Welcome to the WCU Master of Public Health Community!
Our 46-credit, CEPH-accredited MPH program prepares public health professionals that advocate and promote health, well-being, and human rights for all people. Students specialize in one of three concentrations: Community Health and Health Care Management are offered as 100% distance education in an asynchronous format, while Environmental Health follows a hybrid model—18 concentration credits in-person and 28 core credits online. All students have the option to take the core courses of Biostatistics and Epidemiology in-person. Across concentrations, students share core public health coursework, including a 200-hour Applied Learning Experience, where they apply their skills in real-world settings to enhance community capacity and address complex public health challenges. Our graduates thrive in public health careers across sectors and populations. Join our supportive MPH community to take the first step toward making a lasting impact in public health!