Laura Renzi
Professor of English Education
Department Chair, Secondary Education
BSED Coordinator
Office: Anderson Hall 501A
Phone: 610-436-1040
- Ph.D. The Ohio State University
- M.Ed in Secondary Education, Lehigh University
- BA Literature, University of Pittsburgh
Research Interests
- Teacher Education
- Student Teaching Supervision
- Teaching Literature in Secondary Schools
- Young Adult Literature
- LGBT and Multicultural Adult Literature
Professional Experience
2019 – present – Professor of Education, Chair of Secondary Education Dept
2018-2019 – Professor of English, BSED Coordinator for English BSED
2013-2018- Associate Professor of English
2008- 2013 – Asst. Professor of English
2005- 2008 – Asst. Professor of English, Central Michigan University
1999-2005 – Graduate Asst. in Literacy, Language and Culture Dept at The Ohio State University
1995- 1999 – English and Social Studies Teacher at Audubon High School, Audubon, NJ
Selected Publications
- "Out of the Closet and Into the Open: LGBTQ Young Adult Literature in the Language Arts Classroom." Co-authored with Kristen Miraglia and Mark Letcher. In Teaching Young Adult Literature: Insights, Considerations, and Perspectives for the Classroom Teacher, eds. Judith Hayn and Jeffrey Kaplan. Rowman and Littlefield, 2012: 117-134.
- "Breaking Down the Last Taboo: LGBT Young Adult Literature in the Preservice Classroom ." Language Arts Journal of Central Michigan 24.2 (2009): 29-36. Co-authored with Susan Steffel.
Selected Presentations
Daniel Ilaria
Professor of Mathematics Education
BSED Coordinator
Program Director WW Teaching Fellowship
Council of Professional Education Facilitator
Office: Anderson Hall 506
Phone: 610-436-3248
- Ph.D. Mathematics Education, Rutgers University
- M.S. Mathematics, Rutgers University
- B.A. Mathematics, Drew University
Research Interests
- Teacher Questioning
- Classroom Discourse
- Impact of dynamic mathematics technology in the classroom
Professional Experience
- 2015 - 2020: Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
- Fall 2011 - 2015: Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education
- 2010 - 2011: Supervisor of Mathematics, 6-12, & Business, 9-12, Mahwah Public Schools, Mahwah, NJ
- 2008 - 2010: Supervisor of Mathematics, 6-12, Ridgewood Public Schools, Ridgewood, NJ
- 2006 - 2008: District Supervisor of Mathematics, Springfield Public Schools, Springfield, NJ
- 2003 – 2006: Mathematics Teacher, North Brunswick Township High School, North Brunswick, NJ
- 2002 – 2003: Mathematics Teacher, Jonas Salk Middle School, Old Bridge, NJ
- 1998 – 2000: Mathematics Teacher, Old Bridge, NJ
Selected Publications
- Ilaria, Daniel R., Dick, Thomas, P., & Burrill, Gail. (2020). Elementary teacher candidates’ flexibility with comparing fractions. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol. 11(9). DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-9-01
- Ilaria, Daniel R. & DePeau, E. (2018). Going beyond computations with fractions. In Quebec-Fuentes, S & Jimmerson, J.(Eds.). Instructional Leadership in the Content Areas: Case Studies for Leading Curriculum and Instruction. Chapter 2. New York: Routledge/UCEA.
- Ilaria, Daniel R., Wilson, J. & DePeau, E. (2018). Using formative assessment to drive instruction in the middle school mathematics classroom.Instructional Leadership in the Content Areas: Case Studies for Leading Curriculum and Instruction. Chapter 9. New York: Routledge/UCEA.
- Ilaria, Daniel R. (2018). Using visible thinking routines to understand pre-service teacher knowledge. The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher, 76(1), AMTNJ.
- Ilaria, D. (2017). The efficacy and impact of a hybrid professional development model on handheld graphing technology use. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 17(2). Retrieved from Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education
- Quebec Fuentes, S., Jimerson, J., Bloom, M., & Ilaria, D. (2017). Supervision in the content areas: Case studies for developing instructional leaders. Proceedings of the 115th annual convention of the School Science and Mathematics Association (Vol. 3). Phoenix, AZ: SSMA.
Selected Presentations
- Burrill, Gail, Ilaria, Daniel, and Zelkowski, Jeremey (Feb 2021). Adapting Tasks to Measure Up. Virtual Presentation at Teachers Teaching with Technology Conference. Opening Session.
- Ilaria, Daniel R. (October, 2019). Making sense of word problems with the 3 reads routine. Presentation at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Nashville, TN
- Ilaria, Daniel R., Hobson, Samantha, & Orr, Riley. (August, 2019). Promoting discussion though math talks. Presentation at Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Harrisburg, Pa.
- Rinehart, Michelle & Ilaria, Daniel R. (April, 2019). Moving Beyond Think-Pair-Share: Routines for Mathematical Discourse. Presentation at the NCTM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Rinehart, Michelle & Ilaria, Daniel R. (April, 2019). Moving Beyond Think-Pair-Share: Routines for Mathematical Discourse. Presentation at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Ilaria, Daniel R. & Reinhart, Michelle (March, 2019) Building Sense Making and Conceptual Fluency for Solving Equations. Presentation at Teachers Teaching with Technology International Conference. Baltimore, MD.
- PhD American Studies, Yale University
- MA History, SUNY Brockport
- BA History and Education, Lake Forest College
Research Interests
- Social Studies Education
- Civics Education
- Antebellum US History
- Women and Gender in US History
- American Religions
- Reacting to the Past Simulations
Professional Experience
Dr. Gedge has been teaching history for 45 years, the last 18 here at West Chester University. She continually challenges herself to incorporate innovative and interactive teaching strategies into her courses. Last year, she taught her HIS 474 Religion in America course as a hybrid Distance Education course. She incorporated a three-week role-playing simulation into her HIS 451 Women in America course. Next spring, she plans to build an interactive map of the Chester County religious built environment with HIS 474 Religion in America students.
Dr. Gedge regularly teaches SSC 331 Teaching Secondary Social Studies Methods and supervises student teachers in the field. She encourages their use of student-centered and authentic teaching strategies.
Selected Publications
Dr. Gedge's research on women and religion resulted in the monograph, Without Benefit of Clergy: Women in the Pastoral Relationship in Nineteenth-Century American Culture(Oxford, 2004). More recently, she has collaborated with the Chester County Historical Society in their quilt documentation oral histories, exhibition, and publication, Layers: Unfolding the Stories of Chester County Quilts (CCHS, 2009). In the last few years, she has collaborated with graduate students and Dr. Helen Schroepfer, Chair of Philosophy, to construct the digital archive Documenting Diversity: Religious Perspectives in Oral History.
Selected Presentations
Pauline Schmidt
Professor of English Education
Director, West Chester Writing Project
Office: Anderson 503
Phone: 610-436-2202
- Ph.D. in English Education, University at Buffalo
- M.Ed. in Elementary Education N-6, University at Buffalo
- B.S. in English Education, Buffalo State College
Research Interests
The Infusion of Arts-Based and Place-Based Pedagogy in Education and Teacher Preparation
The Impact of Digital Technologies on Curriculum and Teacher Preparation
Professional Experience
- D’Youville College, School of Education, Buffalo, NY
Assistant Professor of Education, September 2007 – June 2012
- State University of New York at Buffalo, Graduate School of Education
Adjunct Professor, August 2004 - August 2005
Graduate/Research Assistant, 2003 – 2005
- Holland Central School District, Holland, NY
High School English Teacher, September 1999 – June 2003
Selected Publications
- “When there are nine”: Representation on the Supreme Court across art and modes. With Laura Renzi, Matthew Kruger-Ross, and Mara Felice. Arts integration and young adult literature: Connecting stories through art to create knowledge and deepen understanding edited by R. Maldonado, Rowman & Littlefield, 2024, pp. xx.
- "Coming Out in the Classroom: Using Pitman’s The Stonewall Riots to Forefront LGBTQ+ & Civil Rights in US History: With Laura Renzi and Matthew Kruger-Ross. Exploring history through adolescent literature, edited by P. Greathouse, Hundley, M. & A. Hostetler, Rowman and Littlefield, 2024, pp.xx.
- "Book clubs to support multi genre ensembles in interdisciplinary teacher preparation." With Matthew Kruger-Ross. Cultivating democratic literacy through the arts: Guiding preservice teachers towards innovative learning spaces in ELA classrooms edited by P. Hartman & J. Spanke, Information Age Press, 2024, pp. 99-113.
- Arts-based pedagogy. Encyclopedia of English Language Arts Education, edited by L. M. Barker, D. Gorlewski, J. Gorlewski, & C. Miller , 2023, pp. 28-37.
- Reimagining literacies in the digital age: Multimodal strategies to teach with technology. With Matthew Kruger-Ross. National Council of Teachers of English, 2022.
- Educators as Readers: Forming Book Groups as Professionals with Anna Roseboro, Kelly Virgin, and Jennifer Greene. NCTE Position Statement, 2022.
- “Getting into Good Trouble: Exploring Visual Literacy with John Lewis’ March.” with Emily Wender. Arts Integration and Young Adult Literature: Strategies to Enhance Academic Skills and Empower Student Voice, edited by Rebecca Maldonado, Leilya Pitre, and Victor Malo, Rowman and Littlefield, 2021, pp. 111-124.
- “Shakespeare VS. The Homosapien Agenda: Exploring Gender in A Midsummer Night’s Dream” with Matthew Kruger-Ross. Shakespeare and Adolescent Literature: Pairings and Teaching, edited by Victor Malo-Juvera, Paula Greathouse, and Brooke Eisenbach, Rowman and Littlefield, 2021, pp. 135-151.
- “A Rocker in Teacher’s Clothing: Outlandish Lessons from School of Rock: The Musical.” Teacher Representations in Dramatic Text and Performance, edited by Melanie Shoffner and Rick St. Peter, Routledge, 2019, pp. 88-97.
- “Arts-Based Pedagogy: Exploring Shakespeare Study in the Classroom.” With Laura Turchi. A Symphony of Possibilities: A Handbook for Arts Integration in Secondary English Language Arts, edited by Michelle Zoss and Katherine Macro, National Council of Teachers of English, 2019, pp. 79-97.
- “The Future is Female: Bad-Ass Feminists in YA.” English Journal, vol. 107, no. 6, 2018, pp. 116-118.
- “Where is the Girl Power? The Search for Authentic Portrayals of Female Athletes in YA Literature.” With Emilee Hussack. English Journal, vol. 104, no. 1, 2014, pp. 82-85.
- “Beyond Secondary Roles: What the Women of the Canon Teach Today’s Girls.” WILLA Journal, vol. 17, 2009, https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/WILLA/fall09/schmidt.html.
Selected Presentations
- Meaningful Connections to Art: Merging Place-Based and Arts-Based Encounters. [Birds of a Feather Session]. EERA, Clearwater, FL. February 2024.
- Beyond a ‘Field Trip’: Exploring the Rhetorical Space of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. ELATE Summer Conference. Atlanta, GA. July 2023.
Teacher Field Trip: Creating meaningful arts-based encounters at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. ISTE. Philadelphia, PA. June 2023.
NCTE Author Strand: PIP Authors in Conversation. NCTE. Anaheim, CA. November 2022.
- “Dare to Disagree” Panel Moderator with authors Debbie Levy, Hena Khan, Carole Boston Weatherford, and Kathryn Erskine. National Council of Teachers of English. Baltimore, MD. November 2019.
- “Podcasting Through our Pedagogy: Reflections on Preparing Future Secondary English Teachers.” Interactive Lecture with Matthew Kruger-Ross. International Society for Technology in Education. Philadelphia, PA. June 2019.
- “The Women are Coming”. Panel Moderator, with authors Samira Ahmed, Kelly Jensen, and Jennifer Mathieu for the ALAN Workshop. St. Louis, MO. November 2017.
- “Representing Teacher Identities Through Digital Stories.” Round Table Sessions of the Commission on Arts and Literacies. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Minneapolis, MN. November 2015.
- “Missing Conversations: Pre-Emptive Silencing and Self-Censorship In the Teacher Education Classroom.” Panel Presented with Laura Renzi and Gabrielle Halko. Outlawed: The Naked Truth About Censored Literature for Young People Conference. Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children’s Literature in the Madden Library at Fresno State, Fresno, CA. April 2015.
- “Creating a Landscape for Story Through the Arts.” Session Co-Chair with Peggy Rice. Round Table Sessions of the Commission on Arts and Literacies. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Washington D.C. November 2014.
- “Beyond Secondary Roles: What the Women of the Canon Teach Today's Girls.” Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (Special Interest Group), at the National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Invited Speaker with Lisa Fanaro. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 2009.
Brett Criswell
Assistant Professor of Science Education
BSED Coordinator
Office: Anderson Hall 509
Phone: 610-436-2898
- Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Science Education at the Pennsylvania State University
- M.S in Science Education at the University of Pittsburgh
- B.S. in Chemistry Education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests
- Exploring the nature and impact of [STEM] teacher leadership on teachers themselves as well as on the educational system. This work is currently supported by a National Science Foundation Track 4 grant
- Investigating best practices for, models of, and impact from the use of video analysis tasks in [science] teacher preparation. Currently part of a multi-institutional collaboration studying these issues across multiple contexts
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor of Science Education in the Department of Secondary Education at West Chester University August 2019 – Present
- Clinical Assistant / Associate Professor of Science Education in the STEM Education Department at the University of Kentucky August 2013 – August 2019
- Limited term Clinical Assistant Professor / Assistant Professor of Science Education in the Department of Middle-Secondary Education and Instructional Technology at Georgia State University August 2010 – August 2013
- Tenure-track faculty in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Kennesaw State University June 2009 – July 2010
Selected Publications
- Criswell, B., Shah, L. & Rushton, G. (2020). Exploring the form and the function: A review of science discourse frameworks in the service of research and practice. Research in Science Education, 1 – 16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-020-09959-1.
- Arias, A., Criswell, B., Ellis, J., Escalada, L., Forsythe, S., Johnson, H., Mahar, D., Palmeri, A., Parker, M., Riccio, J. (2020). The Framework for Analyzing Video in Science Teacher Education -- and examples of its broad applicability. Innovations in Science Teacher Education 5(4), Fall Issue.
- Gul, T., Criswell, B., & Demir, K. (2019). Constructing teacher leadership through mentoring: Functionality of mentoring practices in evolving teacher leadership. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 30(3), 209-228.
- Criswell, B., Rushton, G., Nachtigall, D., Staggs, S., Alemdar, M. & Cappelli, C. (2018). Strengthening the vision: Examining the internalization of a framework for teacher leadership development by experienced science teachers. Science Education, DOI: 10.1002/sce.21472.
- Criswell, B. & McNall, R. (2017). Commentary: Professional noticing across various grade bands and contexts. In E. Schack, M. Fisher & J. Wilhelm (Eds.) Teacher noticing: A hidden skill of teaching. Springer.
Selected Presentations
- Reid, J., Hardee, A., Berryhill, S., Rushton, G., & Criswell, B. (January 15, 2021). Crossing the landscape: Teacher leaders experiences with becoming a teacher researcher. Presentation given at the 2021 Annual Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference, Virtual Conference.
- Lotter, C., Criswell, B., Yow, J., Hutchison, A., Schaeffer, J., Adams, P., Rushton, G., Ahrens, S. (2021, January 15). Program attributes for science and mathematics teacher leadership development. Paper presentation accepted to the annual conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE, virtual).
- Krall, R., Criswell, B., & Ringl, S. (2020, March 17th). How do secondary science teacher candidates' noticing skills develop in the context of their methods courses? Paper presentation given at the annual conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Portland, OR.
- Arias, A., Criswell, B., Ellis, J., Escalada, L., Forsythe, S., Johnson, H., Mahar, D., Palmeri, A., Parker, M., & Riccio, J. (2020, January 9th). Examples of video analysis use across teacher education programs. Interactive presentation given at the annual conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE). San Antonio, TX.
- Criswell, B., Rushton, G. & Sharp, K. (2019, August 28th). Teach to lead … to stay? Examining the impact of the structure and nature of Noyce master teacher fellows programs on STEM teacher retention. Oral presentation given at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) conference. Bologna, Italy.

- Ph.D. Education, Mathematics Education, The University of Delaware
- M.S. Educational Leadership, The College of Saint Rose, Albany NY
- M.A. Mathematics Education, Brooklyn College—City University of New York
- B.A. Mathematics, Arizona State University
- A.A. General Studies, Mesa Community College, Mesa AZ
Research Interests
Exploring lesson study and its benefits for teachers and their learning
Investigating ways in which teaching mathematical modeling encourages equity by motivating and engaging all populations of students in mathematical problem solving
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor Present
West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Secondary Education Department
STEM Educator Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows
Post-Doctoral Researcher 2019-2020
University of Delaware, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Principal Investigator: Dr. Michelle Cirillo
CAREER: Proof In Secondary Classrooms: Decomposing a Central Mathematical Practice (DRL# 1453493)
Graduate Research Assistant 2015-2019
University of Delaware, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Research Assistant to Dr. Michelle Cirillo
CAREER: Proof in Secondary Classrooms: Decomposing a Central Mathematical Practice (DRL#1453493)
NYC Dept. of Education: Education Administrator, Achievement Coach Instructional Initiatives, 2013-2015
New York City Department of Education Children First Network 402
NYC Dept. of Education Secondary Mathematics Teacher, 2005 - 2013
Selected Publications
- Cirillo, M., & Hummer, J. (2021). Competencies and Behaviors Observed When Students Solve Geometry Proof Problems: An Interview Study with Smartpen Technology. ZDM: Mathematics Education.
- Hummer, J. (2020) The evolution of teachers' conceptions of teaching mathematical modeling through participation in lesson study. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
- Cirillo, M., & Hummer, J. (2019). Addressing misconceptions in secondary geometry proof. Mathematics Teacher, 112(6), 410-417.
- Hummer, J. (2018). Studying lesson study: Cases of high school geometry teachers. In T.E. Hodges, G. J. Roy, & A. M. Tyminski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 382 - 385). Greenville, SC: University of South Carolina & Clemson University.
Selected Presentations
- Hummer, J. (2020) Fostering Secondary Teachers’ Focus on Student Thinking Through Lesson Study. World Association of Lesson Study Conference 2020, Online.
- Hummer, J. (2019). Secondary teachers’ engagement with student thinking during lesson study on mathematical modeling. Paper presented at the 12th Annual PAMTE Symposium, Shippensburg, PA.
- Hummer, J. (2019). Secondary teachers’ conceptions of mathematical modeling and teaching mathematical modeling. Poster presented at the 2019 AMTE Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.