The Economics and Finance programs are designed to provide students with a sound background in both economics and finance, as well as build a solid foundation in the general business areas of accounting, management, and marketing. Consequently, graduates of the Economics and Finance programs at West Chester University are well prepared for entry level positions in business, entrepreneurship, government and even admission to graduate school.
In addition to the fields of business and allied areas, WCU economics and finance graduates have also pursued advanced studies in political science, geography, and public administration.
Economics and finance majors are encouraged to take advantage of the well-established internship program of the Economics and Finance Department. The Internship program is meant to supplement classroom instruction with hands-on experience. Consequently, it is desirable that students pursuing internships should have finished their sophomore year. Approved internship programs can be undertaken for academic credit as either ECO 411 or ECO 412 - depending on the number of internship credits approved. These internship opportunities have helped students acquire relevant industry experience that have helped students distinguish themselves after graduation. The number of internship credits granted depends on the number of hours of experience accrued during the internship.
Internship information and tips can be found on the Career Development Center's Internships and Jobs webpage. Students have found it useful to conduct their own job searches via the university's Career Development Center, personal contacts, alumni network, etc.
For more information on internships, including internship credits, opportunities, approval of job site, etc, students should contact Professor Kara.
Internship Programs
National Auto, Home, and Life Insurance Company - Formalized paying internship program available each summer. Students from all business majors may apply. Full-day seminars teach students all aspects of the insurance business from adjustment to premiums. In addition, students are exposed to interactive group seminars on diversity, harassment, ethics, etc. Students get hands-on training and work experience in one particular aspect of the insurance business. In many cases, successful interns are offered employment at graduation.
National Life and Retirement Insurance Company - This internship program is designed for students who would like a career in financial advising. Students are trained and tested for their insurance license during the first few weeks of the internship. Students learn how to provide full-service savings and retirement planning. Interns also acquire the skills necessary to explain and sell different types of life insurance, disability insurance, and annuity plans to potential clients. Interns are grouped by university and teams compete for prizes and a trip to the company's national convention during the summer. Successful interns may become financial advisors with this company after graduation.
Retail Company with National Headquarters in Chester County - This year-round paying internship program employs students part-time in one of the company's five Finance Departments. This company sells millions of dollars of merchandise over cable television. Interns can work in their State Tax Department, Budgeting and Finance Department, Inventory Department, etc.
Local Bank - This paying internship is offered each summer. Students learn how to teller and each week spend one or more days in a different department of the bank. Students spend a few days in customer service, commercial lending, accounting, trust management, human resources, etc. Students can continue to work part-time during the school year and are often offered full-time employment upon graduation.
Stock and Options Trading Company - Students learn how traders buy and sell stocks and options on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Interns can learn what is involved in becoming a trader on the exchange and decide if they wish to pursue a securities license and a trading career.
Privately Owned Rental Equipment Company - Interns learn first-hand what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. This family-owned business employs an intern each semester for accounts payable and other finance related functions. Interns get to see how entrepreneurs apply finance principles in their day to day operations. This internship is an excellent learning experience and springboard into a career in corporate finance.
Internship Forms
Study Abroad

CBPM students in the ancient city of Xi'an while studying abroad in China
West Chester University's Study Abroad Program offers students an incredible opportunity and an unforgettable experience to see another culture, language, environment, and education system, while still being able to graduate on time.
Expand your worldview and gain a global mindset while being exposed to different cultures, meeting a diverse range of people, and making lifelong friends.
WCU and CBPM offer study abroad programs during every semester. To find out more about this once in a lifetime opportunity, please visit the Global Engagement Office website.
Our programs' internship curricula, which enable students put theory into practice, have facilitated the entry of our students into the workplace upon graduation. Indeed, most of our students are either weighing job offers, or have already accepted a job offer in their final semesters. This is due to a combination of the quality of the Business program at WCU as well as the academic and professional qualifications of our graduates, and which are well known by recruiters in Pennsylvania and Delaware States. Thus we have track record of providing recruiters with high quality entry-level employees in these regions.
Additionally, employers either arrange on-campus interviews through the university's Twardowski Career Development Center for our seniors who are in their final years or request for resumes directly from department professors.
The services usually provided by the Career Development Center include resume review, resume referral, career workshop, career fairs, career counseling, job placement, and arranging on-campus interviews. These services are provided free of charge to students, alumni and staff.
Companies That Have Hired Our Graduates
A partial list of companies that have hired our graduates and companies where some of our alumni are making a career is as follows:
Job Search Resources
Given the ubiquitous skill set that the typical WCU economics and finance graduate possess, our alumni have successfully secured positions with leading companies and organizations within and outside the United States. While some alumni continue to progress in their professional careers in government, banking, entrepreneurship, etc, others have pursued advanced studies in business administration, economics, finance and law at a number of elite research institutions in North America.
Apart from the various Federal and State government agencies/institutions that regularly seek our graduates, several private and public companies have also recruited economics and finance graduates from WCU.