Current & Past Events

Fall 2024 Seminar Schedule

Seminar is held Thursdays from 4:00pm-4:50pm in the Merion Science Center room 112. All are welcome.

seminar 1

A panel of alumni speak to current students about their career paths in industry, education, and graduate school.

seminar 2

Students work on their resumes and interview skills.


Date Speaker  Topic

Dr. Marc Gagne 

Dr. Yong Hoon Kim

Earth and Space Sciences Department Faculty Introduction


Dr. Howell Bosbyshell
Dr. Daria Nikitina

Opportunties and Advising

Dr. Marc Gagne

Black Holes and Multi-Messenger Astronomy

Dr. Yong Hoon Kim

Remote Sensing in Ocean Science
9/26/2024 ESS Students ESS Student Internship and Research Presentations, Department Photo

Dr. Elliott Arnold

Dr. Joby Hilliker

Heinrich Events

Mattia Pistone (University of Georgia)

 Moho Mission to the Foundation of Continents: The ICDP DIVE Drilling Project

Victor Perez (St. Mary's College of Maryland)

The Evolution, Ecology, and Extinction of Megalodon, the Largest Shark to Ever Live

Dr. Daria Niktina

Dr. Martin Helmke

ESS Field Courses (Iceland, National Parks, etc.)

Stanley Owocki (University of Delaware)




Julia Semprich

Surfing through the clouds: Unravelling Venus's secrets & A peek inside: What the venusian surface can tell us about its interior composition

WCU Alumni

Alumni Panel and Open House

Hae-Cheol Kim (NOAA)

Operational Oceanography

Thanksgiving Break

12/05/2024 George Guice (Towson University) Chasing the Iapetus Ocean up the I-95


Course Field Trips and Pics

Special Courses

International Field Trips (ESS 348/548)

The Department offers field courses to study and explore geology in regions outside the United States. The field study is conducted under the supervision of West Chester faculty and graduate students, during which students learn to apply geology field methods to study geomorphology and morphotectonics. Here is a summary International trips in the past:

In conjunction with Moscow State University, several students studied the most preserved geologic regions of all Europe; the Khibiny Mountains and Lovozero Tundra, the Baltic Shield.

2011 - Costa Rica

2009 - Peru

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our students! For more information, please contact Dr. Daria Nikitina  

Geology of the National Parks (ESS 394/594 and 395/595)

Special Course Image 3

Every two years in late summer, the Department offers a course studying field geology in the Western U.S., alternating between the NW Parks (in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana) and SW Parks (in Arizona and New Mexico). In this multi-week experience, students conduct geologic mapping exercises and investigating stratigraphy, tectonic history, structural geology, igneous petrology, geomorphology, hydrogeology, soils, natural hazards, and economic resources of the national parks.

For more information, please contact Dr. Martin Helmke

Photo Gallery

Student Research

2014 Northeastern Section Conference of GSA

WCU Geology majors presented their research posters at the 2014 Northeastern Section Conference of the Geological Society of America. A total of seven WCU students presented research posters that week - a record for the Department, and one of the larger University groups at the meeting.

Student Research Image 1

Student Research Image 2

Field Trips

Petrology Field Trips 1

Petrology Field Trips 2

Petrology Field Trips

Sedimentology & Stratigraphy Field Trips

Sedimentology & Stratigraphy Field Trip 1

Sedimentology & Stratigraphy Field Trip 2

Structural Geology Field Trips

Structural Geology Field Trip 1

Structural Geology Field Trip 2

Summer Southwestern Parks Field Trip

Summer Southwestern Parks Field Trip

Service Learning Projects

Earth Day Fair - 2014

To benefit local land preservation and ecosystem restoration programs. 

Earth Day Fair 2014

Annual Garlic Mustard Pull

Students harvesting this non-native plant in the Gordon Natural Area.

Garlic Mustard Pull

Annual Clean-Up of Goose Creek in West Chester

Geoscience students participate in the Chester Ridley Crum Watershed Association's annual clean-up of Goose Creek.

Goose Creek Cleanup Volunteer

Goose Creek Cleanup Volunteer

Tree Planting Along the Brandywine

Students planting trees along the Brandywine Creek to benefit local land preservation and ecosystem restoration programs.

Planting Along the brandywine volunteers

Planting Along the brandywine volunteers

Drone Research

MS Geoscience graduate students Juliana Hartlove and Mariah Bowie conduct drone research using a new first-person view (FPV) camera system.  Drones are just one of the many ways WCU ESS students apply cutting-edge tools to solve geologic problems. 


Native Plant Gardening

Students gardening native plants at Hildacy Preserve, Natural Lands Trust

Land Preservation Project Volunteers

Brandywine Polar Plunge 2014

Students took the plunge for this fundraising event to keep the Brandywine and Red Clay Watersheds
clean and healthy, and to support environmental education at the Myrick Center.

Polar Bear Plung Sign: Today's temperatures 32 degrees, Air temperature 37 degrees

Brandywine Polar Bear Plunge sign

Brandywine Polar Bear Plunge participants