Faculty Resources

Discussing Student Feedback on Instructor surveys with your students?

We have provided a Powerpoint presentation for you to use when talking with your students about Student Feedback on Instructor surveys. It provides information about what the Student Feedback on Instructor survey is and why feedback is important to you as an instructor. It includes the bias statement from the survey,  instructions how to access the online survey system from email and/or the D2L home page. The last page provides a QR code that students can scan to complete the survey on their phone.


The Powerpoint presentation will automatically download to your download folder. See illustration below.

download location


Allowing Time at the End of Class for your Students to Complete the Survey?

Display this QR code for students to scan to take the survey on their phone:

QR code leading to: https://SRIS.wcupa.edu

Additional Resources

Faculty User Guide

Student User Guide

Sample Survey Forms:

Student Feedback on Instructor survey - SFI

Student Feedback on Instructor for Distance Education - DE

Student-Teaching Supervisor Feedback Form - STSFF

Student Feedback on Nursing Clinical Rotations - NCL

Blue system-generated email examples:

Faculty Invitation Email

Faculty View Response Rates Email

Student Invitation Email

Student Reminder Email