Leadership Consultants

Leadership Consultants (LCs) are undergraduate student paraprofessionals who support the mission of the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement. LCs are a part of the student organization called LEAD (Leadership Empowerment and Development). Each year, undergraduate students are hired to assist their peers with the following:

  • Leadership Development
  • Student Organization Management
  • Finding Opportunities for Involvement
  • Supporting the Involvement Fair, Leadership Awards, and other large-scale events.

Questions: involvement@wcupa.edu

Noah Smith Headshot

Name: Noah Smith (He/Him)
Org Category: Publications & Media and Political & Activism
Email: NS980215@wcupa.edu

Paige Mervine Headshot

Name: Paige Mervine (She/Her)
Org Category: Academic & Professional (I-Z)
Email: PM982898@wcupa.edu

Julia Barrett Headshot

Name: Julia Barrett (She/Her)
Org Category: Sports Clubs
Email: JB983695@wcupa.edu

Rachel Jason Headshot

Name: Rachel Jason (She/Her)
Org Category: Social Equity & Diversity and Religious
Email: RJ998037@wcupa.edu

Alexis Varner Headshot

Name: Alexis Varner (She/Her)
Org Category: Greek Life
Email: AV1004485@wcupa.edu

Alix Brewer Headshot

Name: Alix Brewer (He/Him)
Org Category: Music
Email: AB1005015@wcupa.edu

Catherine Emerick Headshot

Name: Catherine Emerick (She/Her)
Org Category: Academic & Professional (A-H)
Email: CE982103@wcupa.edu

Derrick Addison Headshot

Name: Derrick Addison (He/Him)
Org Category: Special Interest (St-Z)
Email: DA1006901@wcupa.edu

Reagan Steiner Headshot

Name: Reagan Steiner (She/Her)
Org Category: Service and Special Interest (A-Si)
Email: RS996400@wcupa.edu