The electronic fingerprinting provider for the State of PA is IdentoGo. The closest
fingerprinting site in West Chester is 814 Paoli Pike. The closest fingerprinting
site to the PASSHE center in Philadelphia is 1015 Chestnut St. The Jefferson Bldg
Ste 307. For additional locations please visit:
The application fee is $22.60 for the fingerprint service and to secure an unofficial
copy of the FBI results Criminal History Record.
*** You must check with your field practicum location for the proper Service Code
PRIOR to registering online *** It is important that you have access to a printer
when enrolling***
- Students must register prior to going to the fingerprinting site. Register online
at Or by phone: 1-844-321-2101
- Enter your Service Code that is provided to you by your practicum site and complete
required information
- Choose a fingerprinting location -
- After enrollment is complete, you will receive an email with a link to your registration
- Take the registration form that you printed out, along with a photo ID, and $22.50
(Credit Card or Money Order) to the fingerprinting location
If you have not received your results within 10-15 business days or have any further
concerns after fingerprints have been submitted, please contact the Dept. of Human
Services at 877-371-5422.
Student Health Services provides a wide-range of clinical care and can administer
certain immunizations site may require such as: Hepatitis B, Flu Shot, Physical Exam, as well as TB tests. They are located on the ground floor of Commonwealth Hall. All students who have
paid the Student Health Services fee are eligible to use services. Students will pay
an additional fee for these services, and all charges will be applied to the students
bill and payment can be made at the Bursar's office.
Please refer to the Student Health Services website for a complete list of services provided, applicable fees, and to schedule an appointment.
Please check with your site for additional information.
In the state of Delaware a Criminal History Background Check is obtained through fingerprints.
You must provide photo Identification, such as a valid driver’s license or State ID
(from any state). You do not need a social security card or a birth certificate. The
fee for a State of Delaware Criminal Background Check is $52.00.
The fee for a State and Federal Criminal Background Check (must be mandated by law)
is $65.00. Appointments are required. For more information visit their website.
Please check with your site for additional information.
An individual may obtain a criminal history record check via electronic live scan
at one of the approved sites. The New Jersey State Police uses the live scan fingerprinting
services provided by MorphoTrust USA, a private company under contract with the State
of New Jersey. In order to be fingerprinted, you are required to contact MorphoTrust
USA to schedule a time and place to have your fingerprints captured. The fee for this
service is $40.66. For more information visit their website.
Check with your placement regarding the type of drug screening you need. Castle Branch
offers students 10 panel urine drug screening for $40. This is an external service
and is not associated with WCU.
To use this service:
- Place your order using this portal: (There is a $40 for this service)
- Complete name, address, and enter payment information
- Search for convenient location
- Complete screening at identified location
- Students receive a notification when results are in
- Student will log in to portal to view, print, or “share” results
- a. Students can print their results and share with their field site
- b. OR there is a “share” feature within their account that allows the student to choose
which documentation they share and with the recipients of their choosing
To search the SAM exclusionary list:
1. Click the link
2. Enter name in search
3. Click on Exclusions
4. Click the search icon next to the name
To search the OIG exclusionary list:
1. Click on the link
2. Enter name
3. Click search
Document the date and name for each search, screenshots suffice
To request this certificate, WCU collaborates with the WCU Foundation to offer this
at no cost to the student. To submit this request, please email your name, ID#, site
placed, address of placement, and dates of placement to Mollie Zenz, the Assistant Director of Data and Program Administration. She will process your info and get your certificate back shortly.
The certification must not expire before the practicum ends. The following are some
available approved options:
Kelsey Organ
Associate Director
Ehinger Office Annex 114
Judith Mullane
Administrative Assistant
Ehinger Office Annex 112
Clearances for Social Work
Undergraduate and Graduate Social Work students must complete clearances prior to entering their practicum. This website will help navigate some of the common clearances, however, this is not a complete list. All social work students MUST obtain professional liability insurance, PA child abuse history certification, and a PA State Police Criminal Record check. Graduate Social Work students will also need to complete Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse - Online Training Certificate. Upon confirmed placement, students should contact their site to inquire about any additional clearances needed and to ensure all onboarding criteria is met.
Students do not need to send clearances or professional liability insurance to anyone at WCU. Students are responsible for obtaining their clearances, keeping copies of these documents, and providing copies to their site, upon request. If a student is placed outside of Pennsylvania, clearances must be obtained in accordance with the state law of the placement location. It is strongly suggested that students contact their site for complete details.
ALL Social Work Students need the following clearances:
Malpractice Insurance/Professional Liability Insurance
Malpractice Insurance/Professional Liability Insurance is required for all students. A minimum limit liability of $1,000,000 per claim/$3,000,000 aggregate is needed. This must be renewed each year. Students may purchase the insurance from any carrier that provides liability coverage for social workers.
Two possible insurers are the American Professional Agency or the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).
For details on purchasing insurance through American Professional Agency click here
For details on purchasing insurance through NASW click here *
*must be a member of NASW to purchase their insurance
PA Child Abuse History Certification
Students may complete the Child Abuse History Certification via electronic or paper submission. Volunteers receive a free clearance every 57 months if the position is an unpaid. *Students will need to check with their specific site to ensure they accept the volunteer version. If the site will not accept the volunteer version, the cost is $13. For the PA Child Abuse FAQ's page click here.
By Mail
PA State Police Criminal Record Check
Volunteers receive a free record check if the position they are applying for is an unpaid position; AND if the volunteer has been a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the entirety of the previous 10 years. For all others the cost is $22.
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse - Online Training Certificate
The purpose of this training is to assist you in identifying possible cases of child abuse, remind you of your obligation to report any suspected abuse, and how to properly report such cases. There is no cost associated with this training. This training will meet Act 31 requirements and you should print and/or save a copy of your certificate upon completion of the training. This training is self-paced, and you can start and leave the course as often as you’d like. Once you’ve completed the training, save your certificate of completion so that you can provide it to your site upon request.
Additional Resources
FBI Fingerprinting Background Check (State of PA)
The electronic fingerprinting provider for the State of PA is IdentoGo. The closest fingerprinting site in West Chester is 814 Paoli Pike. The closest fingerprinting site to the PASSHE center in Philadelphia is 1015 Chestnut St. The Jefferson Bldg Ste 307. For additional locations please visit: The application fee is $22.60 for the fingerprint service and to secure an unofficial copy of the FBI results Criminal History Record.
*** You must check with your field practicum location for the proper Service Code PRIOR to registering online *** It is important that you have access to a printer when enrolling***
If you have not received your results within 10-15 business days or have any further concerns after fingerprints have been submitted, please contact the Dept. of Human Services at 877-371-5422.
Student Health Services
Student Health Services provides a wide-range of clinical care and can administer certain immunizations site may require such as: Hepatitis B, Flu Shot, Physical Exam, as well as TB tests. They are located on the ground floor of Commonwealth Hall. All students who have paid the Student Health Services fee are eligible to use services. Students will pay an additional fee for these services, and all charges will be applied to the students bill and payment can be made at the Bursar's office.
Please refer to the Student Health Services website for a complete list of services provided, applicable fees, and to schedule an appointment.
State of Delaware Criminal History
Please check with your site for additional information.
In the state of Delaware a Criminal History Background Check is obtained through fingerprints. You must provide photo Identification, such as a valid driver’s license or State ID (from any state). You do not need a social security card or a birth certificate. The fee for a State of Delaware Criminal Background Check is $52.00.
The fee for a State and Federal Criminal Background Check (must be mandated by law) is $65.00. Appointments are required. For more information visit their website.
State of New Jersey Criminal History
Please check with your site for additional information.
An individual may obtain a criminal history record check via electronic live scan at one of the approved sites. The New Jersey State Police uses the live scan fingerprinting services provided by MorphoTrust USA, a private company under contract with the State of New Jersey. In order to be fingerprinted, you are required to contact MorphoTrust USA to schedule a time and place to have your fingerprints captured. The fee for this service is $40.66. For more information visit their website.
Castle Branch/Drug Screening
Check with your placement regarding the type of drug screening you need. Castle Branch offers students 10 panel urine drug screening for $40. This is an external service and is not associated with WCU.
To use this service:
OIG and SAM Exclusionary Searches
To search the SAM exclusionary list:
1. Click the link
2. Enter name in search
3. Click on Exclusions
4. Click the search icon next to the name
To search the OIG exclusionary list:
1. Click on the link
2. Enter name
3. Click search
Document the date and name for each search, screenshots suffice
General Liability Insurance
To request this certificate, WCU collaborates with the WCU Foundation to offer this at no cost to the student. To submit this request, please email your name, ID#, site placed, address of placement, and dates of placement to Mollie Zenz, the Assistant Director of Data and Program Administration. She will process your info and get your certificate back shortly.
CPR Certification
The certification must not expire before the practicum ends. The following are some available approved options:
Office of Clinical Experiences and Candidate Services
700 South Church Street, Ehinger Office Annex· West Chester University of Pennsylvania · West Chester, PA 19383 · Phone: 610-436-3090 · Fax: 610-436-2874