Amy Anderson

Associate Professor
Main Hall 508
- Ph.D., University of Kentucky
- M.A., University of Kentucky
- B.A., Miami University
- Visual Rhetoric
- Multimodal Composition
- History of Rhetoric
- The New Rhetoric Project
- Digital Rhetoric
- Byzantine Iconography
Selected Publications
“Illuminating Manuscripts: Words, Images, and AI.” TextGenEd: Continuing Experiments, edited by Annette Vee, Tim Laquintaro, and Carly Schnitzer, The WAC Clearinghouse, August 2024.
“Rhetorical Stillness: How Byzantine Iconography Offers an Alternative to Rhetorical Velocity,” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 52, no. 5, 2022, pp. 448-63.
“The New Rhetoric Project Laughs: Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, Dissociation, and the Comic.” Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 53, no. 4, Fall 2020, p. 450-65. doi: 10.5325/philrhet.53.4.0450
“Developments in Dissociation: Past Contexts, Present Applications, Future Implications,” co-authored with Martin Camper, introduction for special section on dissociation in Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 53, no. 4, Fall 2020, p. 377-84. doi: 10.5325/philrhet.53.4.0377
“Exploring the Multimodal Gutter: What Dissociation Can Teach Us about Multimodality.” enculturation, vol. 25, 17 Oct. 2017,
“Dissociation and Visual Arguments: Creating Customers for Levy’s Real Jewish Rye.” Argumentation and Advocacy, vol 52, no. 2, Fall 2015, p. 109-24,
“Digital Tidings,” review of The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways by Meredith Gould. The Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.