behind the display case are two posters from Earth Day 1990. The poster on the left includes the theme of that year’s celebration:
“Think Globally, Act Locally.”