Support Resources


Thank you for visiting the Center for Women & Gender Equity's support resources page. The collection of resources found below are intended to provide support to the WCU community. Please contact us using the chat box (located at the bottom-right of the screen) if you have any questions or email us at Thank you!

Quick Links

On Campus

Our campus offers three types of resources. Confidential and Privileged, Confidential, and Non-Confidential. Confidential and privileged resources will not report the incidents to the university. Confidential resources are resources that will not report the name of the survivor but are required to report basic information to the University. Non-Confidential resources are resources that are required to report incidents to the university. 

Off Campus 

While it is not necessary for you to report the incident, we encourage you to at least go to the hospital and get a rape kit done within 72 hours of the attack. A rape kit, firstly, preserves the evidence of the attack if you wish to press charges, but more importantly, the rape kit will ensure your vaginal health and safety. 

You will also be able to receive prescriptions for Plan B and sexually transmitted infection medicines, including HIV prevention medicine. It is imperative that you do not bathe yourself or get rid of or wash the clothes you were wearing when you were attacked, for that can destroy vital evidence. 

You do not have to do anything with the rape kit if you do not wish to do so. You do not have to press charges with the rape kit, and nothing will be done to begin the process of pressing charges without your consent. 

Tower Health Hospital in Phoenixville are the only places in the area where one can receive a rape kit procedure by a certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner ("SANE") nurse. If you are without transportation, transportation can be provided for you. A Crime Victims' Advocate can be arranged to meet you and assist you with the procedure. 

  • Reporting the Assault 
    • If the rape or sexual assault occurred on-campus: You can make a confidential report at Student Health Services or the Counseling Center.
    • If the rape or sexual assault occurred off-campus: You can make a confidential report at Student Health Services or the Counseling Center.
    • If you wish to formally report the assault you need to go to the police station in the town/borough of where the assault happened.
    • The campus Sexual Misconduct Policy can provide more information about what happens after you report.

Important Resources

  • 1 in 6: The mission of 1in 6 is to help men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood live healthier, happier lives
  • Male Survivor: Male Survivor is an online community which provides resources and support for men who were sexually victimized as children, adolescents, or adults
  • The Crime Victims' Center of Chester County: Provides a variety of survivor services and a 24-hour hotlines of support for those who either:
    • Were attacked in Chester County, or
    • Reside in Chester County (this includes university students)
      • The sexual assault/rape hotline is 610-692-7273


If you or someone you know is in a situation of possible sexual harassment or where you think you are being treated unfairly because of your gender, you can get informal support or help with how to handle the problem from the following campus resources: 

On Campus:

  • Counseling Services: “Personal Counseling consists of a one-to-one counseling experience where the focus is upon: (1) resolving personal conflicts, (2) resolving conflicts with others, and (3) improving your expertise at making personally meaningful choices."
  • Group Therapy Services: The therapy groups include (1) navigating relationship group, (2) women’s group, (3) RAM support group, (4) grief group, and (5) stress-less: what to do when life is a mess group.

Off Campus:

  • This website is sponsored by the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI). “OK2TALK is a community where teens and young adults struggling with mental health conditions can find a safe place to talk about what they’re experiencing by sharing their personal stories of recovery, tragedy, struggle or hope.” Visitors to this site can also find resources, support services, and a phone number to talk to someone (1-800-273-8255).
  • Culturally and Racially Sensitive Mental Health Treatment Services: This resource guide was created by Healthy Minds Philly. It includes a list of mental health treatment services provided by BIPOC professionals.
  • Trans Lifeline: “Support for transgender people by transgender people.” Phone number to call for support: 1-877-565-8860.
  • SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline: “Provides advocacy and services for LGBT older adults age 50 and over.” 
    • Phone number to call for support: 1-888-234-SAGE.
  • The LGBT National Hotline: “Peer support and local resource for all ages.”
    • Phone number to call for support: 1-888-843-4564.

COVID-19 Related Support Services:

  • Alcohol Dependency Resources: This link includes resources compiled by Healthy Minds Philly. A list of resources is provided that includes online AA meetings, community behavioral health residence, PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs and additional resources.
  • Opioid Dependency Resources: This link includes resources compiled by Healthy Minds Philly. A list of resources is provided that includes community organizations and additional resources.
  • Addiction Resources: This link includes substance abuse resources to help individuals with addiction. In addition, a list of NA meetings and AA meetings can be found on this site.
  • South Eastern Pennsylvania Intergroup Association for Alcoholics Anonymous: This link provides a listing of local AA meetings in the South Eastern PA region.

On Campus:

  • Resource Pantry on Campus: The WCU Resource Pantry supports student success by minimizing food and basic need insecurity and preparing students for life after graduation. 
    • The Resource Pantry is open to ALL undergraduate and graduate students at WCU, regardless of need level. No appointment necessary, walk-in's are welcome at any time during hours of operation. 
    • The pantry offers non-perishable food, fresh produce from the campus gardens, personal care items, school supplies, and winter and career clothing.

Off Campus



  • Planned Parenthood
    • Provides comprehensive sexual and reproductive services for everyone including: STI testing, family planning support, reproductive services, preventative screenings, as well as many other forms of care
    • Planned Parenthood has locations all around Pennsylvania
  • Chester County Health Department
    • Located here in West Chester, the Chester County Health Department provides free STI/HIV testing during their clinic walk-in hours
    • The CCHD also provides HPV vaccinations free of charge to individuals 26 and under
  • Family Services of Chester County- Project ONE
    • Assists Chester County residents who are HIV positive with housing, substance abuse, and medical care
    • Provides support groups for HIV positive individuals as well as HIV prevention education
  • Mazzoni Center
    • Provides health and wellness services in an LGBT-focused environment, including HIV and STI testing
    • Offers support groups as well as support for HIV positive individuals
  • Project SAFE
    • Located in Philadelphia, Project SAFE seeks to meet the health needs of women involved in sex work by providing safer sex supplies and referral services for STI testing and substance abuse

Visit our Caregiving at WCU webpage for an extensive list of resources.

On Campus

  • Lactation Centers on Campus
  • WCU Scholarships: These are scholarships available to students with a variety of backgrounds, majors, and interests. 
    • Charlotte W. Newcombe Scholarship for Mature Students
      • The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation was created in 1979 at the bequest of Mrs. Newcombe. Mrs. Newcombe greatly valued higher education during her lifetime. In her will, she established the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation to continue her scholarship gifts. Her legacy continues until today. The Foundation provides scholarship funds to select colleges and universities for mature/second career students to complete their education and prepare for careers. As a result of this generous funding, WCU is able to award 20-30 Newcombe Scholarships per year. 
      • Eligibility:
        • 25 years old or more by the time of award
        • Undergraduate degree candidate completing 60+ credits by by the time of award
        • Enroll in 9 or more credits per semester at West Chester University during the award academic year
        • File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 31. International students must complete a paper version of the FAFSA, available in the Financial Aid Office.
      • Application Process: The online application for the Charlotte W. Newcombe Scholarship Application is available in February; Applications are due in early April Award recipients are notified by late May Off Campus

Off Campus

  • Area Agencies on Aging: “Your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is the front door for aging services in your community. Your AAA is staffed with skilled workers who can provide information about services and also assist in obtaining access to those services. Pennsylvania has 52 Area Agencies on Aging that cover all 67 counties.” To find an agency in your PA county.
  • Eldercare Locator: This resource is a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging and it connects individuals to services for older adults and their families. The phone number to contact a representative about this resource is 1-800-677-1116.
  • Caregiver Support Webinar Series: This series provides educational information and self-care strategies for caregivers.
  • Caregiver Action Network: This organization provides support to caregivers.

Academic Resources

Visit University College to learn more about academic support services available for students on campus. The resources on this page include: the Learning Assistance & Resource Center, Office of Educational Accessibility, and ROTC. Additional academic resources include: The Writing Center, Academic Success Program, Success Coaching, and the Ram Initiative.

Additional academic resources include: The Writing Center, Academic Success Program, Success Coaching, and the Ram Initiative.

Technology Support 

How-To Videos:

Additional Identity Support Resources

COVID-19 Resources

Non-Traditional Students

A non-traditional student is any person over the age of 24 who is attending college for the first time or returning after an extended absence. Unlike traditional students who enter college immediately after high school, non-traditional students often work full or part-time, are married or partnered, and/or care for children or elderly parents. As a result of their additional life responsibilities and period of absence from the classroom, non-traditional students often need access to additional support and services.

  • New Student Programs
    • They provide a special August orientation for adult learners, helping non-traditional students prepare for their academic career at WCU
    • Adult Learners entering in the spring semester can schedule an appointment to get assistance in their transition to WCU
    • Special Services for veteran students
    • Contact information: (610) 436-3305 or

Off Campus Resources

  • Delaware County Community College
    • Offers low-cost online classes in Microsoft Word and Excel
    • Offers various one-day training programs in Microsoft Office applications
  • The Exton Branch of the Chester County Library
    • Offers free computer training courses in basics, Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
    • Click on "find an event" and select "computer adult"
    • Registration usually begins a month or so in advance

Pregnant Students

The Center for Women Gender Equity staff is prepared to provide you with unbiased information on all of your options: adoption, abortion, or keeping the baby. After you make your decision, we will get you in contact with trained professionals to take your decision to the next step. Whatever you decide, the CWGE is here to support you every step of the way.


  • Adoptions from the Heart
    • Offer both open and closed adoptions
    • Work with the biological mother to ensure that every detail about the adoption is met to her satisfaction
    • Offer all of their services, including medical care, legal assistance, and supportive counseling, free of charge


There are two forms of abortion:

  1. The Abortion Pill
    • Not to be confused with the morning-after pill or Plan B
    • The abortion pill can be taken up to 9 weeks after your last menstrual period
    • If any longer, one must have an in-clinic abortion
  2. The In-Clinic Abortion
    • In-clinic abortions are offered up to 13.5 weeks after your last menstrual period

Your gynecologist may offer these services. However, if you wish to keep your pregnancy private, or if you do not have health insurance, Planned Parenthood is an option. They offer their services on a sliding scale, meaning that you are charged for the services based on your income.

Students with Disabilities

The CWGE is dedicated to assisting all students. We hope that these local and national resources may be of assistance to students with disabilities.

On-Campus Resources

  • Learning and Assistance Resource Center (LARC)
    • West Chester University's learning support program, housed within the University College, that provides tutoring, standardized test review, and workshops
  • Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA)
    • West Chester University's main source of support for students with learning and physical disabilities housed within the Undergraduate Studies and Student Support Services (USSS), providing a range of support services based upon students' individual needs


On-Campus Resources

Off-Campus Resources