M.ED.Early Childhood Education
The Early Childhood Education M.Ed. Program prepares its candidates to meet the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Advanced Program Standards which emphasize knowledge and skills in the following areas: Promoting Children and Learning; Building Family and Community Relationships; Observing, Documenting and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families; Teaching and Learning; and Becoming a Professional.
Goals and Objectives
Promote Growth, Development, and Learning in Early Childhood Settings: Candidates will interpret and apply theories and research related to typical and atypical contemporary child development patterns, pre-birth through eight years, and explore the cultural and linguistic factors that influence development to construct learning opportunities that support the individual child’s development and learning (NAEYC 1, 4; QBCCP 3).
Examine the Foundations, Trends, and Issues related to the Early Childhood Field: Candidates will critically examine the historical, philosophical, and sociocultural foundations and contemporary trends and issues of early childhood education to improve educational outcomes for children and their families relying on current best practices, relevant policies, and pedagogy to make informed professional decisions (NAEYC 6; QBCCP 4).
Build Family, School, and Community Collaboration and Partnerships to Support Young Children and Families: Candidates will identify strategies to support and engage diverse families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships while demonstrating cultural competence and collaboration to optimize children’s development and learning (NAEYC 2; QBCCP 2, 5).
Apply Developmentally Effective Approaches Build Meaningful Curriculum and Assess Outcomes: Using varied instructional and play-based teaching strategies, instructional tools and technology, and national/state learning standards, knowledge of content areas, and informal and formal assessment approaches, Candidates will design, implement, and evaluate curriculum and learning environments to promote positive outcomes for all children (NAEYC 3, 4, 5; QBCCP 2).
Adhere to the Professional and Ethical Guidelines of the Early Childhood Profession: Candidates will develop professional attitudes and attributes for effective communication, leadership, mentorship, and advocacy while adhering to the ethical guidelines established in the field of early childhood using inquiry as a tool for research and personal professional development (NAEYC 1, 6; QBCCP 6, 7).
Contact Information
Jade Burris
Associate Professor (2015)
Coordinator, M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education

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