Faculty and Staff Training

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Ram Portal Tutorials



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Name Category Description
RamPortal Home Page Navigation RamPortal 101, Deans & College Business Managers, Faculty & Advisors, Staff, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Student Success Coordinators, RamPortal This document will guide the user through the RamPortal home page, which is the first step in accessing the WCU Student Information System and additional campus applications. This homepage will serve as a centralized hub for tasks and information and can be customized for the ultimate user experience.
Navigate Training Navigate Navigate is a student success platform used as a centralized hub for students, faculty and staff to connect and collaborate around student success, and offers various reporting and search options for student information.  The title link to the left will take the user to the Navigate Training web page. 
Navigate Reports Navigate

Navigate provides powerful reporting tools to help users track student progress, identify trends, and support data-driven decision-making. To streamline access to relevant reports, we have organized documentation and instructional videos into specific folders based on reporting needs:

Reports by Department – Access reports tailored to academic departments for student tracking, messaging, and resource allocation.
Reports by College – View data and insights specific to individual colleges.
Reports by Major or Minor – Analyze student performance, retention, and engagement based on specific majors or minors.

For technical or  training needs, please email Navigate@wcupa.edu.

OnBase Forms Training

Academic Progress Plan, Academic Forgiveness, Term Withdrawal, Graduate Coordinators, Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Enrollment Request Form, Credit by Exam, Independent Study, Individualized Instruction, Petition for Exception to Policy, Tenure and Promotion

OnBase Forms OnBase is a centralized system used for managing and automating online forms, which for faculty and staff is accessed outside of RamPortal. The title link to the left will take the user to the OnBase Training page, where instructions for the following forms can be found: Academic Progress Plan, Academic Forgiveness, Term Withdrawal: Graduate Coordinators, Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Enrollment Request Form, Credit by Exam, Independent Study, Individualized Instruction,  Petition for Exception to Policy, and Tenure and Promotion. 
Course Planning in CLSS/Courseleaf CLSS/CourseLeaf This reference document is used by Deans, Chairs, Program Coordinators, Grad Coordinators and Administrative Staff who build classes. The Courseleaf “CLSS” system is an academic scheduling software used to build and manage classes at WCU. While CLSS is accessed via the RamPortal system (supported by the Academic & Enterprise Systems (AES) Department), CLSS/Course leaf training and resources are managed by the Registrar’s office.  LAST EDIT DATE: 1/16/2025
Update Personal Information

Pronouns, Gender, Preferred Name, Email, Phone, Address

RamPortal 101, Deans & College Business Managers, Faculty & Advisors, Staff, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Student Success Coordinators, RamPortal This document provides instructions to view and update personal information including preferred pronouns, gender identity, preferred first name, email, phone number and address via the “My Personal Information” card on the RamPortal homepage.  LAST EDIT DATE: 10/25/2024
My Personal Links - How to Add Links RamPortal This document provides instructions to add favorite links to the “My Personal Links” card on the RamPortal home page. LAST EDIT DATE: 7/17/2024
RamPortal Codes Reference Guide RamPortal This easy-to-print document contains code definitions for Term, Student Status, Registration and Instructional Method codes.  LAST EDIT DATE: 7/29/2024
Degree Audit  Faculty & Advisors, Staff, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, RamPortal This document will provide instructions to access and navigate a student's Degree Audit. The Degree Audit allows you to see where the courses a student has taken will fit into the overall set of degree requirements. It also allows you to track the progress towards degree completion, create a term-by-term plan of study, and explore how courses the student has taken will fit into additional academic programs.   LAST EDIT DATE : 10/11/2024
Degree Audit - What-If Tool Faculty & Advisors, Staff, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Student Success Coordinators, RamPortal This document will provide instructions to the “What-If” tool which will allow a student or advisor to see how the courses a student has taken would fit into different or new program requirements. This can be used if a student is changing their major, adding a concentration or adding a minor. The information found here is for planning purposes only. Students and advisors should confirm requirements and any applicable exceptions for the appropriate departments before any changes are made to the student’s record.  LAST EDIT DATE: 7/16/2024
Browse Courses By Term Deans & College Business Managers, Faculty & Advisors, Staff, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Student Success Coordinators, RamPortal This document will provide instructions for faculty and staff to browse for courses from Fall 2024 and beyond in RamPortal.  LAST EDIT DATE: 4/22/2024
View, Export & Print Advisees and Remove Advisor Indicators (Formerly Holds)

Indicator, Hold, RamPortal

Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Faculty & Advisors, Staff, Student Success Coordinators, Most Recently Updated This document provides instructions to assist advisors in accessing their List of Advisees, viewing students' registration appointment day and time, exporting and/or printing the advisee listing, viewing advisee information on the Student Profile, viewing and removing Advisor Indicators (formerly Holds).
**Please Note: While the term “Holds” is still used within the system, these will serve as indicators only rather than a hold, which would affect registration.    LAST EDIT DATE: 9/25/2024
Holds For Staff Who Manage Holds Staff, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Most Recently Updated, RamPortal SOAHOLD  - These instructions are intended for staff who manage students holds. These instructions provide information on how to add and remove holds from the student records.  Advisors, please see the "View Advisees and Remove Advisor Holds" document, as your process differs from the chair/staff process to remove holds. LAST EDIT DATE: 6/25/2024
How to Assign Faculty to Their Respective Departments Deans & College Business Managers, RamPortal This document provides instructions for assigning faculty to their respective departments in RamPortal and using the SIAINST page. The target audience is Deans and College Business Managers. This step must be completed prior to assigning faculty to specific courses in CLSS. LAST EDIT DATE: 6/28/2024
Banner Page Name Convention RamPortal 101, RamPortal The seven-letter naming convention used throughout the Banner Administrative Applications help you to remember page or form names more readily.
Administrative Home Page Navigation RamPortal 101, RamPortal This page provides instruction to navigate the RamPortal/Banner Administrative home page, used primarIly by the functional office staff.  View the login and home page navigation processes using the drop down menus below.
Administrative Page Basic Navigation RamPortal 101, RamPortal This page provides instruction to navigate the RamPortal/Banner Administrative pages, used primarIly by the functional office staff. The key block, page header, sections, and bottom page display are used to navigate each page.
How to Assign/Update a Student's Advisor Deans & College Business Managers, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Staff, RamPortal This document is for use by Department Chairs, Grad Coordinators, and Staff. It provides instructions for how to assign and update student advisors within RamPortal. (SGAADVR)  LAST EDIT DATE: 6/25/2024

Registration Overrides with a View of the Student Schedule

Deans & College Business Managers, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Staff, RamPortal This document provides instructions for Department Chairpersons, Graduate Coordinators and their designees to issue a Registration Override using the SFASRPO page via the Registration Card in RamPortal. This also provides a staff view of a student's schedule. LAST EDIT DATE: 7/15/2024
How to Use the RamPortal Search Card RamPortal 101, Deans & College Business Managers, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Staff, RamPortal This card is used to complete a quick search of the pages within RamPortal and administrative pages. Access to pages is contingent on your security and role. This feature is not available for students.
View Student Information (for Chairs, Program & Grad Coordinators & Department Admin) Staff, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, RamPortal This document contains instructions for Department Chairpersons, Program & Graduate Coordinators and Academic Department Administrative Support to view (but not make changes to) the student's demographic information (SPAIDEN). LAST EDIT DATE: 3/27/2024
How to View a Class Schedule Report Deans & College Business Managers, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Staff, RamPortal This document provides instruction for viewing the Class Schedule Report via the Academic Department Resources card on the RamPortal homepage. This is intended for use by Deans, Department Chairs and supporting staff.
How to View Class Sections by Professor Deans & College Business Managers, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Staff, RamPortal This document provides instruction for viewing a Class Sections by Professor report via the Academic Department Resources card on the RamPortal homepage. This is intended for use by Deans, Department Chairs and supporting staff.  LAST EDIT DATE: 5/22/2024
Connecting to WCU's VPN RamPortal 101, Deans & College Business Managers, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Staff, RamPortal This page is used to provide instructions for those working off campus to log into the VPN, or Virtual Private Network.
Faculty Advisor Change or Maintenance (for Deans, CBM's and Chairs) Deans & College Business Managers, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, RamPortal This document provides instructions for making a change to a faculty member/advisor in RamPortal using the SIAINST page. (Ie., activate, inactivate status or leave, add a department, delete a department, etc.) This is used for use by Deans, College Business Managers and Department Chairs. LAST EDIT DATE: 3/25/2024
Plan Ahead for Registration in RamPortal - Advisors  Faculty & Advisors, Student Success Coordinators, Most Recently Updated, RamPortal This document instructs advisors to create a plan for students within RamPortal. Similar to the "Shopping Cart" in myWCU, RamPortal's "Plan Ahead" tool allows students to explore courses and plan for their upcoming registration date.  LAST EDIT DATE: 3/25/2024
Person Search RamPortal 101, RamPortal This document provides instructions to search for a person’s information within the RamPortal administrative pages, for use by staff, chairpersons, graduate coordinators and leadership.   LAST EDIT DATE: 3/27/2024
View Class Roster Deans & College Business Managers, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Staff, RamPortal This document provides instructions for viewing a Class Roster via the Academic Department Resources card on the RamPortal homepage. This is intended for use by Deans, Department Chairs and Academic Department supporting staff.  LAST EDIT DATE: 6/27/2024
View, Email or Export My Class Roster - For Faculty Most Recently Updated, Faculty & Advisors, RamPortal This document provides instructions to view, email or export a class roster or wait list, in addition to viewing detailed course and enrolled student information options via the Faculty Center card on the RamPortal homepage. This is intended for use by faculty members. LAST EDIT DATE: 6/21/2024
View My Courses - For Faculty Faculty & Advisors, RamPortal This document provides instructions for a faculty member to view their courses using the “My Courses” link via the Faculty Center card on the RamPortal homepage. LAST EDIT DATE: 7/26/2024
View Student Information  Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Deans & College Business Managers, Faculty & Advisors, Student Success Coordinators, Most Recently Updated, RamPortal This document provides instructions for Faculty, Advisors and Department Chairpersons to search for and view a student’s information on the Student Profile via the Faculty Center card.  LAST EDIT DATE: 4/30/2024
How to Register a Student for a Course Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Deans & College Business Managers, Faculty & Advisors, Staff, Student Success Coordinators, Most Recently Updated, RamPortal This document provides instructions for Chairs, Grad Coordinators, Faculty and Staff to register students for classes in RamPortal, register from or remove students from a waitlist, fix registration errors, drop courses, and remove pending courses with additional instruction for lab and lecture components.  LAST EDIT DATE: 2/27/2025
Registering for Courses with a Lab or Corequisite Component RamPortal This video provides instruction to register for courses with co-requisites such as labs, etc. Navigating closed class, waitlist, pre-requisite/corequisite and reserve capacity errors for this situation are also included. LAST EDIT DATE: 11/14/2024
Registration Plans   This document instructs advisors to create and register a student using a plan within RamPortal. Like the "Shopping Cart" in myWCU, RamPortal's "Plan Ahead” tool allows advisors to create a plan for their upcoming registration date.  LAST EDIT DATE: 2/28/2025
How to Manage Cancelled Courses with Enrolled Students Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Staff, RamPortal This document provides instructions to cancel a course, remove and notify any enrolled students from that course. When a department cancels a course and students are enrolled, the students are not automatically dropped from that course. The students need to be removed and notified manually. LAST EDIT DATE: 7/16/2024
Registration Errors & Next Steps   This page displays common registration errors, descriptions and next steps to resolve those errors. 
Waitlist Errors & Resolutions   This page displays common waitlist errors, descriptions and next steps to resolve those errors. 
Advising Notes - How to View, Add and Edit Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Faculty & Advisors, RamPortal This document provides instructions for advisors to access historical advising notes (created prior to August 2, 2024), add and edit new advising notes via the student’s Degree Audit. The ability to view, add and modify notes is based on your Degree Audit role and what permissions have been granted to that role. Everyone can view notes but not everyone can add or modify notes.   LAST EDIT DATE: 8/12/2024
Faculty, Advisor Change or Maintenance (for Deans, CBM's and Chairs) Chair, Deans & College Business Managers, RamPortal This document provides instructions for assigning faculty to their respective departments in RamPortal and using the SIAINST page. The target audience is Deans and College Business Managers. This step must be completed prior to assigning faculty to specific courses in CLSS.   LAST EDIT DATE: 8/9/2024
Faculty Workload Assignments SIAASGN Deans & College Business Managers, RamPortal This document provides instructions for Deans and College Business Managers to enter or update faculty workload assignments on the SIAASGN page.  LAST EDIT DATE: 8/21/2024
Grading for Faculty Faculty & Advisors, RamPortal This document provides instructions for faculty to enter final semester grades in RamPortal. Grades can be changed using these instructions only during the grading window provided by the Registrar’s office. 
Please note: only primary instructors can enter grades. For courses with “sub courses” (ex: FYE), the primary instructor must enter grades for all courses, including the sub course.  LAST EDIT DATE: 12/6/2024
View a Student's Unofficial Transcript RamPortal This document provides instructions for faculty and staff to view a student’s unofficial transcript via the Student Profile in RamPortal. Current classes that are in-progress and not yet graded will not show on transcript.  LAST EDIT DATE: 10/15/2025
NOTE: Some holds prevent access to student transcripts. The Degree Audit is an alternate location to view the student’s course history information. Students can view the “Holds” card on their RamPortal home page for Hold information.
View Students Test (Placement) Scores Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Faculty & Advisors, Staff, RamPortal This document provides instructions for faculty and staff to view a student’s test (placement) scores in RamPortal via their Student Profile.  LAST EDIT DATE: 10/24/2024
View a Student's Transfer Credit Summary RamPortal This document provides instructions for faculty and staff to view a student’s transfer credit summary in RamPortal.
Change of Grade - Faculty Instructions Faculty & Advisors, RamPortal This document provides instructions for faculty to submit a change of grade request to change a student’s grade after the grading window has closed and the grades have “rolled” in the RamPortal system. Changes for Fall 2024 and onward are submitted via RamPortal. Change requests for grades prior to Fall 2024 are temporarily submitted via myWCU. LAST EDIT DATE: 12/6/2024
Change of Grade - Chair Instructions Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, RamPortal This document provides instructions for department chairpersons to approve or deny a change of grade request received from a faculty member. Changes for Fall 2024 and onward are submitted via RamPortal. Change requests for grades prior to Fall 2024 are temporarily submitted via myWCU. LAST EDIT DATE: 12/9/2024
Degree Clearances

Graduation, RamPortal

Faculty & Advisors, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators This document provides instructions for the appropriate faculty to approve or deny graduation degrees. LAST EDIT DATE: 12/10/2024
Student Advising Details Report Deans & College Business Managers, Faculty & Advisors, Staff, Chair, Program & Grad Coordinators, Student Success Coordinators, RamPortal This document provides instructions for faculty and staff to view the “Student Advising Details Report” in RamPortal. This report includes student information, credit summary, advisors, holds and tasks, program of study, course history and financial information.  LAST EDIT DATE: 1/6/2025