Student Life for HPE Majors
Over the course of your time at WCU, you will create meaningful friendships with other HPE majors. We are a larger program with roughly 150-200 majors. Our size allows students ample opportunities to connect with others.
Our program features an active Health and Physical Education Club. The club meets at least three times per semester and has several officer positions. Recently the club sponsored a university-wide volleyball tournament that was attended by nearly twenty teams. Another recent event was a GooseChase scavenger hunt in the athletics center. Please visit the HPE Club website.
An additional focus is on student-faculty collaborations. Currently, multiple students have volunteered or been selected to assist with conference presentations, professional articles, or as contributors to a faculty-authored textbook. There are many avenues to be involved professionally with faculty and with fellow HPE majors.
For additional information on student life, visit the Division of Student Affairs.