Housing & Move-in FAQs
WCU Housing and Move-in FAQs
Answers to your frequently asked questions about move-in day, requirements for living on campus, meal plans and more.
Last updated: March 12, 2025Housing Checklist
What do I need to do BEFORE I move in?
If this is your first time living on campus, you are required to complete the Housing Checklist prior to moving in.
Move-in Timeslots
How and when do I select a time to move-in?
Move-in Timeslot Selection
New Incoming Students (new first year students and transfer students):
Move-in timeslot selection opens on Wednesday, July 16, 2025 at 10:00am (EST)
Returning Students:
Move-in timeslot selection opens on Thursday, July 17, 2025 at 10:00am (EST)
Move-in timeslot availability is first come, first served. If you do not select a
move-in timeslot by 4pm on August 1, 2025, a move-in timeslot will be assigned for
How to select a move-in timeslot for WCU Managed Housing:
- More information to come.
Meal Plans
Do I need a Meal Plan?
WCU Managed and USH Affiliated on-campus residents living in Allegheny, Brandywine, Commonwealth, Goshen, Killinger, Schmidt, Tyson and University Hall are required to have a Meal Plan (Ultimate, Gold or Purple). Meal Plans are optional for residents living in on-campus apartments.
View meal plan options: WCU Dining Services
When and how do I select a Meal Plan?
WHEN: Meal plan selection opens for incoming students on March 17, 2025, at 2pm, through the Application for On-Campus Living. Information related to Returning Student Meal Plan Selection will come at a later date.
When and how do change my Meal Plan?
- March 17, 2025, at 2pm, until July 1, 2025: Incoming Students can select or change a meal plan in the Application for On-Campus Living.
- July 1, 2025, until August 25, 2025: Students can submit a Meal Plan Change form to change their meal plan. More information to come.
- August 25, 2025, through September 5, 2025: Students can try out their meal plan and change through the Meal Plan Change form, if needed.
- After September 5, 2025: Meal plan changes are closed for the semester.
Move-in Day
Newly Admitted Students
When can I access to housing application?
The Application for On-Campus Living opens March 17, 2025, at 2pm, for first year and transfer students (students beginning classes in Fall 2025).
Packing List
What items can I bring and what should I leave home?
From refrigerators to curtains to décor and dorm must-haves. This list of What to Bring/What not to Bring will help you pack for your new home on campus:
Wireless Internet Access (Wifi)
How do I connect to WCU's Wifi?
WCU's secure wifi network, RamNet, can be accessed anywhere on campus, including all of our residence hall rooms and apartments. RamNet, is available via your WCU username and password. Learn more about RamNet, printing on campus, and more
Is there a cost for Wifi (RamNet)?
No. Wifi is included in your housing and tuition cost.
Events and Activities
Are there events happening after I move in?
Yes! Welcome Week includes fun events, performances, give-aways, information sessions and the class photo. Learn more about Welcome Week and check out the schedule >
Do residence halls host events?
Yes! Residence Life plans fun programs for residents throughout the academic year. In addition to these larger events, each residence hall plans a variety of programs and events. You can find out more information about these activities by looking for upcoming events postings in your residence hall.
How do I stay informed about events happening throughout the semester?
West Chester's campus hosts hundreds of events every year. Here's the best way to stay updated:
- University's Calendar
- Ram Roundup - a weekly email showcasing events and announcements for students
- RamConnect - a list of student events and student organizations, clubs and groups
Visitation/Guest Policy Questions
Can I have guests spend the night?
Overnight guests are permitted to stay in University housing for a period of two nights within a seven day period with prior consent from a roommate(s). The rights of the roommate take precedence in issues involving a guest.
How long can my guests stay?
Overnight guests are permitted to stay in University housing for a period of two nights within a seven day period with prior consent from a roommate(s). The rights of the roommate take precedence in issues involving a guest.
What is the visitation/guest policy?
The University's Guest Policy is designed to maintain security in the residence halls
and apartments.The University's Guest Policy is designed to maintain security in the
residence halls and apartments. A guest is defined as anyone who is not assigned to
a particular room, suites, or apartments. Only with prior consent from a roommate(s)
are guests allowed in residence halls, suites, and apartments. The rights of the roommate
take precedence in issues involving a guest.
Every guest is subject to University rules and regulations and is the responsibility
of the resident host at all times.
The Department of Public Safety reserves the right to deny access to any person
if it is reasonably determined that such person does not have valid identification
and/or presents a threat to the peace, safety and welfare of other residents.
Only with prior consent from a roommate(s) are guests permitted to stay in University
housing for a period of two nights within a 7-day period. The 7-day period begins
when a guest stays overnight.
Short term guests may visit from 12:00pm-12:00am. An overnight guest is any person
remaining in a room/suite/apartment where they do not reside between 12:00am-12:00pm.
Any guest in a residence hall between the hours of 8:00pm and 4:00am must be
signed into that hall by the building resident who s/he intends to visit. Guests who
enter prior to 8:00pm should be brought down to the security desk to be signed in.
When the guest leaves, the host needs to accompany the guest to sign out of the
building. Failure to adhere to sign-in/sign-out policies will result in loss of guest
The University does not condone or permit cohabitation or patterns of extended
visitation in the residence halls or apartments. At no time can any resident student
have long term guests (squatters). A squatter is a person who occupies a residential
space without payment of rent. the host will be responsible for repayment.
Patterns of visitation and behavior which interfere with the rights and privileges
or privacy of any resident student will not be tolerated and will be referred to the
Office of Student Conduct.
The host must escort the guest at all times and inform them of university and
residence hall policies. At no time can a guest be left in a room/suite/apartment
while the host attends class, work, or any other activities.
You are not permitted to sign in other people's guests.
All visitors under the age of 18 that are not currently enrolled at West Chester
University are not permitted to enter the residence hall or stay overnight. Unless
taking part in a recognized university special event or are at campus at the behest
of the University, they are not permitted to stay overnight.
Each student may have no more than 2 guests at a time in University-owned residence
halls and apartments, and no more than 3 guests at a time in the affiliated communities.
Family members, such as parents, guardians, or siblings, are permitted to visit without
the guest occupancy limit being imposed. However, guests under 18 must be accompanied
by a parent or guardian.
This guest policy applies to single, double, and triple occupancy rooms in North
Campus residence halls, and at the South Campus, Village, East Village and College
Arms apartment complexes. The policy applies to all residents regardless of having
a roommate or not. Students residing in University Student Housing communities are
held responsible for this guest policy, but should also refer to the lease agreement
for any additional information or clarification.
The host is responsible for ensuring their guests use the appropriate bathroom
facilities during their visit.
All guests entering a residence hall are required to possess and display one
of the following forms of photo identification. Any guest not physically possessing
the proper form of identification will not be permitted to be signed a hall. No exceptions.
Public Safety Officers reserve the right to deny access to any guest or visitor attempting
to gain entry into the residence hall.
Acceptable forms of photo identification are limited to:
a. Valid government-issued identification cards such as driver's license,
military ID, state ID or passport. Date of birth and address must be listed on the
identification card. Expired driver's licenses and other expired IDs will not be accepted.
b. West Chester University Ram-E card.
Any bag, box, laundry basket, instrument carry case and container is subject
to search for possible contraband such as alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons such as
firearms, bullets, knives, etc. University Police Officers will respond to the scene
if any contraband is located, and offenders will be subject to arrest and referred
to the Office of Student Conduct.
Why does the university allow opposite gender visitation?
As with the 24-hour visitation, students in college are in a position to begin to define their relationships with everyone, whether of the same or opposite gender. We do restrict the amount of time that any guest can remain in a residence hall room, and once again the rights of the roommate are paramount to the right to host a guest. All residents must be aware of the impact of their actions on their neighbors, and are responsible for the acts of their guests while they are in the building. This applies in particular to the use of restrooms and other facilities when the guests are visiting.
Alcohol Questions
Can I consume alcohol on campus?
West Chester University is a dry campus and as a result, does not permit alcoholic beverages being consumed, regardless of age.
What happens if I am cited for an off-campus situation regarding alcohol?
If you are cited for an off-campus situation regarding alcohol, your citation will be communicated back to the University and you will be charged for it through the University Judicial Process as per the Student Code of Conduct located in the Ram's Eye View
What are the consequences for being cited for alcohol on campus or off campus?
There is a range of sanctions for off-campus citations and on-campus violations/citations - Off Campus and On-Campus citations are dealt with through the court system. With each sanction, an educational condition can be imposed as well such as but not limited to: community service, research or reflection papers, alcohol counseling or programs, etc.
Discipline Questions
What happens when we get in trouble?
Any situation that is suspected to be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be documented by a University staff member. This could be a student staff member (Resident Assistant) in the residence halls, a Public Safety Officer or Security Guard, or any University official. Students may also document other students if the circumstances warrant. Matters that are a violation of local, state or federal laws may also be referred to the appropriate off campus civil or criminal judicial body by the Department of Public Safety.
Once the documentation is received by the Office of Student Conduct or a University Hearing Officer, a determination is made to handle the case within the judicial process or non-judicially. The judicial process is made up of several steps, each of which allow the student to be educated about the process and make decisions about how the situation is handled. Records of matters that were not referred to criminal or civil authorities remain on campus and can be shared with others only in certain circumstances.
Most judicial cases result in educationally based sanctions. However, there is a fine system set up for alcohol and drug violations, and students with more severe violations could be removed from University housing, or suspended or expelled from the University.
Parking Questions
Are first year students permitted to park on campus?
First year students who live on campus are not permitted to park on campus. First year commuter students may purchase a commuter parking permit. For additional details, visit Parking Services.
Security & Safety Questions
Does the university conduct room checks?
The Residence Life staff does not monitor a resident's coming and going while they are staying in the building, unless we are given a specific reason to do so. Security staff will check ID's in the lobby during certain times, but only to verify that you are a resident of that particular building (if not, you will have to be signed in by a resident). On a regular basis, the staff will conduct Health and Safety Inspections, which is our opportunity to make sure that the room is being kept in an acceptable condition, that no safety violations exist, and that University property is being respected. However, staff can report anything they find while conducting other business (doing rounds of the building, evacuating for a fire drill, etc.).
Will staff enter the room using a pass key?
The University reserves the right to enter any student room for the purpose of maintenance, inspection, repair, enforcement of University rules and regulations, or in cases of emergency (see the Student Occupancy Agreement, item #13). Generally, these "visits" are done with prior notification. However, prior notification may not always be possible, although University staff would never enter a student room without announcing themselves first. We respect the right of residents not to have their privacy unreasonably disturbed.
What safety measures are in effect?
There are a number of safety measures in effect, both on campus and in the residence halls. Each building has security coverage (see item below). There are also closed circuit video cameras monitoring the main entrances to each building. Emergency telephones that connect directly with our Department of Public Safety are distributed all across campus. University personnel, with student participation, conduct a lighting survey each year to identify locations on campus that might need additional illumination at nighttime. Current campus lighting is also monitored by Public Safety and Security staff members and work orders are submitted as necessary to correct problems. An Escort System is in place, where students may request a walking escort to and from any location on campus.
Is there security in the housing facilities?
A security staff is on duty in each traditional residence hall from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am. They monitor entry into the hall from the main front door, since all other doors are locked and alarmed during this time. Residents of a particular building are given a sticker for their ID card, allowing them easy entry to the building once the card is shown to the guard. All other people wishing to enter the building, whether residents of other halls, off campus students, or guests to the University, must be signed in by a resident of the building, and picture ID for both parties must be left with the guard.
In addition, WCU's Police Department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Learn more about the West Chester University Police Department and Public Safety.
South Campus Apartment Complex Questions
How does the South Campus Apartment Complex compare to off-campus housing?
Benefits of the South Campus Apartment Complex are an apartment and off-campus feel, but with an on-campus experience. In addition to this, there are many benefits or pros regarding the inclusion of apartment furniture, cable, Wi-Fi connections, staff assistance, etc.
Some students view a con as the location and having to take the bus to and from North Campus, however, many students realize that this small commute is not a difficult one if you plan it in to your schedule.
What are the pros/cons of living at the South Campus Apartment Complex?
Benefits of the South Campus Apartment Complex are an apartment and off-campus feel, but with an on-campus experience. In addition to this, there are many benefits or pros regarding the inclusion of apartment furniture, LAN connections, staff assistance, etc.
Some students view a con as the location and having to take the bus to and from North Campus, however, many students realize that this small commute is not a difficult one if you plan it in to your schedule.
Are you removed from the rest of campus life by living at the South Campus Apartment Complex?
Since the location is 3/4 of a mile from the North Campus area, it is physically located or removed from other parts of North Campus life. However, you still are informed about everything that goes on at North Campus and you are closer to the Health Sciences area and all of the Athletic Fields and games, since these areas are on South Campus.
Are the policies different at south campus than north campus?
No, all of the policies are the same whether you live at South Campus or North Campus. Policies can be found in the Guide to Residential Living and the Ram's Eye View (Student Code of Conduct).
Are the South Campus Apartment Complex fully furnished?
Yes, all of the apartments come furnished with a bedroom set (bed/mattress, desk, desk chair, dresser, bookshelf) a living room set (two two-seat couches, coffee table) and a dining room set (table and four chairs).
Do you have to pay separately for utilities at the South Campus Apartment Complex?
No, utilities (heat, AC, internet) are included in the room rate.
Is the meal plan mandatory for South Campus Apartment Complex?
No. Meal plans are not required at the South Campus Apartment Complex. Students can choose from all of the meal plan's we have available. View On Campus Housing and Meal Costs.
What are the requirements to living at the South Campus Apartment Complex?
First year, first semester students are not permitted to live at South Campus Apartment Complex.
Do you have to buy a parking permit to park at the South Campus Apartment Complex?
Yes, there is a specific parking permit for the South Campus Apartment that you can purchase at the Public Safety Office.
Residence Hall Staff Questions
How many staff members are in each building?
Each of our housing facilities is managed by a resident director or a graduate hall director. The resident director or a graduate hall director is dedicated to overseeing the administrative operations and all activities held in the building or complex. Most facilities have a graduate assistant dedicated to aiding the resident director/graduate hall director in the performance of his or her duties. There are between six and 13 Resident Assistants per building, depending on size and roughly seven Front Desk Attendants per hall.
In addition, WCU's on campus Police Department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. Learn more about the West Chester University Police Department and Public Safety.
Additional Questions?
- For WCU Managed Housing, please contact Residence Life & Housing
- For USH Affiliated Housing, please contact leasing@ushcommunities.org or 610-430-4988