Dr. Matthew Shea
- Title: Professor
- Location: 425 BPM Center
- Email: MShea@wcupa.edu
- Phone: 610-436-2867
- Google Scholar: Dr. Matthew Shea Profile
- Ph.D., Temple University (2012)
- M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh (1995)
- M.H.A., University of Pittsburgh (1995)
- B.A., Connecticut College (1993)
Areas of Expertise
- Strategic Management
- Governance
- Not-for-Profits
- Sustainability in the Global Insurance Industry
Relevant Professional/Applied Experience
- 1995-1999 and 2000-2005, Business Manager, The Hickman
- 1999-2000, Senior Member, Human Resources, Compensation Manager, Computer Sciences Corporation
Research Programs/Grants/Interests
- 2009-2011, Research Fellow, Willis Research Network; Fox School of Business, Temple University
Recent Publications/Journals/Books
- Shea, M., (Revise & Resubmit) AOL’s Got Mail (from an Unhappy Institutional Investor). Journal of Case Studies.
- Shea, M., (Under Review) AOL 3.x: completing an internet legacy’s turnaround. Journal of Business Cases and Applications.
- PSI Project Team, (2020) PSI ESG Guide for Non-Life Insurance Version 1.0. UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative, Geneva, CH.
- Bacani, B., J. Wallace, and M. Shea, (2019) Underwriting environmental, social and governance risks in non-life insurance business. UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative, PSI Working Paper, Geneva, CH.
- Shea, M., and J. W. Hutchin. (2018). The Importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance Risks to Surety Underwriters. Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, 12:2.
Professional and Community Engagement
- 2021-present, Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce Board, Chair
- 2019-present, WCU CAPC: Undergraduate Program Committee, Member
- 2019-present, WCU CAPC: Undergraduate Policies Committee, Member
- 2018-present, WCU Business Idea Competition, Judge
- 2020-present, West Chester Cooperative
- 2018-19, 2021-22, CBPM Strategic Planning Committee
- 2018-19, 2021-22, External Relations and Community Committee
- 2014-2021, Leadership Chester County
Classes Regularly Taught
- MGT 499 Business Policy and Strategy
- MGT 483/6 Management Internships