The Master in Human Resource Management program accepts applications at any time of the year. Applications are processed year-round.
We offer GMAT waivers for qualified students. If you do not meet the requirements for full admission we do offer provisional admission programs.Request more information now for the M.S. in Human Resource Management program or Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management program. We can help guide you through the process.
Download a printable summary of the M.S. program and application process.
Download a printable summary of the Graduate Certificate program and application process.

Exam Scores

We accept Transfer Students and credit from other accredited business programs

Everyone's background is unique. We Have admissions solutions for you.
What is in my application?
A complete application to the Master of Science in Human Resource Management program includes:
1. All official undergraduate transcripts, and any official graduate transcripts;
2. a detailed, professional essay that addresses the applicant's career plans, and
the applicant's professional experience
3. a current resume; and
4. two letters of recommendation. At least one of the letters of recommendation must be from a professional supervisor
or colleague. The program will accept a professor's recommendation in lieu of a professional
recommendation for traditional students without work experience.
I have an AACSB or ACBSP business degree
If you have an AACSB or ACBSP accredited business-related bachelor's degree then you qualify for full admission if you demonstrate:
- a bachelor's degree in a business related discipline from an AACSB or ACBSP school
- a 3.0 GPA at degree conferral
If you don't meet these requirements, don't worry. We have pathways to admission, and conditional and provisional programs, too.
I have a regionally accredited bachelor's degree
If you have a regionally accredited bachelor's degree then you qualify for full admission if you demonstrate:
1. a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution
2. a 3.0 GPA at degree conferral
3. at least 2 years' professional work experience (waived in certain circumstances
at the discretion of the Graduate Director)
If you don't meet these requirements, don't worry. We have pathways to admission, and conditional and provisional programs, too.
I have a graduate degree
If you have a graduate degree then you qualify for admission if you demonstrate:
1. a 3.0 GPA from both your graduate and undergraduate degrees
If you don't meet these requirements, don't worry. We have pathways to admission, and conditional and provisional programs, too.
I want to transfer graduate credits
We accept transfer students from other accredited graduate business programs. You qualify for admission if you demonstrate:
1. good standing in your graduate business program (currently or at the time you left that program), with a minimum 3.0 GPA
2. a bachelor's degree with a minimum 3.0 GPA at degree conferral
Up to 9 credits of your prior graduate coursework is transferable to West Chester at the discretion of the Graduate Director. The courses and the institution offering them must be of comparable level and rigor. We will consider and accept only courses with earned grades of B or better.
If you don't meet these requirements, don't worry. We have pathways to admission, and conditional and provisional programs, too.
What if I'm not ready?
We will work with you to make sure that you are prepared for your MSHRM. Every situation is different, and we likely have admissions solutions available for you.
Request more information now for the M.S. in Human Resource Management program or Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management program.
Who are Our Students?
Our students come from all walks of life and a variety of backgrounds. We're a mix of seasoned, advanced professionals and traditional students who have recently started their careers. We survey all of our new students and recent graduates. The statistics provided below reflect the latest information from our incoming HRM class.

3.28 GPA
Average Accepted Student GPA

Years Average Experience

Employer Reimbursed