Employer Services
Post a Job or Internship
Thank you for your interest in hiring WCU students and alumni. Prior to posting your opportunity with our office, please familiarize yourself with the WCU Recruitment and Employer Policies & Guidelines.
For career-oriented positions, part-time positions and internships* that require college-level coursework or degree, please submit your opportunities via Handshake.
For seasonal and childcare positions, please submit your opportunities via QuadJobs, which is the easiest, most efficient way to hire college students on flexible part-time basis. Students love the change to gain real-world experience and make a little money. You'll love the fantastic, motivated students that will work hard to make your life easier.
If you have any questions, please call the office at (610) 436-2501 or email recruit@wcupa.edu.
*Internships that provide course credit to students are managed by the academic departments, each of which has a designated faculty or staff member managing the program. Visit the WCU Internships website to learn more.
The Career Development Center is committed to ensuring that all students and employers are afforded every opportunity to participate in the activities of the center. If, due to a disability, you require accommodation to utilize our services, please contact the office and let us know how we may assist you.
Campus Recruiting Program (formerly On Campus Interviews)
Thank you for your interest in interviewing WCU students. All interviews are coordinated through Handshake. Questions about the Campus Recruiting Program can be directed to our Recruiting Coordinator by calling (610) 436-2502. Please familiarize yourself with the WCU Recruitment and Employer Policies & Guidelines. For policy, salary, or offer questions, please contact our Employer Relations Team or (610) 436-2501.
2021-2022 Campus Recruiting Interviewing Dates:
- Fall 2021: September 9, 2021 through October 29, 2021 (opens August 2nd)
- Spring 2022: TBD
There will be limited space for On Campus Interviews and we recommend employers continue to use virtual options. Please contact the Employer Relations Team for more information.
Inclement Weather Delays/Closings
- Please call (610) 436-1000 for updated weather-related information. If there is a delayed opening for the University, the Career Center will open at the time indicated in the message.
- Please call (610) 436-2501 and leave the Career Center a message about your preference for the day—to cancel interviews or your approximate arrival time. Due to students living on campus as well as off campus, we cannot guarantee that all students will be able to make their interview time. We will contact you as soon as we are in the office.
- In the case of a University closing, no scheduled interviews will be held for that day. The Career Center will be contacting you with options to interview the students at a later date.
Eligible Recruiting Organization
Employers hiring for college-level full-time positions or internships are eligible to participate via Handshake. Third-party recruiters and multi-level marketers are not eligible to participate in the Campus Recruiting Program (formerly OCI) but can advertise their vacancies through other options.
Eligible employers may request to participate in the Campus Recruiting Program via Handshake. Schedule requests will be approved within two business days, in the order in which they are received.
Scheduling Interviews & Selecting Students
How to request an Interview Schedule:
- Click Interviews in the left navigation bar
- Click the Request Interview Schedule tab in the upper right corner. You can also click Request an Interview from your Home page
- This will take you directly to the Basics tab, where can you fill out all the basic information for the Interview Schedule
- Once all the information is filled out, click Timeline or Next from the tabs at the bottom of the page
- This will take you to the Timeline page
- Select the date you are interested in interviewing on campus. You also have the option to list an alternate date if you wish, in case the first date is not available
- Once selected, a pop-up window will appear. You will be asked for: (1) an alternate date, (2) requested room count and (3) any details you'd like to communication to the Career Development Center.
- Once this information is added, click Add Date
- Choose your Preferred Timeline
- Once you have selected your interview date, interview timeline, and interview slot template, click Jobs or Next from tabs at the bottom of the screen to move forward.
- This will take you to the Jobs page for your Interview Schedule. From here, you'll choose the job you would like to attach to this interview scheduled. You have the option to (1) Create a New Job, (2) Copy Job Details or (3) Use Existing Job.
- If you are not ready to post a position you can click Remind me Later, this option will send you an email four days before the Apply Start Date reminding you to post a position and attach it to the schedule. A job will need to be added by this time.
- When you are ready to move on, click Review or Next from the tabs at the bottom of the page
- On this page, you will be able to review your interview dates and go back to any steps you would like to edit. click on Edit towards the right of the section you'd like to edit to perform this action
- When all looks good, click on Request at the bottom of the page to create and request your Interview schedule
Schedule Changes
The Day of Your Interviews
We encourage interviewers to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the first interview. Because of campus parking challenges, we recommend you plan your travel to campus accordingly. If you would like the Career Development Center to provide you an interview packet, please notify us in advance.
You may bring organizational literature, brochures and other materials to distribute to students. These materials will be displayed during your visit; due to a lack of storage space, we ask that you take all materials with you at the conclusion of your visit.
Recruiters & Greeters
Job Offers
The Career Development Center requests that students be allowed sufficient time to carefully consider employment offers to make informed decisions.
We also request that employers inform us of any offers extended that must be withdrawn or significantly changed, as well as to inform us if any of our students renege on an acceptance of a job offer.
Facility Use
The Career Development Center is committed to ensuring that all students and employers are afforded every opportunity to participate in the activities of the center. If, due to a disability, you require accommodation to utilize our services, please contact the office and let us know how we may assist you.
Events & Engagement Opportunities
All career fairs are coordinated via Handshake; employers must have an account in order to participate. Registration fees for career fairs vary by event and organization type; fees are advertised within invitations and Handshake. For more information about career fairs or other employer events, please contact our
Employer Relations Teamat (610) 436-2501.
Throughout the academic year, stay connected with WCU students and strengthen your brand on campus by hosting Information Tables and participating in special events.
Job & Internship Fair Policies
- All informational fields of the Registration form must be completed. For the all-industry Spring Job & Internship Fair, this information is printed in a booklet given to students and alumni.
- The WCU Non-discrimination/Affirmative Action policy on the Registration form should be initialed by a company representative. If an organization's policies are different than West Chester University's, please contact our Employer Relations Team at (610) 436-2501 to continue the registration process. The difference in policies will be noted with an asterisk in the Job & Internship Fair booklet.
- Payment is expected by the deadline date of one week prior to the event in order to be confirmed for the same.
No Advance Shipping of Materials:
- Due to a lack of storage space, we do not accept materials in advance. For any unique circumstances, please contact our Employer Relations Team at (610) 436-2501.
- No refunds will be issued for cancellations or no-shows the day of the event.
- Outstanding balances must be paid in full prior to being confirmed for any future career fairs or recruiting events.
Day of the Job & Internship Fair:
- Please notify us if there are any additional representatives attending that were not pre-registered. Employers must adhere to the maximum representative limit for each event or pay additional representative fee post-event.
- Lunches for extra recruiters will be provided based on advanced registrations.
Fall 2021 Career Fairs
Fall 2021 Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair, A Virtual Event
Wednesday, September 29, 20202 pm to 5pm on Remo
Our Fall 2021 Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair will take place virtually. We are happy to announce that we will use Remo as our platform to assist you in connecting with the outstanding talent at WCU.
Check out this article on how to stand out at the fair.
Technology, Science & Health Meet Up, A Virtual Event
Wednesday, October 6, 20215 pm to 7 pm on the Handshake Platform
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate & Economics (F.I.R.E.) Meet Up, A Virtual Event
Tuesday, October 12, 20205 pm to 7 pm on the Handshake Platform
These events are for both recruiting and networking, so employers looking to identify talented students for jobs and internships, enhance their company brand on campus, and/or share insight into their industry or organization are invited to join us for this event.
Once you complete your registration for the event through Handshake, you can:
- Register for 30-minute group sessions for up to 50 students. These are informational in nature and are designed for you to present students with details on your organization including the hiring process.
- Schedule 1:1 sessions to meet individually with students. While not an interview, these meetings will give you the opportunity connect directly with students who may be viable candidates for your organization.
To create more access to these events, there is no fee to attend. We hope that this enables you to join us that evening for a great night of networking with both students and faculty.
This is an invitation only event, so please email pschoen@wcupa.edu for more information.
Information Tables
Information Tables are back! Strengthen your brand and stay connected with WCU students by hosting Information Tables throughout the semester. They are a great way to increase your visibility by engaging with students in high traffic areas on campus. To schedule your session, log into your Handshake account, click on “Create an Event”, “On-Campus” and “Employer On-site.” Then select your day and time. In the Description section, indicate which location you request - Business & Public Management Center or Sykes Student Union. Once we get space approval, we’ll confirm your visit.
Special Programs & Events
At certain times of the year, the Career Development Center organizes special programs and events such as Resume Review Days, Mock Interview Days, an Etiquette Dinner, and Panel Presentations. If you are interested in any of our special programs, please speak our Employer Relations Team for participation options.
We have compiled a number of resources to benefit you as you engage in outreach and recruitment at West Chester University:
Creating and Managing Internship Programs
Campus Philly Internship in a Box
InternQube.com Starting and Maintaining a Quality Internship Program
Hiring International Students
Great news! International students who have F-1 status with training or work authorization are sponsored by their college/university. Getting permission for international students to work in the U.S. is not as difficult as you might think. Most international students are in the U.S. on non‐immigrant student visas (F‐1), and federal regulations permit the employment of international students on F‐1 visas within certain limits.
Read on for more information about hiring international students with authorization for training and employment.
Professional Development
Employers can consider joining the community of employers and career centers by joining the Eastern Association of Colleges & Employers (EACE), the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges & Employers (PennACE) and/or the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE). These organizations offer employers the option to host programs at their sites, participate in conferences and network with colleagues. The Career Development Center staff actively engages in attending conferences, committee-work, and presentations for these organizations.
Location & Parking
Traffic and parking patterns are unpredictable for our visitors as well as for staff and students. Please allow extra time (up to 30 minutes) for your arrival to our center and consider carpooling; due to the growth of our student population, parking has become more limited. For directions and printable campus map, view our map .
- Lawrence Center GPS address: 705 S. New Street, West Chester, PA 19383
- New Street Garage: GPS address is 700 S. New Street, West Chester, PA 19383. Cost: $1.50/hour, maximum $9/day.
- Cross S. New Street and walk around the building to the main entrance by the Diner to enter the building.
- Meter Parking around campus is also available (Church Street, High Street, Rosedale Avenue)
The Career Development Center is committed to ensuring that all students and employers are afforded every opportunity to participate in the activities of the center. If, due to a disability, you require accommodation to utilize our services, please contact the office and let us know how we may assist you.
NACE Principles for Professional Practice
The Twardowski Career Development Center at West Chester University is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). In accordance with our commitment to maintaining the standards of this organization, the career center adheres to and expects employment professionals to adhere to principles of college recruiting articulated in the NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.
The Twardowski Career Development Center at West Chester University serves only as a clearinghouse of information regarding job and internship opportunities. The listing of a position should not be interpreted as an endorsement. Accordingly, West Chester University expressly disclaims any liability in connection with any potential or actual employment which results from any applicant's response to any job posted within Handshake online or the job binders within the career center. The Career Development Center and its staff are not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions or any other aspect of off-campus employment. Students and alumni should personally research openings and agencies prior to entering into any contractual arrangements or exchange of monies in any form.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Affirmative Action - Equal Opportunity Policy: West Chester University is committed to providing leadership in extending equal opportunities to all individuals. Accordingly, the University will make every effort to provide these rights to all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, and veteran status. This policy applies to all members of the University community including students, faculty, staff and administrators. It also applies to all applicants for admission or employment and all participants in university-sponsored activities.
The Career Development Center will:
- Notify employing organizations of any selection procedures that appear to have an adverse impact based upon students' race, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, and veteran status;
- Assist recruiters with accessing groups on campus to provide a more inclusive applicant pool;
- Respond to complaints of EEO noncompliance, working to resolve such complaints with
the recruiter or employing organization, and, if necessary, referring such complaints
to the appropriate campus department or agency. Employment professionals will cooperate
with the policies and procedures of the Career Development Center, including certification
of EEO compliance as well as compliance with all federal and state employment regulations.
Recruitment Guidelines
Handshake is a free service for employers to post career-related, full-time, internship, and part-time positions that are appropriate for individuals with or working towards a minimum of a bachelor's degree. Students are uploaded into the system twice annually and alumni may create accounts to access job postings from employers.
Employers are able to post part-time, seasonal and temporary opportunities not requiring a degree that may be of interest to current West Chester University students via Handshake.
Approval for Registration & Job/Internship Posting through Handshake
Employers who adhere to these guidelines and policies are invited to register and
post positions, for free, on Handshake for students and alumni. All required fields
must be completed in order for accounts and postings to be approved. Please be aware
that due to the high volume of postings we receive, the Career Development Center
cannot create, maintain, or edit postings for employers.
Upon account approval, each employer contact will be given default access to Profile, Job Posting and Information Tables. Additional services can be requested by sending an email to recruit@wcupa.edu. If you are a third-party recruiter, please review the section on eligibility for services.
Paid vs. Unpaid: Organizations that do not intend to provide compensation for internships should review the Fair Labor Standards Act as well as the most current legal rulings related to unpaid internships. The WCU Career Development Center does not screen/review/approve internships on the basis of paid versus unpaid status; we expect employers to be responsible for adhering to appropriate compensation practices for their state, type of organization, etc. For further details, review the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Position Statement on U.S. Internships.
Academic Credit: Approval of paid or unpaid internship opportunities for academic credit must be coordinated directly with the appropriate academic department(s). The Career Development Center is not involved in approving internship opportunities for academic credit.
Third-Party Recruiters
Third-Party recruiters are defined as agencies, organizations, or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary, part-time, or full-time employment opportunities other than for their own staffing needs. This includes, but is not limited to, organizations such as employment agencies, search firms, contract recruiters, career development consultants, or on-line job posting or resume referral services. See National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Professional Practice for further details and definitions.
- The agency may not have access to the electronic resume search component (Resume Book) of the database.
- The agency must disclose to the CDC staff the name of the company for which it is recruiting.
- The agency may not charge applicants.
- The agency must provide a specific description and all requirements within all job listings, including any position that is “commission only” or sales-based.
- Third-party recruiters may not participate in on-campus recruiting to conduct hiring on behalf of their clients. If a third-party firm is hiring employees for their own staff, they are eligible to participate.
Foreign-Based Organizations
Employers that are foreign-based firms with no U.S. locations and third-party recruiters who represent foreign-based organizations with no U.S. locations will not be eligible to use Ram Career Network immediately. The employer may send the Recruiting Coordinator a minimum of two letters of reference from either two career services professionals representing accredited U.S. colleges or universities with whom the employer has worked on a professional basis, or a letter of reference from a faculty member or administrator from one of the 14 Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) universities with whom the employer has worked.
Additional Information
Volunteer/Service Learning Opportunities: Organizations seeking to recruit volunteers for service-oriented roles are asked to contact the Office of Service-Learning & Volunteer Programs at 610-436-3379.
Solicitation on Campus
University students, faculty, staff and individuals not affiliated with the University may not solicit or sell commercial products or services on campus without the prior approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee. This does not include fund-raising events conducted by officially recognized University organizations. However, these organizations must have the approval of the Office of Residence Life and Housing Services in order to solicit the students or sell any product or service in the residence halls or at the South Campus Complexes. The form necessary to receive approval can be obtained in the Office of Residence Life and Housing Services in 202 Lawrence Center. Any approved solicitation or selling in the residence halls is restricted to the main lobbies and should never occur on resident floors. In the residence halls, food and non-alcoholic beverages ordered from local establishments may only be delivered to the main lobby of the hall.
Extending Offers to Candidates
The Career Development Center requires that employers supply accurate information on their organization, employment opportunities, and compensation packages when extending an offer. Employing organizations are responsible for information supplied and commitments made by their representatives.
The Career Development Center does not have specific restrictions on when offers may be extended. The Career Development Center requests that students be allowed sufficient time to carefully consider employment offers to make informed decisions; we ask that employers communicate decisions to candidates within a reasonable time frame and communicate that time frame to the candidates.
We also request that employers inform us of any offers extended that must be withdrawn or significantly changed, as well as to inform us if any of our students renege on an acceptance of a job offer.
Employers are expected to refrain from using any undue pressure to accept the job offer or to renege on an acceptance of another offer. If conditions change and require the employing organization to revoke its commitment, the employing organization will pursue a course of action for the affected candidate that is fair and equitable, including (but not limited to) financial assistance and outplacement services. This is in accordance with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Position Statement on Rescinded and Deferred Employment Offers. This document provides additional recommendations, legal considerations, and ethical considerations for employers.
Rights Reserved
In an effort to better protect West Chester University students and alumni from unethical and/or fraudulent companies/postings, Career Development Center staff reserve the right to research individual companies and postings to determine if the opportunity in question will ultimately be beneficial and meet the needs of West Chester University students/alumni. Creating a registration on Handshake does not guarantee automatic approval and the right to post positions. The Career Development Center reserves the right to deny third-party recruiters access to Handshake, the Career Development Center, or any on-campus recruiting activities if/when concerns about the company have been expressed by colleagues, students, alumni, faculty, or staff.
The Career Development Center at West Chester University reserves the right to investigate complaints by students, staff, or faculty about employers or jobs posted through Handshake. If it is determined that a complaint is justified, the Career Development Center may choose to deny employer services and report the offending organization to appropriate agencies. The Career Development Center also reserves the right to deny any employer in violation of the above guidelines and policies.
The Career Development Center is committed to ensuring that all students and employers are afforded every opportunity to participate in the activities of the center. If, due to a disability, you require accommodation to utilize our services, please contact the office and let us know how we may assist you.