Student Organizations

Students who are interested in exploring a career in law and developing skills necessary to the successful practice of law are invited to join our student organizations, including the Pre-Law Society (PLS), the Mock Trial Club, and Phi Alpha Delta. All students are welcome and invited to attend meetings and events sponsored by these organizations. You can join the Pre-Law Society, the Mock Trial Club or Phi Alpha Delta by registering through RamConnect.

Pre-Law Society

The purpose of the Pre-Law Society (PLS) is to offer students the opportunity to learn more about a career in law so that students can better define their interests. Throughout the course of the year, the Society invites speakers to campus (or via Zoom) and hosts other events that address issues of interest to students, including the law school admissions process as well as the realities of attending law school and practicing of law. Interested students can join the PLS by registering through RamConnect.

Mock Trial Club

The mission of the Mock Trial Club is to provide opportunities for students interested in developing their oral advocacy skills, regardless of whether the student intends to pursue a career in law. Typically, Club members participate in a Mock Sentencing Exercise hosted by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in the fall. The Exercise provides a unique opportunity for student teams, comprised of four students who assume the roles of Assistant U.S. Attorney, Defense Counsel, Probation Officer and Defendant, to argue before a sitting federal judge. Based upon the case chosen, the students argue their positions on the appropriate sentence to be imposed from the perspective of their assumed role. At the conclusion of the hearing, the judges will engage with the students by providing feedback and answering their questions. In the spring, the Club participates in the AMTA Mock Trial Competition, playing the roles of attorneys and witnesses. Interested students can join the Mock Trial Club by registering through RamConnect.

Phi Alpha Delta

Students who meet the eligibility requirements are invited to join WCU’s chapter of Phi Alpha Delta, a national law honors fraternity. Interested students should contact the Pre-Law Advisor for further information.