Step 1: Identify if position is appropriate.
Limitations on work-study positions:
- It must have a clear description and outline of expectations.
- It can’t involve grading and can’t interfere with union-protected jobs.
- It can’t be for more than 20 hours per week.
Some examples include:
- Lab Assistant - Work-study student walks around and helps students during a lab course
but does not grade any assignments. This position might include some set-up and tear-down
of equipment.
- Researcher - Work-study student performs research in a faculty lab. Student may have
a set schedule of a certain number of hours a week or simply log hours up to the total
amount of work-study allotted for the student.
- Outreach Coordinator - This student may assist with the development and implementation
of outreach activities. They may work 10 hours one week and then nothing for the next
two weeks, and then another 10 hours. The point is that they have a clear set of expectations
and a clear total amount of work-study money that they can earn.
Step 2: Complete the work-study position template.
Once you have identified a position, complete the work-study template by writing a
clear description of the work to be done, the estimated number of work hours, and
the wage. For information about different work study positions, pay bands and pay
ranges, go the website link below, and click the payment information tab.
Work Study Position Templates:
Step 3: Post work-study position on Handshake.
There are two options for posting the position:
- Email financial aid the completed work study position template. Email should be sent
to with Ian Davis( cc'ed.
- Alternatively, faculty can post the position on Handshake by following these directions. If posting yourself, please remember to title the work-study position starting with
"FWS" (Federal Work Study), which will make these positions easier for students to
search on Handshake.
Some options for recruiting students are:
- Faculty or departments can email all students in their department and ask for those
who have work-study and are interested in working for the department to email back.
- Write an email promoting the position and ask the Financial Aid Office ( with cc'ed) to email only students in your department that are work-study eligible.
- Post the work-study position on a department website or, for research positions, on
the ORSP website.
Note: Not all students have work study, and per IRS guidelines, the Financial Aid
Office can NOT send out the names of students who qualify for Work Study to faculty
or departments. You can, however, ask for the number of Work Study eligible students
in your department to help with position logistics.
Once the work-study position has been created and an eligible student has been found,
it is time to apply for the position. Complete the work-study pre-authorization request
e-Form on OnBase:
- Make sure to enter the same project description, hours, and wages that were used on
the Handshake.
- Enter the Department cost center. This will be used to pay the student and will be
reimbursed with work-study funds.
- Enter the student’s information.
- Enter the position supervisor’s information.
- Enter the wage bracket that most suits the position.
- Enter the total amount of money that can be earned, which is based on the student’s
work-study allotment.
After the application is submitted, the Financial Aid Office (Ian Davis;
will verify that the student is eligible for Work Study and has been allotted the
amount requested based on the individual student’s unmet need.
The supervisor for the position will then be emailed to confirm the position.
Students will be activated in e-time once they have signed an electronic contract,
I9, and W4. They will also be asked to complete background checks within 90 days of
their hire date. Note: students no longer need a copy of their SS Card or Birth Certificate
for this process. Once the position has been formally created, the supervisor will
be designated as a timekeeper for the department on e-time and the student will be
added to the department e-time worker list. The supervisor is then responsible for
making sure that the student completes the tasks associated with the work-study position
and that all hours are entered and approved using e-time.