Advisor Resources
Student Club and Organization Advisors, we support you!
Check out our Advisor Resource Guide for more resources and information about being an advisor to a student organization here at West Chester University.
The Resource Guide is not meant to be totally inclusive or applicable to every organization, but it may serve as a guide when determining the role that you will play. The purpose of this guide is to help Advisors navigate the resources available to them. It is a collection of best practices in the field of higher education; however, it is not a magical formula for guaranteed success. The contents should enhance the Advisor’s effectiveness, rapport with students, and overall enjoyment of the advising experience.
Advisor Needs Assessment:
To better understand the needs of our students and improve our advisory support, we
are conducting a needs assessment survey. Your insights and feedback are invaluable
in shaping our advisory strategies. Please complete the Student Organization Advisor
Needs Assessment form.
SSI Policies & Procedures
Student Services inc., or SSI, is involved in “all things financial” for our student clubs and organizations.
The purpose of this manual is to familiarize yourself with the responsibilities of your organization and to understand the relationship among Student Services, Inc. (SSI), the Student Government Association (SGA), and West Chester University (WCU). It is primarily intended as a guide to help manage the funds of your organization.
Student Organization Policies & Procedures (SOPPs)
The Student Organization Policies & Procedures, often called the SOPPs, is intended to serve as a collection of all rules and regulations concerning student organizations at West Chester University put in place by the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) and the Student Government Association (SGA). This manual, in conjunction with the SGA bylaws, shall also govern the Bylaw Review Committee of SGA and its operation.
List of Leadership Books available for checkout from the Leadership Resource Center (LRC; 2nd floor of Sykes within the CSI)
For RamConnect general training or additional information please view the below links:
• RamConnect For Organizations
• Getting Started with RamConnect
Contact for any support you might need!
Interested in being an advisor to a student organization? Email