Faculty Grant Opportunities & Resources

Grant Awardees

Provost Research Grant Awardees
Faculty Professional Development Council (FPDC) Grant Awardees 2023
ORSP Sustainability Grant Winners


Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Faculty Grant Opportunities and Events

Upcoming Grant Opportunities

FY 2025 West Chester University Provost Research Grant (PRG) Call for Proposals

Awards announced December 15, 2024

Thursday, October 24th, 4:00pm – 5:00pm - Zoom Link
Wednesday, October 30th, 12:00pm – 1:00pm - Zoom Link

In recognition of the importance of faculty directed research and creative activities, Dr. Jeffrey Osgood, Interim Executive Vice President and Provost, has committed funds to support the Provost Research Grant (PRG). In keeping with the university's mission to develop graduates who will “succeed personally and professionally and contribute to the common good,” the PRG encourages faculty applicants to include a model for student/faculty collaboration in their proposals.

  • Grants ranging from between $2,000 - $10,000 will be awarded (including winter or summer salary)
  • Approximately 15 projects will be awarded
  • The funding period may be up to 2 years
  • Winter/Summer salary will be based on the Collective Bargaining Agreement

Program Purpose:

The purpose of the PRG grant is to support faculty research, creative activity, and the production of scholarly outputs, ideally leading to external funding opportunities; all of which should demonstrate student impact.


All tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible for awards on a competitive basis. Continuing non- tenure-track faculty members are encouraged to apply with a tenured or tenure-track faculty member if the latter is the primary grantee. Temporary faculty must indicate that they expect to be employed at WCU during the grant period.


It is expected that all projects will enhance the professional development of the faculty members involved and demonstrate student impact. Priority will be given to activities and expenses to the extent that they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • The project generates a discernible research or creative activity output whose value is recognized externally within appropriate disciplinary frameworks or forums.
  • The project's results can be brought directly into the classroom in alignment with WCUs Teacher-Scholar model.
  • The project leads to full development of proposals for submission to external funding agencies.

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Faculty Professional Development Council (FPDC) 2024-25 Annual Grant Program  

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Faculty Professional Development Council (FPDC) invites you to apply for the 2024-25 Annual Grant Program. This program is intended to provide professional growth opportunities for individual faculty, with a focus on projects that encourage student success.  

The maximum number of proposals is 18 from each of the 10 universities. Below, you will find the Categories for funding.  

Applications will be accepted for the following categories:
Category 1-A           Joint Faculty‑Student Basic or Applied Research                                       
Category 1-B           Scholarly Research:  Basic or Applied                                              
Category 2               Joint Faculty‑Student Public Service                                         
Category 3               Creative and Performing Arts                                  
Category 4               Innovation in Teaching and Improvement in Student Learning Outcomes
Category 5               Individual Career Enhancement in Off-Site Settings          

There will be two workshops offered by ORSP specifically addressing questions regarding this funding opportunity. Please see the dates and links below:

  • Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 12pm-1pm:  Zoom link
  • Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 4pm-5pm:  Zoom link

To review the call for proposals and to apply, please go to the WCU PASSHE FPDC application form.  Because this is a limited submission opportunity, your application will be reviewed at WCU before it is submitted to the FPDC.  Applications are due for initial, internal review by 5pm on Tuesday,  January 21st, 2025.   

Sustainability Research and Creative Activity Grants

The West Chester University Sustainability Council’s Scholarly and Creative Activities committee and the Office of Sustainability invite you to apply for the Campus Sustainability Research and Creative Activity Grant. This program enables faculty to investigate and develop sustainability-related projects on campus and is supported by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP).

Funding preference will be given to proposals that specifically address and work to realize one or more goals of WCU's Climate Action Plan while fostering collaboration between members of the WCU community (faculty, students, and staff).

We encourage faculty applicants to include a model for student/faculty collaboration and all proposals must demonstrate student impact. Applications are limited to a 250-word abstract that specifies Climate Action Plan goal(s) addressed, expected expenditures, the Principal Investigator, and collaborators (student, faculty, and/or staff).

Amount of Award: Proposals will be funded for up to $2,000.00. Each applicant may submit one proposal per funding cycle. An applicant may not be listed as a team member on multiple applications during the same funding cycle.

Important Dates:

  1. Proposals are due by 11:30pm on April 7 th, 2025.
  2. Semi-finalists will be invited to present their proposals to a panel of judges during the week of April 14th, 2025.  Presentations are limited to 10 minutes followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.
  3. The WCU Office of Sustainability will notify grant awardees by April 21st, 2025.
  4. This research / creative activities project will take place anytime between July 15th, 2025 – June 1st 2026. All funds must be used by June 1st, 2026.

All questions about the grant should be directed to Brad Flamm, Director, WCU Office of Sustainability (bflamm@wcupa.edu) or Dr. John Pisciotta, Chair of the Sustainability Council's Scholarly and Creative Activities Committee (JPisciotta@wcupa.edu).

Research and Creative Activity Day

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will host its annual Research & Creative Activity Day (RCAD) on Friday, April 4, 2025 from 9:30AM – 3:00PM in Sykes Ballrooms. This event highlights student, faculty, and administrator research from all academic disciplines across our campus community. We hope you will be able to join us! 

To submit an application, please use the following link: RCAD Application. Applications are due on March 12, 2025. Notification of acceptance will be sent on March 18, 2025.  Students will need to identify a faculty mentor to apply. 

Learn more about Research and Creative Activity Day

Spotlight on Research

This year's Spotlight on Research event will be held on May 1, 2025. More information to follow.

Please visit our GrantForward Program page to find more grant opportunities in your field


GrantForward is a comprehensive database that contains more than 83,000 funding opportunities covering more than 20,000 sponsors worldwide, providing the ability for WCU faculty, students, and staff to identify grants to fund their research. GrantForward’s powerful search system helps to lessen the hassle of searching for grants with advanced search filters and specialized search features. GrantForward researcher profiles allow researchers to highlight their research achievements and interests to receive personalized grant recommendations that match their research needs.

Create Your GrantForward Account and Researcher Profile:

  • Start moving your research forward by accessing this Single Sign-On URL and entering your institutional account. After being authenticated, a new account on GrantForward which is associated with your email address will be automatically created and you will be redirected to the GrantForward website to use all of the features that GrantForward offers.
  • If you would like to benefit from receiving grant recommendations, then you will also need to make sure to create your researcher profile (see this Tutorial demo).

Useful Resources:

Video Tutorials:


Grant Writing 101 Workshop Video

Grant Writing 101 Workshop



April 2024 Faculty Forum

For April’s Faculty Forum we sat down with Walt Cressler and Gary Childs from University Libraries to discuss resources available for faculty research and publication.

Clip 1 – Introduction, Partnership between ORSP & University Libraries and GrantForward, a funding opportunity search engine

Clip 2 – Library Research Guides & EndNote, a research tool that helps researchers and students organize their research materials and format bibliographies

Clip 3 – Digital Commons, open access online repository for WCU’s research and creative activities, Data Storage, Pre-Prints and Working Papers, Student research and creative activities, ORCID ID.

Clip 4 – Open Journals, Read & Publish Agreements, Article Processing Fees

Clip 5 – Additional Library Personnel, Primary Source Collection, Special Collections

Clip 6 – Policy Map, an online mapping application with data on demographics, real estate, health, jobs and more in communities across the US.

Tips for securing and managing grants: A faculty perspective


Faculty Resources

WCU Indirect Cost (IDC) FAQs Sheet

What is an indirect cost (IDC)?

Indirect costs are the expenses associated with doing business on WCU's campus. These are generally referred to as “overhead costs” or “general management costs.” Some examples of indirect costs across campus include utilities, building maintenance, staff time in the Offices of Research and Sponsored Programs and Finance and Administration, etc.

General management costs are necessary for any grant/contract to exist; however, without the indirect cost rate, there would be no standard way for each award to contribute its share of those costs. WCU's federally negotiated indirect cost rate ensures an efficient way to recover a share of those general management costs. Therefore, when faculty submit applications for external funding, IDC costs are included in the budget, unless dictated as unallowable by the funder.

What is the IDC rate?

WCU's federally negotiated IDC rate, as decided by the Department of Health and Human Services, is 39%. This is not a percentage that is chosen by ORSP.

Does the federally negotiated rate always have to be used?

When indirect costs are permitted to be collected, WCU will use its rate of 39%. The exception to this rule is when a funder caps the indirect cost percentage. For example, the Spencer Foundation limits all indirect costs to 15%. WCU will then use that capped amount, rather than the federally negotiated rate.

Does WCU ever waive indirect costs?

No. If indirect costs are permitted to be collected, whether at the federally negotiated rate or a capped rate, those costs must be included.

How are IDC funds calculated?

The IDC rate is a percentage of all direct costs. For example, if supplies are included in the grant budget, then an additional percentage would be included on those supplies to cover the indirect costs.

  • Lab Supplies for $1,000 x 39% = $1,390 is the total budget

As the direct costs of the budget are spent and invoiced, the applicable indirect costs are also calculated and invoiced. Indirect costs are never received up front, they are accrued as the budget is spent.

Who receives the IDC funds?

The WCU Policy on Allocation of IDC Recovery from Externally Funded Grants/Contract Awards specifies the distribution of the total recovered IDC as follows:

Allocated To %
Principal Investigator 15%
Office of the Dean of Academic Colleges/Division/Program 10%
Office of the Chairperson of Department/Unit within a College/Division/Program 10%
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs 55%
Office of Finance and Business Services 10%

How do I receive my indirect costs?

Cost Centers will be created for all Principal Investigators where their IDC funds (15%) are deposited. The Principal Investigator is the manager of the cost center. If a Principal Investigator does not currently have an IDC cost center, one will be created for them. Notification will be sent from the Office of Finance and Business Services. Typically, the cost center is created within three months of the start of the grant.

As invoices are paid, the recovered indirect costs will be split and deposited into cost centers, as specified by the WCU Policy on Allocation of IDC Recovery for Externally Funded Grants/Contract Awards.

  • Example: $500 of Lab Supplies are spent in a month x 39% = $695 is invoiced to the funder for reimbursement:
    • $500 in Supplies
    • $195 in indirect costs
  • Of that $195 of indirect costs recovered, 15% of it ($29.25) will be deposited into the Principal Investigator’s IDC cost center.

The Principal Investigator will be alerted annually as to the amount in their IDC cost center, along with a reminder of how those funds may be used.

Each Dean and Chairperson has their own assigned IDC cost center and funds are deposited as specified by the percentages in the WCU Policy.

How can IDC funds be used?

IDC funds can be used on any allowable expense to support the faculty’s research agenda, including the current project and any additional research the faculty member is conducting. Allowable expenses may include the following:

  • Student support/wages
  • Materials and supplies
  • Travel
  • Publication costs
  • Conference registration
  • Tech or equipment to support research

If you have any questions related to allowable expenses, please contact your grants specialist (Catherine Spaur or Cara Williams).

Is there a time limit to spend IDC funds?

No, IDC funds do not typically expire; however, it is highly encouraged that IDC cost centers show consistent usage, as they are an available financial resource. Faculty, Chairpersons, and Deans may save funds for a specific purchase, but it is recommended that those plans be shared with the supervisor. Although uncommon, the university can reclaim IDC funds due to extenuating circumstances.

How does the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs use IDC funds?

IDC funds received by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs are used to provide and supplement programming and activities across campus that promote, support, and encourage research and creative activity for faculty and students. A few examples of programming and activities include:

  • Word-Works
  • IRB
  • SURI (student and faculty compensation)
  • InfoReady
  • Sustainability grants
  • Patents/Tech Transfer/IP

WCU Word Works

Need help with any of the following publishing tasks?

  • Proofreading
  • Citation Formatting
  • Copyediting
  • Documentation Conversion

Whether you need help with proofreading, copy-editing, formatting citations, or creating an index, WCU Word Works can make these aspects of the publishing process easier for you. Its trained WCU MA English and Publishing Certificate graduate students are now available to handle your publication needs.

Please email Dr. Eleanor Shevlin (eshevlin@wcupa.edu) for more information or a consultation about your project.


InfoReady is an automated workflow system used by WCU as its proposal management system for external and internal funding opportunities to support research. All externally submitted proposals must have chair, dean and provost approval before submission. Faculty may request approval for external grant applications via InfoReady. Internal grants such as the Provost Research Grant, Campus Sustainability Research and Creative Activity Grant and college opportunities may be applied via InfoReady.

Dual Compensation

Dual Compensation Instructions

These forms are very tedious but are not hard as long as you complete it step-by-step, line by line!
Forms must be completed and submitted BEFORE the work is actually done.

  1. Fill out the Dual Comp Request form.
  2. Follow the on-screen directions to open a new request form.

Completing the Request for Dual Compensation Form

  1. Name and Title, employee
  2. Dates of Dual Employment, this must be completed.
  3. Number of hours
  4. Description of Employment Duties/Responsibilities – Very Brief description of the work you will be doing
  5. Dual Compensation Employer is WCU
  6. Department is Your Department
  7. Total Request: (do not include fringe benefits in this number)
  8. Print a copy for your records and hit submit, which sends the form to HR.

Once approved, HR sends an excel version of the dual comp form. You will need to fill out the form from HR (see below) and submit to your Chair the approval email with the electronic form attached, so save this email.**

Finalizing the Request for Dual Compensation Form

  1. Name and Title, employee (HOME/ Department) SAP ID # is NOT your PeopleSoft Number. You can find your SAP number on your payroll stub (look at ESS, online pay stub)
  2. Home SAP Fund Center: click on the drop down, this must be filled in with your department’s SAP Cost Center, ask the department chair if you are not sure what this 10 digit number is.
  3. Dates of Dual employment will be the same as previously entered
  4. Type your name and date in the employee (Person receiving the Dual Comp) section
  5. Under to be completed by Employer, enter the SAP Fund Center where the funds paying your dual comp are housed.
  6. SAVE THIS FORM. Attach this form to the original approval email ** and route it to the chair. Let the chair know that they must email the form, (after they type in their name and date (In 2 places 1- under Chair, 2- under Authorizing Signature) and save it), to the Dean. The dean or budget manager signs (In both places where Dean is indicated) and emails the form to Provost – Dual compensation (type provost in the TO: on email and this address will pop up).
  7. The Provost’s office will then route everything—original email with HR’s approval, completely signed form to Payroll and you will receive an email stating that the Payroll office received it and when to expect the compensation.

New Student Hire

Please use this link to go to the New Student Payroll Portal. The Portal will contain links to the Excel based Student Payroll form, as well as a link to the new Submission form. FAQs, training guides and other resources are also available on the Portal page.

Follow this link for info describing the student hiring process . If you have any further questions, contact StudentPayroll@wcupa.edu.

Purchasing Link

All purchases must be made using SourcePoint. SourcePoint is the Procurement software platform which integrates directly with the SAP financial system. Visit the PASSHE's SourcePoint Portal for the latest information for training, FAQs, Policies and Procedures, etc.

(PLEASE NOTE: You must be logged onto the VPN to access the PASSHE Portal site). SourcePoint Training Dates and Registration can be found on the university's FAST Training site.

Forms from Finance and Business

Please access this link to find a listing of the various forms you can utilize to request services from the Finance and Business office. This office is designed to streamline and expedite business processes for university employees. Forms include: Fund Center \ Cost Center Maintenance, Travel Reimbursement, Expense Transfers, Budget Transfers, etc. Select the form you are interested in using to see a description of what it will do for you. A direct link to the form will be shown. These forms are only available to WCU employees (students cannot access them).

For further information, please contact Accounts Payable, invoices@wcupa.edu.

Examples of Project Leadership Plans for Multiple PIs Submitting Grant Applications

For Multiple PI grant applications, a new section for Leadership Plans must be included. Leadership Plans should address the following administrative processes and PI responsibilities:

  • Roles/areas of responsibility of the PIs
  • Fiscal and management coordination
  • Process for making decisions on research/scientific direction and allocation of resources
  • IDC disbursement
  • Data collection, sharing, and communication among investigators
  • Publication and intellectual property (if needed) processes
  • Procedures for resolving conflicts among PIs

Example Leadership Plans

Example 1
PI#1 and PI#2 will provide oversight of the entire program as well as development and implementation of all data, procedures, and processes. In these roles, PI#1 and PI#2 will be responsible for the implementation of the program, the Leadership Plan, and the specific aims of the project. The PIs will ensure that systems are in place to guarantee institutional compliance with university, local, federal, and (grant funder) policies. PI#1 and PI#2 will be responsible for submitting the IRB human subjects application. PI#1 will oversee goal 1 and PI#2 will oversee goals 2, 3, and 4. PI#1 will serve as contact PI and will assume fiscal and administrative management including maintaining communication among PIs and key personnel through monthly meetings. They will be responsible for communication with (grant funder) and submission of annual reports. IDC for both PIs (15% total) will be split evenly. This will be communicated to Finance and Administration at the start of the grant. Publication authorship will be as follows: PI#1, PI#2, key personnel. This is open to modification if both PIs agree to a modification. All PIs will be responsible for submitting, reviewing, and following IRB protocols.

Example 2
PI#1 at Institution A will be responsible for the oversight and coordination of project management for goal 1 involving the design and production of ____________. PI#2 at Institution B will be responsible for goals 2 and 3 including the ___________and _________. Each PI will be responsible for their own fiscal and research administration.

The PIs will communicate weekly, either by phone, e-mail, or in person, to discuss experimental design, data analysis, and all administrative responsibilities. All PIs will share their respective research results with other PIs, key personnel, and consultants. They will work together to discuss any changes in the direction of the research projects and the repurposing of funds, if necessary. A publication policy will be established based on the relative scientific contributions of the PIs and key personnel by end of year 1. All PIs will be responsible for submitting, reviewing, and following IRB protocols.

Example 3
PI#1, PI#2, and PI#3 will serve as PIs for the project. PI#1 will be responsible for the ______________. They will supervise the (Biology) graduate students. PI#2 will be responsible for __________________________. They will supervise the Post-Doc focused on _____________. PI#3 will oversee all data collection and will work with PI#1 and PI#2 on all data analysis. The PIs will form a Steering Committee (membership may include PIs, key personnel, consultants, etc.) that will manage the oversight and coordination of project management, research administration, publications and data sharing, and integration of all resources needed for the project. The Institution will subdivide the IDC and PI#1 will be responsible for approving all budget requests. PI#1 will serve as Chair of the Steering Committee and be responsible for communication among PIs, including meeting schedules and agendas. PI#2 will be designated the contact PI and be responsible for submitting all necessary documents to (grant agency), including IRB approvals, and annual progress reports. PI#1 will serve as contact PI and be responsible for submission of progress reports to (grant agency) and all communication. All PIs will be responsible for submitting, reviewing, and following IRB protocols.

Conflict Resolution
If a potential conflict develops, the direct supervisor(s) representing the PIs shall meet and attempt in good faith to settle any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to the interpretation, performance, or breach of this disagreement. However, if the direct supervisor(s) fail to resolve the disagreement within thirty (30) business days, then such disagreement shall be referred for resolution to the Associate Provost for Research and Creative Activities who has the authority to settle the disagreement but who is not directly involved in the disagreement. If resolution cannot be found, the disagreement will go to Labor Relations.

Change in PI Location
If a PI moves to a new institution, attempts will be made to transfer the relevant portion of the grant to the new institution. In the event that a PI cannot carry out their duties, a new PI will be recruited as a replacement at one of the participating institutions.

Intellectual Property (if applicable)
The Technology Transfer Offices at Institution A will be responsible for preparing and negotiating an agreement for the conduct of the research, including any intellectual property.

ORSP Monthly Newsletters

ORSP Office Information

Grant Life Cycle

The life cycle of a grant is divided into pre- and post-award; coordinated by two offices:

  • Pre-award: All ORSP
  • Post-award: ORSP and Finance & Business Services