Step-by-Step Instructions to
Apply for Clearances


Child Abuse History Certification Online Application

Child Abuse History Certification Online Application

child welfare portal opening screen

  1. If registering for the first time, choose Create Individual Account and proceed to step 2. Otherwise, choose Individual Login to Access your Clearances and Create a Clearance Application. Proceed to Step 6. (See FAQ at the top of website if “having trouble logging in”)
  2. Read the directions on the next page, and then click Next.
  3. Fill in all the information requested (remember the Keystone ID is a username created by the user) including security questions and the security riddle (if the security riddle is unclear go back to the initial website and you should get a new question). Click Finish after completing all fields.
  4. You will be provided with a temporary password at the email address provided.
  5. When you receive the email go back to the initial webpage and chose Login and if entering for the first time you will be prompted to change your password. (It is important that you write down your username and password for future access!)

    Child welfare portal login screen

  6. There will be a series of pages to fill in but remember to select School Employee Not Governed by Public School Code for the purpose of the clearance (DO NOT choose VOLUNTEERS Only version)

    Child welfare application purpose screen

  7. When asked about the Certificate Delivery Method, remember to answer Yes, you would like to have a paper copy sent to your home or mailing address.
  8. You must pay for the clearance online ($13) using either a debit or credit card and then sign electronically.
  9. The website states that you will be provided with updates regarding the status of your clearance and will be notified when it is ready to be printed. While the website states that the process is automatic, it has been known to take up to two weeks for the clearance to be generated.

PA State Police Criminal Record Check Online Application

PA State Police Criminal Record Check Online Application

PA State Police Criminal Record Check Online Application

  1. Have a credit card ready.
  2. Click on Submit a New Record Check (DO NOT choose VOLUNTEERS Only version)

    start clearance application process

  3. Accept the Terms and Conditions.
  4. Select Individual Request- click Continue.
  5. Reason for Request - choose Employment

    Reason for request

  6. Accurately complete the information requested and click Next.
  7. Verify, then click on Proceed.
  8. Enter your personal information again and click Submit This Request.
  9. Click Submit on the Review page.
  10. Click Checkout.
  11. Enter your credit card information ($22) and click Pay With Your Credit Card.
  12. Click on the hyperlink for the control number.
  13. VERY IMPORTANT: Write down the Control Number and the date it was processed.
  14. Click on Certification Form.
  15. Print this form. If you have issues with printing, you will need the CONTROL NUMBER and the DATE you processed the
    clearance in order to access it on another computer to print.

FBI Background Fingerprinting Check

IdentoGo home screen

  1. Enter your Service Code to get started: 1KG6RT, click GO (all teacher education students use this same code to be
    fingerprinted for PA Department of Education)

    enter your service code

  2. Click Schedule or Manage Appointment and complete all Essential Info then click Next

    Schedule an appointment

  3. Complete all Additional Info for Agency Identifiers then click Next (create a security question and answer, write this down
    for future reference)
  4. Complete all Citizenship information then click Next
  5. Complete all Personal Questions information then click Next (you do not have an authorization code)
  6. Complete all Personal Information then click Next
  7. Complete all Address information then click Next
  8. Choose the Identification Document you will bring to your enrollment then click Next
  9. Search for an Enrollment Center for Location to be fingerprinted then click Next

    Search for locations

  10. Select Date and Select Time for fingerprinting appointment then click Next (scheduled appointments take priority over Walk-Ins)
  11. Print the enrollment screen (you will also receive an email from IdentoGo confirming appointment)
  12. Hit Submit
  13. You will be prompted to confirm appointment. Your payment of $25.25 will be made at the IdentoGo Center via Credit Card, Business Check or Money Order at the time of the fingerprinting appointment.
  14. You will receive an email from PASafeCheck ( within 72 hours of being fingerprinted with a link to access your 2-page Unofficial Copy called the Civil Applicant Response. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ARE AT A COMPUTER WHERE YOU CAN PRINT AND SAVE THE UNOFFICIAL COPY AS THIS WILL BE A ONE-TIME ACCESS ONLY LINK!

    Confirmation email example

  15. If the LINK fails, you can call PA Dept of Ed School Services at 717.783.6788 to print and mail you an Unofficial Copy.
  16. Please submit the Unofficial Copy or PASafeCheck email to Candidate Services.

    Office of Candidate Services does not have equipment to fingerprint with the Commonwealth supplier, IdentoGO.

TB Testing

  • It is preferred that your TB Test is no more than 3 months old when starting the first field course for a program (not the first field course for the academic year or semester). If you currently have a TB test that is less than a year from the read date, it will be accepted.
  • EGP Majors ONLY: Must retest for field course EGP322 if your test is two or more years old. Your test cannot turn two years old during the semester of this course.
  • All Others: No retest is needed until applying for *student teaching (except in rare cases).
  • Please use the WCU TB Test form

    * TB Test for Student Teachers must be “current.” Current is defined as being issued no earlier than one year prior to the last day of the student teacher experience.

WCU TB Test Form

To check on a clearance request, if there is a delay:

CWIS Support Center: 1-877-343-0494 (PA Child Abuse)
PATCH Helpdesk: 1-888-783-7972 (PA Criminal Record Check)
IdentoGo/Idemia: 1-855-845-7434 (FBI Fingerprinting)

File the electronic and paper copies in a place where you can easily find them. Candidate Services does not keep your original clearances!

Your original clearances should be readily accessible should a school or other field placement request to see the originals.