Dr. Michael E. Antonio

Title: Professor
Location: 517 BPM Center
Email: MAntonio@wcupa.edu
Phone: 610-436-2685
Dr. Antonio served as the Lead Research Scientist at Pennsylvania’s Department of Corrections and the Board of Probation and Parole from 2006-2013. Prior to that experience, he served as the Lead Research Scientist at the Criminal Justice Research Center at Northeastern University working on the Capital Jury Project, a National Science Foundation funded study of jurors' decision-making in capital cases. He serves as the 8th-11th grade classroom instructor for St. Catherine of Siena's Religious Education Program (Wilmington, DE).
- Northeastern University, Ph.D. Law & Public Policy
- Ursinus College, B.S. Psychology
Dr. Antonio published articles in the American Journal of Criminal Justice, Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research, Judicature, Justice Systems Journal, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Journal of Community Corrections, and Federal Probation Journal.
His research interests include capital punishment, corrections, juries, offender rehabilitation, and probation and parole.
Selected Professional Service
Dr. Antonio has multiple service experiences with the regional organization Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences as an Executive Board member (Director-at-Large) and as the co-chair of the Professional Development Committee.
He also served as a manuscript reviewer for several publications such as: Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Police Practice and Research: An International Journal Criminal Justice Policy Review, and Public Health Nursing.
Selected University Service
Dr. Antonio has multiple University service activities including APSCUF (Treasurer), Judicial Hearing Board, Research Advisory Committee, Institutional Review Board, Diversity & Inclusion Grants Council, and WCU Faculty Mentor.
Classes Regularly Taught
Dr. Antonio regularly teaches the required courses of Undergraduate and Graduate Research Methods, and the graduate capstone Professional Seminar.