Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires WCU to provide at least 12 weeks of leave (with or without pay) with benefits within a 12-month period for reasons such as a serious health condition of the employee or qualified family member, birth, adoption or foster placement, or military exigency. A medical provider will determine the leave length, but in the case of parental leave, the employee can take up to 12 weeks paid, then up to 14 weeks of unpaid leave.
To qualify for FMLA, individuals must be employed for at least one year and worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous 12-month period.
In all cases, specific documentation is required and must be approved by Human Resources.
Eligiblity for FMLA
All employees are covered by the FMLA however eligibility for FMLA, Military Exigency and Military Caregiver Absence is determined based on the following:
- Permanent full-time employees must have one year of employment and worked 1,250 hours during the 12-month preceding the date of their first absence.
- Permanent part-time employees must have one year of employment and worked 900 hours during the 12 months preceding the date of their first absence.
Nonrepresented, OPEIU, SCUPA
- Permanent full-time/professional (SCUPA)employees must have one year of employment
and worked 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the date of their first
*Deviation from SPF Absence Policy/AFSCME model permanent part-time employees must meet the same requirements as full-time employees: one-year employment and 1250 hours
APSCUF Faculty
- Faculty Members (full or part-time temporary, RPT, tenure and tenure-track) must have
one year of employment and worked 1,250* hours during the 12 months preceding the
date of their first absence.
* In determining 1,250 hours for faculty, the FMLA Leave Workbench will automatically calculate the equivalent 1,250-hour requirement based on working 75 days per semester as equivalent to full time employees working 52 weeks.
APSCUF Coaches
- Coaches (regular full-time or regular part-time) must have one year of employment and worked 1,250 hours during the 12 months preceding the date of their first absence.
When can I use FMLA leave?
Absences for Sick, Parental and Family Care
A paid or unpaid absence from work with benefits due to the serious health condition of an employee, the serious health condition of a qualifying family member when the employee is attending to the medical needs of the family member, or for the birth of a son or daughter, and to care for the newborn child, or for adoption or foster care placement of a child.
Military Caregiver Absence
An absence from work due to a serious injury or illness of a covered servicemember or covered veteran who is a family member, when the employee is needed to care for the covered servicemember or covered veteran.
Military Exigency Absence
An absence from work arising from the fact that a family member of the employee is a military member on covered active duty. Military Exigency Absence may be used for Short-Notice Deployment, Military Events and Related Activities, Childcare and School Activities, Financial and Legal Arrangements, Counseling, Rest and Recuperation, Post-Deployment Activities, Parental Care and Additional Activities.
How do I request FMLA leave?
All requests for FMLA are handled on an individual basis. To begin a request:
- Contact Human Resources Leave Manager, Susan Robb at, or call 610-436-3117 to confidentially discuss your situation, eligibility and possible next steps.
- You will receive an email notification of your eligibility and entitlement for a leave of absence.
- Complete the appropriate paperwork as explained in your notice of eligibility.
- An approval will be sent to you and your supervisor after the forms have been reviewed and approved.
Information on non-FMLA leaves
If you do not meet the qualifications for FMLA there may be other leave options available. To confidentially discuss your situation, options, and possible next steps please contact Leave Manager Susan Robb at
FMLA Notice to Employees
Click on the “Notice” for your employee group to get more information.
PowerPoint Resource
To confidentially discuss your situation, eligibility, and possible next steps.
Office of Human Resources
Leave Manager, Susan Robb
Phone: 610-436-3117
With additional benefits questions unrelated to leave,