Wellness Promotion Services

Sometimes things in life get in the way of taking care of ourselves – including prioritizing our health and well-being. We understand that college students frequently go through life transitions which may require a little extra support. We are here to help. 


Are you interested in learning more about your relationship with alcohol or cannabis in a non-judgmental environment?  BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening & Intervention for College Students) and CASICS (Brief Cannabis Screening & Intervention for College Students) are individual conversations with one of our trained staff members about substance use. BASICS and CASICS consist of two sessions, each 45-60 minutes in length. Through the BASICS and CASICS programs, students gain insight into their substance use behaviors, receive personalized feedback about their patterns of use, learn accurate information about substance use to make the best personal decisions regarding use, and receive strategies to reduce current and future risk. BASICS and CASICS programs are free and open to any student.  To learn more about BASICS and CASICS, check out this brief video about the programs:


What happens after I register?

Once you submit a request for individual services (wellness coaching, BASICS, or CASICS), your request is submitted to the Associate Director of Wellness Promotion (WP). The Associate Director reviews your request within 1-2 business days and assigns your request to a wellness coach/facilitator.

Please note: OWP will always try to honor any specific coach/facilitator that is requested by a student, however this depends on the availability and current caseload for the coach/facilitator at that time.

Once your request is assigned to a coach/facilitator, they will contact you with your first meeting time within 5 business days of being assigned your request. Your first meeting will be scheduled based on your academic availability and any other scheduling conflicts you indicated in your request form. For your first meeting, you will receive an email notification from your coach/facilitator via the Maxient system as well as a calendar invite from your coach/facilitator directly. Any additional meetings will be scheduled by your coach/facilitator at the end of your first meeting.

Please allow 1-7 business days from your request for services until you receive your first meeting date. If you submitted your request and have not been contacted by a coach/facilitator after 7 business days, please contact OWP at wellness@wcupa.edu for assistance.

What is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness coaching is an individualized process that empowers students to explore and practice strategies to support their health and well-being focusing on the four s’s: stress, sleep, social support, and substance use. Coaching is a short-term, action-oriented tool to help students explore their strengths and personal motivations, identify topics they want to explore, and work towards their health and well-being vision utilizing sustainable strategies in a supportive environment. Potential outcomes of participating in Wellness Coaching include increase in self-awareness, acquisition of new knowledge and skills, attainment of personal and professional goals, sustainable behavior change, increased life satisfaction, and becoming one’s best self. For more information about coaching, please click here.

Wellness Coaching is: free, short-term, private, action-oriented growth relating to a specific area of health and well-being.

Wellness Coaching is NOT: a substitute for licensed mental health services, diagnosis or treatment, a long-term commitment.

What Should I Expect with Coaching? 

To learn more about yourself and your strengths, and how you can use them to support your well-being journey. To develop new skills to help you flourish and thrive at WCU and beyond.
To challenge yourself (and be challenged by your coach!) to step outside your comfort zone and push past limits we often set for ourselves.
To invest yourself and your time in order to get out as much as you can from Wellness Coaching.
To have fun!

Ready to sign up for BASICS/CASICS or Wellness Coaching?  

Click here to review our late, cancellation, and no show policy. Wellness sessions are scheduled in person in Commonwealth Hall. If you are not located on the West Chester campus of the university or have another reason as to why you cannot attend in person, please note this in your request form.

Meet the Facilitators:

*Click on image for additional information about each coach.

Jayme Trogus, she/her/hers

Jayme Trogus Image

Name: Jayme Trogus

Pronouns: she/her/hers

StrengthsFinder: Arranger, Relator, Responsibility, Input, Learner
VIA Character Strengths: Honesty, Fairness, Forgiveness, Kindness, Hope

Position Title: Director
Facilitator of Wellness Coaching, BASICS, and CASICS

Phone: 610-436-0730

Email: jtrogus@wcupa.edu

Education: (In Progress): Doctorate of Health Sciences - East Stroudsburg University; Master's of Public Health - East Stroudsburg University; B.A. Social Work - Millersville University. I am a first generation college student.

Strengths: I believe that everyone has the ability to be well and achieve the well-being goals they would like to accomplish in order to become the best version of themselves. I approach wellness coaching through a lens of curiosity - asking questions to help students discover and identify their path towards well-being. I utilize my strength as a relator to connect with students through coaching as they work towards and achieve their health and well-being vision. I am creative in my thinking and like to explore challenges as opportunities.

Professional Interests: The best part of my work in Wellness Promotion is working with students and helping to cultivate and support their health and well-being journey. In addition to wellness coaching, I enjoy conducting research into innovative practices and programs, problem solving how to best meet the needs of our campus community, working with our department team in their efforts to develop initiatives to support student success at WCU, and supporting the growth and development of our team. I enjoy public health theory and critically thinking through behavior change strategies. I've spent over 15 years working in health promotion on college campuses and have a great deal of knowledge and experience in a variety of topical areas. I continue to explore the interconnectedness among topics and the impact of external factors on our ability to be well.

Personal Interests: I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I practice well-being through exercise (my favorite being running and walking), keeping a gratitude journal, and listening to music. I like to prepare meals for my family, enjoy reading, and playing outdoor games (wiffle ball and kickball especially) - I can be a little competitive!

Catie Baxter

Catie Baxter

Name: Catie Baxter

Pronouns: she/her/hers

StrengthsFinder: Strategic, Learner, Empathy, Achiever, Communication

VIA Character Strengths: Honesty, Love of Learning, Spirituality, Curiosity, Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence

Position Title: Associate Director
Facilitator of Wellness Coaching, BASICS, and CASICS

Phone: 610-436-0732

Email: cbaxter@wcupa.edu

Education: BA in Public Relations and Journalism from Montclair State University; MA in Public Relations from Rowan University; Graduate Certificates in School Communications, and Wellness Coaching from Rowan University; first-generation student

Strengths: When it comes to well-being, everyone needs something different and there is no approach that works the same for every person. As a coach, I like to use my strengths in empathy and communication to help you identify the strengths and gifts you hold within you. In identifying your passion areas, you can also recognize potential aspects of well-being you would like to grow in and focus on those areas using the strengths that you already have.

Professional Interests: As a part of Wellness Promotion, I appreciate the opportunity I have to support students through their time as a Golden Ram through impactful methods such as individualized coaching and conversations or large-scale programming to reach bigger groups. Mental and spiritual well-being are some of my personal and professional passion areas, and I have gone through multiple courses on mindfulness practices to learn what is the best fir for you. Using my years of experience in mindfulness practices, I hope to support individuals in recognizing small and large practices they can utilize to enhance their life experiences.

Personal Interests: I love to read and write, especially if I can be outdoors. I also enjoy traveling and hope to visit all 50 states, and also love to bake and do arts and crafts. I am a certified reiki practitioner and like to spend time creating my own mindfulness practices.

Bridget Looby

Bridget Looby

Name: Bridget Looby

Pronouns: She/her/hers

StrengthsFinder: Developer, Empathy, Strategic, Input, Positivity

VIA Character Strengths: love, kindness, gratitude, curiosity, & zest

Position Title: Assistant Director
Facilitator of Wellness Coaching, BASICS, and CASICS

Phone: 6104360733

Email: blooby@wcupa.edu

Education: BA in Psychology with a minor in Theology & Religious Studies from The Catholic University of America; MSW in Social Work with a Criminal Justice Specialization from The University of Pennsylvania; PA Licensed Social Worker (LSW)

Strengths: BASICS/CASICS serves to take a deeper dive into your relationship with substances and your patterns of use. In our sessions, I utilize my strengths of empathy and as a developer and  to work together with you in identifying your needs and strengths and creating a plan to support your own well-being and experience. I want to help you work to reach your goals and find the path that best fits your life to get you there. I look forward to supporting you on your journey!

Professional Interests: As a team member of Wellness Promotion, I am so grateful to be given the chance to connect with students on campus when they visit our office, stop by the BeWell Hut, attend programming, or participate in wellness coaching! I am passionate about mental health, the necessity of access to basic needs and the importance that connections with others plays in one’s life. I have practiced as a professionally licensed social worker for five years and continue to seek out educational opportunities to build upon my knowledge, resources and skills!

Personal Interests: I love to spend time with my family and friends and traveling, weekend trips are my favorite! I am really into reading, doing puzzles and playing board games. In my free time, I enjoy watching and attending professional and college sports games

Kailey Schissler

Image of Kailey Schissler

Name: Kailey Schissler

Pronouns: She/Her 

Strengths Finder: Discipline, focus, empathy, responsibility, harmony
VIA Character Strengths: Humor, Kindness, Love, Hope, Honesty

Discipline, focus, empathy, responsibility, harmony

Position Title: Graduate Assistant for Wellness Coaching and Large-Scale Programming
Facilitator of Wellness Coaching, BASICS, and CASICS

Phone: (610) 436-0730

Email: KS906141@wcupa.edu    

Education: University of Delaware- Graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor’s in Psychology with minors in Human Development and Family Science and Disability Studies; West Chester University- Expected Graduation Spring 2025 with a Master’s degree in Social Work 

Professional Interests: I’m passionate about mental and physical health, wellness, utilizing a strength-based approach, and promoting a growth mindset. I am constantly working on my own self-growth and hope to assist you in your own journey!

Personal Interests: I enjoy yoga and working out, reading, cooking, and spending time with friends and family! I am also passionate about fundraising and service and have been very actively involved with the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation!

Kennedy Sheppard

Image of Kennedy Sheppard

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Strength Finder: 

Position Title: The Graduate Assistant for Informal Education, facilitator of Wellness Coaching, BASICS, and CASICS

Phone:(610) 436-0730

Email: KS1047332@wcupa.edu

Education: I attended Temple University for undergrad and graduated December 2023 with my B.A  in Psychology. At West Chester I am currently in the Master’s of Social Work program and expect to graduate in Spring 2026.

Professional interests: My GA with Wellness Promotion has sparked my interest in alcohol and drug education as it is something that is not talked about nearly enough in higher education settings. I find myself learning new things each time I facilitate Decisions About Drinking! Ultimately, I hope to become a licensed clinical social worker so that I can provide therapy services but being at West Chester has increased my interest in working in higher education someday.

Personal interests: In my free time I enjoy spending time with family and friends, reading, working out and traveling. I aspire to one day visit all 50 states



Wellness Coaching Q&A's:

  How Do I Sign-Up for Wellness Coaching?

 Students can sign-up for Wellness Coaching through the link below. Wellness Coaching Sign-up Form

Is Coaching Free?

Wellness Coaching is free. 

How Many Sessions Is Wellness Coaching?

Wellness Coaching consists of 3 sessions. Students will meet with their coach for a 1-hour session to start followed by 2, 30-minute sessions over a 6-week period. Students relying on their wellness coach for longer term support (more than 1 semester focusing on the same topic) will be referred to campus resources for additional support.

Where Do Wellness Coaching Sessions Take Place?  

Sessions are held in-person or remotely via Zoom or by phone. Locations are determined between the coach and student.

I've Already Participated In Coaching But I Have New Goals I Would Like To Work On. Can I Sign Up Again?

Yes! We recognize that you may have different goals that you would like to work on.  

The Coaching Process Is Not What I Expected. Can I Back Out?

Yes. We ask that you let your coach know. 

Is Coaching A Confidential Resource On Campus?

No. Wellness coaching is a private resource meaning that information shared will remain private between, you, the student, and your facilitator with the following exceptions:
Disclosure of sexual misconduct-including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual abuse, and harassment 
Concern of safety to yourself or to another person, including criminal behavior
Facilitators are not confidential resources on campus. On-campus confidential resources include the Center for Counseling & Psychological Services (610-436-2301) and Health Services (610-436-2509).

I Have Questions About Wellness Coaching. Who Should I Contact?

Please email wellness@wcupa.edu. You may send your questions directly or include your availability for staff to setup a time to answer all of your questions. 

Can I Refer A Friend?

You can help spread the word about the Wellness Coaching program and encourage friends to reach out. While we can suggest the program to others, we can't make other people want to participate. Feel free to share the Wellness Coaching Flyer to help spread the word about the program.


eCHECKUP TO GO (alcohol and cannabis assessments)

Students are encouraged to learn about their use of alcohol and cannabis through completing the eCHECKUP tools.

Do you drink alcohol? How many calories do you typically drink in a week? How much money do you spend in a month? How does your alcohol use compare to other WCU students and students in the US?

Take 8-10 minutes to get personal, confidential feedback about alcohol use with the eCHECKUP Alcohol. Want to talk about your results? Call (610-436-0730) or email (wellness@wcupa.edu) Wellness Promotion to set up a time to talk.

Alcohol eCHECKUP to Go Program Link 

Take 8-10 minutes to do the eCHECKUP TO GO: Marijuana and get personal, confidential feedback about marijuana use. Want to talk about your results? Call (610-436-0730) or email (wellness@wcupa.edu) Wellness Promotion to set up a time to talk.

Marijuana eCHECKUP to Go Program Link 

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