Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical - Memo from the SaLe
Sent on behalf of the Sabbatical Leave Committee:
As a reminder to faculty, all sabbatical proposals will be submitted and reviewed in the fall of each academic year. Applications will be reviewed in the fall semester only. To prepare please read the deadlines below.
The Sabbatical Leave Committee invites all tenured faculty members to apply for next year’s round of sabbatical leaves. The deadline is 4 p.m. on Monday, September 16, 2024.
All documents related to sabbaticals may be found below under Resources. There you will be able to access the sabbatical policy, application, budget form, and examples of successful applications from past years.
Review of proposals will occur only during the fall semester. A proposal submitted in Fall 2024 can apply for a sabbatical in Fall 2025 or Spring 2026. Because sabbatical applications must be submitted at least two semesters in advance, faculty members cannot apply in the fall semester for a sabbatical to be taken in the spring semester immediately following submission of the application.
Electronic Submission Process
The faculty member is responsible for obtaining Chairperson's and Dean's comments and signatures for the completed proposal in order to submit to the Provost’s office. Please provide your Chairperson and Dean adequate time to review your application. ALL sabbaticals will be submitted electronically and therefore e-signatures will be accepted. All completed applications will be submitted as an electronic PDF via email to Please put “Sabbatical Application” in the subject line. All emails are due by 4 p.m. on Monday, September 16, 2024. All applications must be complete, including the cover checklist, all pages of the form, all required signatures, and the applicant’s CV. Incomplete applications or applications received after the published deadline will not be reviewed by the SaLe Committee.
Sabbatical leave applications are reviewed using the following rating scale:
- Up to 70 points for the quality of the project
- Up to 20 points for meritorious service
- Up to 10 points for years of service
The SaLe Committee scoring guide can be found below under Resources.
By December 15th, the President or his/her designee notifies the faculty of sabbatical leaves granted.
Members of the 2024 SaLe Committee who can help answer questions about the application process include.
College of Arts and Humanities
- Kate Stewart Art and Design
- Innhwa Park Languages and Culture
College of Business and Public Management
- Matt Saboe Economics and Finance
- Kikyung Song Accounting
College of Education and Social Work
- Jacqueline Van Schooneveld Early and Middle Grades Education
- Jade Burris Early and Middle Grades Education
College of Health Sciences
- Harry Holt Health
- Open Seat
College of Sciences and Mathematics
- Greg Turner Biology
- Bob Gallop Mathematics
Non-Classroom Faculty
- Rachel McMullin University Libraries
Sabbatical & Leave Co-Chairs
Rachel McMullin, University Libraries
Jacqueline Van Schooneveld, Early and Middle Grades Education

Sabbatical Application Examples
Example Sabbatical Application #1
Example Sabbatical Application #2
Example Sabbatical Application #3