New Department Review of Change/Remove Major/Minor/Certificate Request

The chairperson of a student's current major will receive notification if a student requests to remove their current major or change their current major.


  1. Navigate to and select Login. This will pull up the login page and you will use your WCU credentials.
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  2. Once in OnBase, click on the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the screen.
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  3. Then click on Open Workflow to access the review queues. Note: Workflow will open in another browser, so make sure you have disabled your pop-up blocker.
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  4. Next, you'll click on the carrot to expand the REG8 Change of Program workflow.
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  5. Once it expands, you'll see all the review queues, but you'll have access to the queues that pertain to you. Click on the REG8 New Department Review to open the list of requests.
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  6. Click on the line with the REG – Change/Update/Add a Plan request that you would like to review.
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  7. Once the form is opened, it will display in the bottom portion of the screen. Use the scroll bar to scroll down and view the entire form (student and faculty entered portions). None of the fields on the form can be changed. At this point, the form should have the necessary information to make a decision to support the request or not. (Partial view of the form)
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  8. As part of your review, we ask approvers of a student's new department to review any courses the student has received academic forgiveness to confirm that the new program requirement do not require that academic forgiveness be revoked. Please look at the Work Folder for Change/Update/Add a Plan to see if the student has any Academic Forgiveness Forms either in process or completed. You can review your Work Folder on the left hand side of your screen.
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  9. Double click on the Academic Forgiveness Form that you would like to review. The form will show up in the bottom half of your screen where the Change/Update/Add a Plan form was visible.

    If the requirements of the program requires that we revoke Academic Forgiveness for any student, please reach out to Megan Jerabek ( to request that the forgiveness be revoked. We ask that this review be done at the point the student is admitted into the new program.
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  10. When you are done reviewing the Academic Forgiveness Forms, please double click again on the Change/Update/Add a Plan document in your workflow inbox. Please make sure the Change/Update/Add a Plan form is visible before rendering a decision.
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  11. Choose Support or Do Not Support by clicking on the circle to the left of your choice. A blue dot will fill the circle which depicts your choice. The Reviewer and Date fields will be automatically populated. Note: You also have the option to put the request On Hold. If you select On Hold, a text box will pop up and you will be required to indicate the reason for the request to be On Hold. This will be visible to students. If you select Do Not Support, a text box will also appear for notes. These notes will also be visible to the student.
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  12. If you choose to Support, you will also be asked to fill in information on the student's new advisor.
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  13. If there is no change in the student's advisor, check the box next to No Change in Advisor. This will hide all other fields.
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  14. If there is a change to the student's advisor, you can search for them by entering their first and/or last name, then clicking Lookup.
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  15. You will be prompted to select the correct individual by clicking the select button.
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  16. This will populate all of the required fields for the advisor.
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  17. Click on the Save button so form will go to the next stage in the process.
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  18. It is up to the academic departments to remove old advisor assignments When the change of major has been processed you will receive a confirmation email. Upon receipt of that email please follow these instructions on how to add a student's advisor.
    • Please add the advisor for any program the student has added. Be sure to add the Advisor Type field to ensure advisee listings are accurate.

Content Manager: Academic Enterprise Systems