Refer for Care
ALL university employees are required to refer students who experience incidents of sexual misconduct to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance. A narrow exception exists for faculty specifically when the sexual misconduct is communicated during a classroom discussion, class writing assignment, or university research. Additionally, employees who are designated “Campus Security Authorities” are required to refer on and off campus student conduct including active alcohol or drug use or possession, weapon possession, arson, hazing, robbery, burglary, theft, assault, hate crimes, stalking, dating or domestic violence, stalking, sexual misconduct, manslaughter, and murder to the WCU Police. Everyone is strongly encouraged to report, even if you are not required.
Concerning Incident/Behavior
Concerning, strange, or disruptive or substantially destructive behavior that potentially impedes student’s ability to function successfully or safely should be reported here. The Assistant Vice President for Identity, Health, and Wellness in conjunction with the CARE Team provides outreach to students when concerns for their health, welfare and safety are identified.
Sexual Misconduct
If you or someone you know has shared with you they have been a victim of Sexual Misconduct, use this link to file a report and/or get more information and resources. The report goes to a small number of staff members at the University for resources and support services. This team will assess next steps based on concerns for the people involved and the safety of the campus community. The victim/complainant will be contacted to assess needs for resources and the accused will be contacted on an as needed basis. The information in this form will be kept as confidential as possible and only shared with those who need to know.
Class Absence
Students who are away from the campus for a minimum of three class days due to illness, personal or family emergencies can use this form to prompt an immediate note to the student’s professors advising them of the absence.
Group/Organization Activity Report
Please use this report to a violation of organizational, ethical, hazing, harassment, and/or group Code of Conduct violation. The information entered will be sent to the Office of Student Conduct. This team will assess next steps based on concerns for the people involved and concerns for the safety of the community. The students involved may be contacted to assess needs for resources and the accused organization will be contacted if and when an investigation has been approved. The information in this form will be kept as confidential as possible and only shared with those who need to know.
Discrimination or Harassment
Use this online form to make the University aware of these incidents of harassment, discrimination, hate or bias. After you submit this report, it will be immediately reviewed by staff in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance to assess next steps to ensure the safety of individuals and property. This assessment may or may not involve immediate intervention by staff in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance and/or Public Safety based on the nature of the report.
Student Conduct Violation
The Office of Student Conduct processes these reports of on and off campus violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
Academic Integrity Incident
Academic violations include cheating, plagiarism or falsifying official records related to the University. General classroom misbehavior is considered a non-academic violation. If you have questions about whether a behavior is considered academic misconduct, please contact the Office of the Vice Provost.