Research Interests
My research focuses on the ecology of lichens and mycorrhizal fungi. I am interested in understanding (1) how plant succession influences ground lichen composition, growth, and survival and (2) how lichens can serve as indicators of airborne metal pollution. Given continuing urbanization in the Mid-Atlantic region, I am especially interested in questions related to anthropogenic impacts on lichens. Recent student research projects have examined growth dynamics in terricolous lichens in the New Jersey Pine Barrens and metal pollution indication by corticolous lichens in the Delaware Valley urban landscape. Relatedly, I teach Conservation Biology, Mycology, Plant Communities, and the Ecology of Northern California (taught in San Francisco in summers).

Student Research
Undergraduate Projects
- Jared Kline - Black walnut (Juglans nigra) status at the Gordon Natural Area
- Julia Amarant - Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maakii) allelopathic effects on woody plant growth
- Jahmai Fisher - Evergreen tree diversity and structure of the WCU North Campus
- Zack Signora - White ash (Fraxinus americana) status at the Gordon Natural Area
- Kelly Ryan - Tree growth and mortality in forest habitats at the Gordon Natural Area
- Carl Cummins - Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) status at the Gordon Natural Area
- Chagh Xiong - Host tree size and light influences distributions and size structure of Celastrus orbiculatus
- Kim Mazari - White-tailed deer browse selectivity and intensity in a forest restoration site
- Veronica Schrader - Garlic mustard extract influences ectomycorrhizal fungi from red oak seedlings
- Lauryn Levy - Macrofungal diversity at the Gordon Natural Area
- Rachel Stern - The status of White oak in a Chester County Natural Area
Graduate Projects
- Genevieve Pomeroy - Effects of exotic shrub allelopathy and light on woody plant growth
- Jon Klein - The street and alley trees of West Chester Borough
- Marie Schneider - Leaf litter, earthworm, and garlic mustard interactions
- Derek Bowman - Influence of conventional and organic farming practices on riparian plant diversity
- Justin DiPhillippo - Influence of garlic mustard allelopathy on ectomycorrhizal fungal colonization and communities from red oak hosts
- David Cambridge - Teaching biological science to students with emotional and behavioral disabilities
- Tara Shiels - Nutritional biology: using science education to address adolescent obesity
White Ash Project
Seniors Kendra McMillin & Zach Signora presenting study at the Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Symposium, Philadelphia.

Forest Health Management Project
Seniors Will Ricci & Kelly Ryan taking a break from the woods.