2nd Annual WCU Nursing & Xi Delta Research & Evidence Based Practice Conference

Conference Information
- Date & Time: Friday March 28, 2025; noon - 4pm
- Location: SECC Building, Room 108 (Lecture Hall)
- Abstract Submission Opens: February 3, 2025 at 11:59pm
- Abstract Deadline: March 3, 2025 at 11:59pm
- Conference Registration Deadline: March 27, 2025 at 11:59pm
Keynote Information
Dr. Julie Kurkowski
The Workplace Matters
Dr. Kurkowski received her BSN, master's in nursing education and PhD in Nursing from Villanova University. As a professional nurse, Dr. Kurkowski spent almost nine years in the Emergency Department at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, frequently working as the primary preceptor for many new-to-practice nurses and witnessing firsthand the prevalence and consequences of workplace conditions, especially related to workplace violence. Her leadership role in simulation unit education within the ED led her to a position as simulation educator for the Penn Medicine health system and ultimately her current position as Nursing Faculty Simulation Coordinator at WCU. Her clinical and educational experiences inspired her to pursue a PhD and continue her research endeavors in hopes to contribute to the practice, conditions, and evidence of the nursing profession. Outside of her faculty role, she enjoys riding her Peloton, going to the shore, and spending time planning for her upcoming wedding in January 2026!
Xi-Delta Scholarly Activities Grant
Funding Purpose: To support scholarly activities that aim to advance nursing science.
Funding Amount: $250 maximum. Award will be based on the provided budget.
Eligibility: All active Xi-Delta members are eligible for this grant.
Application and Funding Timeline: Grant applications are due on March 17, 2025 @ 11:59pm. The Xi-Delta Nursing Scholarship
committee will notify recipient(s) of this award no later than March 28, 2025.
Submit an Application
Nursing Scholarship Chairs: Dr. Nina Pulliam & Dr. Julie McCulloh Nair. Email either chair with questions or concerns. Use “Xi-Delta Grant” as your email subject for submission and/or questions.