Members and Committees
2023-2024 Executive Committee
Chair: Pattie Diggin
Co-Chair: Tiffany Jones
Secretary: Kerry Walton
Past Chair: Michelle Wade
Project Groups
Recruitment and Retention of Women of Color - The mission of the Recruitment and Retention of Women of Color Staff and Faculty Team’s mission during the academic year was to build community among women of color both staff and faculty at WCU.
Student and Community Engagement - The student and community engagement committee will focus on three primary goals
for this upcoming AY: selecting two students for internship placements; hosting a
panel for Women across campus; increasing student engagement in the Commission.
Women's Visibility - Our team works on highlighting women at WCU, including the commission. We promote
and create events that increase the visibility of women at WCU.
Facilities - In response to our ongoing goal to commit to family friendly and inclusive workspaces,
this team addresses the availability and communication around gender inclusive restrooms,
lactation spaces and changing tables.
Academic Success Program-vacant
Admissions- Sarah Freed
African American Studies- tonya thames-taylor
AFSCME (Secretarial /Custodial/Grounds Staff)- Joan Stalford
APSCUF Leadership- Martha Donkor
Campus Climate Intervention Team- Sendy Alcidonis
Center for Women and Gender Equity- Lindsey Mosvick
Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer- Tracey Robinson
Counseling and Psychological Services- Judith Bijoux-Leist
Dowdy Multicultural Center- Denice Velez
Faculty Senate- Casey Bohrman
Faculty Senate- Meg Panichelli
Faculty Senate- Michelle Wade
Graduate Student Association- vacant
The Society- Tiffany Jones
Frederick Douglass Institute- tonya thames-taylor
HERS Alumna- Vanessa Johnson
Human Resources- Corin Chapman
LGBTQIA+ University Caucus- Soozie Davidson
Manager/Upper Administration- Cheryl Neale-McFall
Multicultural Faculty Commission- Bahar Ulupinar
Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance- Meg Hazel
OPEIU (Nurses Union)- Elizabeth Hoy
Office of Educational Accessibility- vacant
Public Safety- vacant
SCUPA- vacant
Student Affairs- Sara Hinkle
Student Government Association- vacant
Women’s Athletics- Madlyn Evans
Women’s and Gender Studies Department- Tabassum Ruby
Women's Leadership Institute- Cheryl Neale-McFall
Student At-Large- vacant
Student At-Large- vacant
Faculty At-Large- Laura Pyott
Faculty At-Large- Heather Edelblute
Faculty At-Large- Karen Dickinson
Ex-Officio Members
Cara Jenkins
Sabrina Rightmer