Resources for Complainants

[Resources marked with a (+) are confidential and privilege - they will not report incidents to the University. Resources marked with a (*) are confidential - they will not report the name(s) of involved parties but are required to report basic information to the University.]


If you have any questions about sexual misconduct or need help following an act of sexual misconduct, the following University offices and staff members can offer information and support. Choose any office or person with whom you feel most comfortable.

The Counseling Center (+) (610-436-2301, Lawrence 241) offers confidential counseling to students who have been sexually assaulted or victimized, whether recently or in the past. All counseling is confidential. This means that the counselor cannot speak with others about the student’s situation without the student’s written permission.

The Counseling Center is staffed by men and women psychologists and trainees. Once the student has met with a counselor, together they decide a plan for treatment. Subsequent counseling sessions typically focus on providing emotional support, developing safety and coping skills, and understanding the impact of the sex offense in the student’s life now. Since there is no “one way” to heal, the Counseling Center seeks to support the student through their individual healing process.

There are no fees for currently enrolled students to receive counseling. Visit the Counseling Center during triage hours to schedule an appointment. During this time the student will complete an online assessment and meet with a psychologist for a short period of time to determine the level of care. Triage hours are listed on the Counseling Center’s website at

If a situation occurs after normal business hours, the on-call psychologist may be accessed by contacting Public Safety (610-436-3311); or, Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County in West Chester staffs a 24-hour phone line (610-692-7273) that can provide immediate response and support.

WCU Community Mental Health Clinic (CMHC) (+) (610-436-2510, 8th Floor, Wayne Hall) is affiliated with the West Chester University Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program. CMHC serves as a training center for graduate students in the Psy.D. program and as a clinical research site for faculty in the Psychology Department. As a non-profit training and research facility, CMHS is able to provide low-cost, cutting edge psychotherapy and testing. Services are provided by graduate students earning a doctorate in Psychology who are closely supervised by experienced, licensed Psychologists. Assessment appointments can be made by contacting the Clinic. For counseling, students will be referred from the Counseling Center for longer term therapy.

Student Health Services (*) (610-436-2509, Commonwealth Hall, Ground Floor) offers confidential medical care and assistance for students who have experienced sexual assault. Student Health Services is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm. Scheduling an appointment is recommended but not required. For urgent medical care when Health Services is not open, please dial 911, go directly to the nearest emergency room, or call the Department of Public Safety (610-436-3311).

Nurse practitioners and physicians receive training to provide appropriate medical treatment and care, as well as discuss available services such as counseling and reporting. Student Health Services offers gynecological exams, pregnancy tests, emergency contraception, HIV tests, and sexually transmitted infection tests. All standard post-assault medical care will be free of charge.

Post-assault forensic evidence collection (commonly referred to as a “rape kit”) is not available at Student Health Services. However, nurse practitioners and physicians can help locate a medical provider who offers this service. Chester County and Paoli Hospitals have SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) nurses within their staff.

Office of Student Conduct (610-436-3511, Ruby Jones 200) is responsible for enforcing violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The Office staff can provide assistance and guidance to students, staff, and faculty in submitting reports on any violation of the Student Code of Conduct including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. The Office also maintains a list of Policy and Process Advisors who can provide guidance and assistance to students throughout the investigative and conduct processes.

Public Safety (610-436-3311, 690 South Church Street) Public Safety is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. University police officers will make all efforts to investigate any crimes that occur on campus within the scope of the law and will provide support and referral options. Persons who have experienced sexual misconduct may want to consider preserving all physical evidence, regardless of whether or not they want to press charges. Choosing not to press charges immediately does not prohibit one from doing so in the future, and physical evidence will be important to the case. University police will honor all Protection From Abuse Orders and No Contact Directives, as copies of these are kept on file with the department. For off campus incidents, Public Safety Officers can assist in identifying and connecting with the municipality where the crime may have occurred.

Title IX Coordinator/Director for Equity and Compliance (610-436-2433, 114. W. Rosedale Avenue) offers assistance to students, faculty, or staff in matters regarding sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. The Director for Equity and Compliance can:

  • discuss situations that may give rise to a complaint of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct and provide options for addressing the situation;
  • oversees fact finding investigations into complaints of sexual misconduct;
  • oversees investigations of complaints of sexual harassment against University employees;
  • provide interim measures for issues of discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct;
  • facilitate adjustments to on-campus transportation, parking, or work and other measures to ensure the safety of both parties, and
  • assist University personnel and students with questions about sexual misconduct policies and procedures.

In addition, the Title IX Coordinator/Director for Equity and Compliance monitors and oversees complaints of discrimination and harassment in compliance with federal regulations.

Additional On-Campus Resources

  • Department of Athletics (610-436-3573, Sturzebecker HSC 220) Students may choose to contact them for help with filing a report and locating appropriate resources such as medical care and counseling.
  • Center for Women and Gender Equity (610-436-2122, Lawrence 214) offers assistance, resources, and referrals for those who are impacted by sexual assault or misconduct. The Center does not offer counseling services or medical services. The Center is classified as a non-confidential resource, which means the staff is required to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX office. The Center’s staff will provide information on resources and support for the person.
  • Center for Trans and Queer Advocacy (610-436-3147, Sykes 238) offers support services for students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and their allies.
  • Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (610-436-2117, Sykes 238) Students may choose to contact the Director for assistance in submitting a report and to identify appropriate resources.
  • Dowdy Multicultural Center (610-436-3273, Sykes 003) offers a supportive environment for multicultural students at West Chester University. The Dowdy Center coordinates services, programs, and referrals that enhance the academic and personal development of students of color. In matters of sexual misconduct, the Dowdy Multicultural Center provides information and referral/reporting assistance to students.
  • Office of Residence Life (610-436-3307, Lawrence 202) The Department of Residence Life and Housing Services has live-in staff available to students involved with sexual misconduct. The staff includes Area Coordinators (AC), Graduate Hall Directors (GHD), and Resident Assistants (RA). Staff members assist with room changes with the Title IX Coordinator/Director for Equity and Compliance.
  • Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA) (610-436-2564, Lawrence 223) Students may choose to contact the Director for assistance with submitting a report and identifying appropriate resources.
  • Learning Assistance and Resource Center (LARC) (610-436-2535, Lawrence 224) is a resource to provide quality academic support services which help students become independent, active learners who achieve academic success. The LARC can assist in tutoring and other supports to continue to be successful academically.
  • On-Campus Legal Advice is available by appointment during the fall and spring semesters. A student may make an appointment by logging onto their Ramportal account, selecting the 'Useful Lin's icon, and then selecting 'Schedule Judicial Appointment' on the left-hand menu. Questions can be directed to Off Campus and Commuter Services at 610-436-2209.


In addition to the numerous services on campus, there are many additional services and organizations available for those who have experienced sexual misconduct.

  • Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County (CVC) (+) is located at 135-137 W. Market Street. The CVC provides free and confidential support to members of the West Chester community who have been victim of any type of crime. They offer include court and hospital accompaniment, and they assign an advocate to help victims, significant others, and family members through the entire process. They have a 24 hour hotline for sexual assault (610-692-7273). Their business hours are Monday through Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm.
  • Domestic Violence Center of Chester County (DVC) (+) provides support for individuals and families who have been abused, physically or sexually, by someone whom they share a residency with, and/or with whom they have had an intimate relationship. DVC can assist with emergency shelter and long term housing needs for victims. They also provide a wide range of legal services, including help with obtaining a “PFA” (or Protection From Abuse order) and court accompaniment. They can be contacted on their 24 hour hotline at 610-431-1430.
  • Male Survivor (+) is an organization dedicated to providing support for male victims of sexual assault.
  • The Network La Red (+) is an organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, polyamorous, and queer communities through education and providing support services. They can be reached on their hotline (617-742-4911), or by visiting their website at
  • The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) (+) is a nationwide organization that provides free and confidential support for victims of sexual assault. They offer immediate crisis help and information about recovery. They can be reached on their hotline (1-800-656-HOPE), or by visiting their website and online hotline at