Lainie Harkins
Associate Director
Ehinger Office Annex 107
Susan McKnett
Field Placement Specialist
Ehinger Office Annex 111
Denise Meikle
Field Placement Specialist
Ehinger Office Annex 109
Field Experiences
Field experiences provide teacher candidates with opportunities to learn about the teaching profession in a real world setting and to apply what they are learning in their University courses. Field experiences are an integral part of each educator preparation program offered at WCU.
At the following link, you will find a list of Field Courses Requiring Clearances

What Is a Field Experience?
Through your field experiences at West Chester University, you will begin the transformation from a student to a beginning educator. You will start by exploring the profession and the role of the teacher. You will then have an opportunity to develop professional knowledge, skills, dispositions, and your own teacher identity by applying what you have learned about effective practice.
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As you move through each stage of field experience and become more involved in the classroom, you will strengthen your ability to make reflective and deliberate decisions that support and extend the learning of all students. We ask you to seek opportunities to refine your craft, collaborate with the professionals around you, and keep students at the forefront of your decisions.
*Field experiences are defined as a range of formal, required school and community activities participated in by candidates in teacher preparation programs, under the supervision and mentorship of a classroom teacher.
- Stage I: Observation-Candidates observe in a variety of education and education-related settings.
- Stage II: Exploration-candidate works under a certified teacher's direction with a small group of students. Activities could include tutoring, helping with assignments, and so forth.
- Stage III: Pre-Student Teaching-candidates work with small groups of students in school settings under the supervision of a certified teacher but will not be in full control of a class. (Teacher Candidacy Required)
*PDE Framework, K-12 Program Framework Guidelines (

Placement Process Overview
The Office of Clinical Experiences at WCU works with course instructors and partner school districts/sites to provide placements for all field experience courses. Please contact us directly to discuss situations that need special consideration.
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- Upon enrolling in a WCU course with a Field Experience component, an automated notification is sent to you, alerting you of necessary clearance requirements.
- The Office of Clinical Experiences works to provide a placement in the subject area and grade band that is appropriate for the course, and located within a one hour’s drive from the university.
- We do not assign field placements based on home address or living situation, and we expect candidates to have access to some form of transportation.
- Timeline: If our office has received all necessary clearances required, we will send documents to your assigned school/site for approval. You will be notified by either our office or your course instructor when it is appropriate to contact the assigned teacher.
- Visits to field classrooms most typically begin early in the semester. Further details are provided by your course instructor.

Information for Mentors/Host Teachers
Spending time in real classrooms is invaluable for our candidates and an integral part of our education programs. During Field visits, our candidates learn more about the many aspects of running a classroom, the nature of learners, the curriculum, pedagogy and more about the profession overall.
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There are specific expectations and requirements that go along with each different field experience course, but WCU expects all field candidates to show up on time, appropriately dressed, and to behave with integrity in all of their interactions with you and your candidates.
How Can I Be an Effective Mentor to A Field Experience Candidate?
- Beginning considerations: Where to park, office check-in procedures, how should they address you, where may they place their things in your classroom, how should they contact you?
- Share expectations you have for your classroom.
- Be a model of effective instruction.
- Communicate clearly and often – explaining the what, when, how, and why is helpful (making the invisible, visible).
- Allow the WCU candidate to first observe your instruction, then encourage participation and involvement in any and all aspects of running a classroom, to the degree that is appropriate for all involved. Note: Candidates’ involvement and interaction is appropriate to the degree both the mentor and WCU candidate are ready.
- Guide observation of methods or of particular interactions or a specific student/s if applicable.
- Invite assistance with classroom tasks, individual students, or small groups as appropriate.
- Provide access to curriculum guides, textbooks, or any resources beneficial to your setting.
- Provide feedback and positive guidance.
- Communicate with the WCU field course faculty and/or our office for questions or concerns.
- When in doubt, think about your own teacher preparation and support the WCU candidate with anything that would have been helpful to you at that point.
What Can I do if I have an Issue or Concern?
- Remind the WCU field student of your classroom and school expectations if necessary.
- We invite you to stay in close contact with the WCU field course instructor, as they are your first line of contact should you have any questions or experience any issues.
- If you need additional assistance navigating an issue, you may contact the Office
of Clinical Experiences. We will be happy to help.
How can I become a Mentor Teacher for a Field Expereince Candidate?
- If you are not already a mentor for a WCU field experience but would like to become one, please contact Lainie Harkins,
- Many school districts keep a list of willing mentor teachers, so checking with your principal or even district office to learn their process might be helpful as well.
How to Prepare for Your Field Experience
The early field experiences include observing, tutoring, mentoring, working with individual or small groups of learners, and assisting in classrooms in a variety of ways.
Methods field experiences during the junior and/or senior years build on the early field experiences and include working with small groups of learners, teaching lessons, and completing classroom responsibilities.
Professionalism - What is the common expectation across all fields?
Common across all field experiences is the expectation that you are a representative of the kind of teacher candidate WCU prepares for the profession. Demonstrate the attitudes, ethics, and values that will make you a successful, caring professional. Show you have the ability to develop positive relationships with students, parents, colleagues, clients, and administrators. Serve as a model of mature adulthood to the students you come in contact with, working effectively with those from diverse backgrounds to meet their needs.
The Educator Preparation Programs at West Chester University have developed professional dispositions and requirements essential for the profession. Dispositions - WCU of PA Candidates have the opportunity to demonstrate dispositions in courses (assignments, interactions with others) and out in the field with mentor teachers and students in P-12 settings.
How Many Field Experience Hours are Required?
Each field experience course may have specific requirements related to the program of study and stage of field. Expect to receive detailed information about field hour requirements and related assignments from course instructors. Hour requirements can range from 15 to 40 hours or more, over the course of the semester. Most of the methods and the specialized methods courses require 25 hours. Hours can equate to periods in a school schedule.
What are the Characteristics and Qualities of a Successful Field Experience Candidate?
A successful field experience candidate:
- Begins with the mindset you will be a guest in a classroom and are a beginner educator, open to learning.
- Submits clearances according to appropriate due date.
- Communicates with the Office of Clinical Experience ahead of time if there are any unique needs or circumstances related to field placements.
- Initiates communication with mentor teacher once the placement is provided.
- Introduces oneself to the mentor via email.
- Shares course information and expected format/purpose for visits.
- Confirms date and time for first visit.
- Arrives as scheduled.
- Demonstrates professionalism throughout the semester.
- Consistently arrives on time and as scheduled.
- Clearly communicates any changes in schedule.
- Arrives well-prepared according to course expectations.
- Is appropriate in appearance, manner of speech and behaviors/demeanor.
- Adheres to all policies, both WCU and field site/school.
- Understands the need for student, family, and staff confidentiality.
- Completes all WCU assignments related to the field experience.
- Demonstrates Engagement
- Contributes to building a professional relationship with mentor teachers, students, and all building staff.
- Seeks opportunities to be meaningfully involved - assisting teacher and students.
- Sharing resources if appropriate.
- Regularly reflects on what is learned after each visit.
- Closes out the semester with a formal Thank You to the mentor teacher.
What Competencies Am I Working Toward?
Please review the Field Experience Competencies
How Can I Effectively Plan and Prepare for my Field Experience?
- Familiarize yourself with all course information, syllabi, and expectations or assignments associated with the field experience.
- Note the number of hours required, and understand how the frequency and timing of visits will work for each course (you will always plan this with the mentor teacher).
- Prior to your first visit, contact the mentor teacher to schedule, and continue to communicate any changes throughout the semester.
- Plan for your transportation (carpool, rideshare, personal car, other), and map out your route, accounting for busy travel times.
- Remember you are a guest in the school and classroom. Approach your field with a willing and positive attitude.