Resume & Extra-Curricular Activities 


Admissions officers at many of the law schools have indicated an interest in receiving resumes in addition to the specifically requested application information. Some law schools now require a resume. The resume is an opportunity to reveal aspects of your life and work experience that can’t be adequately addressed in your personal statement. Unlike a typical employment resume, a law school resume need not be confined to one page. If you do provide a resume, you nevertheless MUST complete the application form in detail. Do NOT simply refer the admissions committee to your resume in response to information requested on the application form. Your resume should be sufficiently detailed to allow an admission’s officer to evaluate your life and work experiences as well as your particular strengths and accomplishments. Do not use your personal statement to merely restate your resume.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Admissions officers are interested in applicants who are well-rounded. Extra-curricular activities that demonstrate positive character traits, such as perseverance, motivation or leadership are regarded with particular favor. You must make an effort, however, to maintain an appropriate balance between your academic studies and your extra-curricular activities. Pursuing outside activities at the expense of maintaining a solid G.P.A. likely will prove unwise in the admissions process.

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