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                      BEST PRACTICES                      LEADERSHIP                      - Change Management - Equity Mindedness -Campus Climate Assessments                      ACADEMIC POLICY & PRACTICE                      - Hold reform                      - Academic maps                      - Returning student & - Meta majors retention grants - Transfer pathways                      - Math pathways - Developmental course reform                      KEI                      EAB                      MOON SHOT                      EQUITY                      ACCESS & ENROLLMENT                      - Community-based recruitment & partnerships                      - Adult student re-enrollment                      STUDENT SUPPORT & BELONGINGNESS                      - Pre-college programs                      - Proactive advising with technology                      Coordinated Care Network                      WCU MOON SHOT FOR EQUITY                      WCUPA.EDU/MOONSHOT
                      BEST PRACTICES                      LEADERSHIP                      - Change Management - Equity Mindedness -Campus Climate Assessments                      ACADEMIC POLICY & PRACTICE                      - Hold reform                      - Academic maps                      - Returning student & - Meta majors retention grants - Transfer pathways                      - Math pathways - Developmental course reform                      KEI                      EAB                      MOON SHOT                      EQUITY                      ACCESS & ENROLLMENT                      - Community-based recruitment & partnerships                      - Adult student re-enrollment                      STUDENT SUPPORT & BELONGINGNESS                      - Pre-college programs                      - Proactive advising with technology                      Coordinated Care Network                      WCU MOON SHOT FOR EQUITY                      WCUPA.EDU/MOONSHOT

More information on EAB's best practices.

                      RESULT                      PROCESS/ACTIVITY                      Moon Shot for Equity (MSE) at WCU:                      Phases of Goal Team Work                      *Adapted from CUE Equity Model as part of WCU Equity Scorecard Project (2012)                      Phase 1: Laying the Groundwork                      Introduction to Equity Mindedness                      What is an Equity Gap?                      Team building and preparation                      WCU MOON SHOT FOR EQUITY GOAL TEAM MODEL                      Phase 2: Understanding the Problem                      How does this work at WCU? Using EAB tool.                      Review the data and find the gaps, using EAB Workbook.                      Engage in equity- minded sensemaking                      Decide on team roles and access technology tools.                      Identify focal efforts and a plan for inquiry.                      *Phases 3 and 4 are likely to be approached in tandem.                      Phase 4: Understanding                      Phase 3: Inquiry*                      Best Practices*                      Inquire into policies and practices.                      Discern strengths and gaps in policies and practices.                      Understand the goal from students' perspectives                      Link inquiry information to the equity gap data.                      Learn about EAB best practices.                      Envision the application of best practices to WCU.                      Set equity goals                      Link best practices to inquiry information and equity gap data.                      Phase 5: Recommending Solutions                      Develop a strategy that addresses equity gaps                      considering inquiry discoveries and best practices.                      Present                      recommendations to WCU MSE advisory board.                      Collaborate with WCU MSE Leadership team to finalize plan.                      Set equity goals for                      WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY                      assessment.                      SHOT                      EQUITY
                      RESULT                      PROCESS/ACTIVITY                      Moon Shot for Equity (MSE) at WCU:                      Phases of Goal Team Work                      *Adapted from CUE Equity Model as part of WCU Equity Scorecard Project (2012)                      Phase 1: Laying the Groundwork                      Introduction to Equity Mindedness                      What is an Equity Gap?                      Team building and preparation                      WCU MOON SHOT FOR EQUITY GOAL TEAM MODEL                      Phase 2: Understanding the Problem                      How does this work at WCU? Using EAB tool.                      Review the data and find the gaps, using EAB Workbook.                      Engage in equity- minded sensemaking                      Decide on team roles and access technology tools.                      Identify focal efforts and a plan for inquiry.                      *Phases 3 and 4 are likely to be approached in tandem.                      Phase 4: Understanding                      Phase 3: Inquiry*                      Best Practices*                      Inquire into policies and practices.                      Discern strengths and gaps in policies and practices.                      Understand the goal from students' perspectives                      Link inquiry information to the equity gap data.                      Learn about EAB best practices.                      Envision the application of best practices to WCU.                      Set equity goals                      Link best practices to inquiry information and equity gap data.                      Phase 5: Recommending Solutions                      Develop a strategy that addresses equity gaps                      considering inquiry discoveries and best practices.                      Present                      recommendations to WCU MSE advisory board.                      Collaborate with WCU MSE Leadership team to finalize plan.                      Set equity goals for                      WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY                      assessment.                      SHOT                      EQUITY



  • Change Management
  • Equity Mindedness
  • Campus Climate Assessment
  • Coordinated Care Network

Future Goal Teams

  • Math Pathways
  • Academic Maps
  • Meta majors
  • Community-based recruitment & partnerships
  • Adult student re-enrollment