On this page, you will find resources and information to help your student organization access funding by applying for an auxiliary request or budget.
2025-2026 Annual Budget Request - Form Found Here
- The annual budget request form for 2025-2026 will open on Monday, December 2nd at
12 PM.
- You can find the form here.
- The spreadsheet that you will use is attached to question #11.
- All student organization executive board members and advisors will receive an email outlining the process.
- Deadlines for the form will depend on how much your organization is requesting. Deadlines
will be the last Friday of each month: January, February, and March.
- $10,000 and above: January 31st at 11:59 PM
- Between $1,000 and $9,999: February 28th at 11:59 PM
- Less than $1,000: March 28th at 11:59 PM
What is required for submission?
- Please download this form and save it as your organization's name with 2025 in the title.
- Your organization must have completed this year's treasurer training and the Budget
Q and A module and quiz to be eligible.
- If you have questions about if your organization completed this, please email involvement@wcupa.edu.
- Follow the instructions listed on the Excel document and when complete, submit it via the form.
- You will also need your president, treasurer, and faculty/staff advisor information.
- Additionally, a question will ask you to explain how people become member of your organization to determine if your club is exclusive or not. If there are any questions, the SGA Treasurer will reach out directly.
- If you are requesting more than $1,000, you will have to give a 10 minute presentation to the SGA Finance Committee in the Spring semester. The presentation will go over your request and will give time for the committee to ask questions. If you need it, Zoom will be an option. The SGA treasurer will reach out to you directly to schedule a meeting after the form is submitted.
Do I need my advisor to approve my submission?
- Yes. Your faculty/staff advisor who you input into the form will have to approve the submission.
- They will receive an email from RamConnect prompting them to review the submission and click "approve."
- If you have any issues or concerns with this process, please email kfarrer@wcupa.edu to talk through them.
- After the advisor approves the form, the SGA Treasurer will be able to approve the form. She will let you know if any edits are needed.
What resources exist for me during this process?
- Please refer to the Budget Q and A module for additional information on the process and what not to include. This will also talk about eligibility to request a budget.
- Please refer to the SGA Financial Policies and Procedures Manual for more information on the budgeting process, eligibility, and what not to include.
- DROP IN HOURS: Each Wednesday before each deadline LCs and SGA members will be in the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) on the 2nd floor of Sykes Student Union to assist you with any questions or forms from 7PM - 9 PM.
- Contacts
- Kimberly Farrer, Associate Director of Student Leadership and Involvement
- kfarrer@wcupa.edu
- Email me for questions about the RamConnect process, advisor approval, or questions that you do not know where else to ask.
- General SLI email
- involvement@wcupa.edu
- Email this account for questions about completing Treasurer Training or the Budget Q and A module and quiz.
- RamConnect email
- ramconnect@wcupa.edu
- If a person is not coming up for you to type them into the form of if you are having trouble approving the workflow.
- Rachel Treffeisen, 2024-2025 SGA Treasurer
- sgatreasurer@wcupa.edu
- Please allow at least 48 hours for a response.
- Email this account when you have questions about the spreadsheet, process, or presentation.
- sgatreasurer@wcupa.edu
- Kimberly Farrer, Associate Director of Student Leadership and Involvement
Video Tutorials
Auxiliary Requests
Per the SGA Financial Policies and Procedures, any student organization recognized by the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement is eligible to apply for auxiliary funding. The Auxiliary Request Form should be used for an organization's treasurer to submit an auxiliary request.
Please take note of the following to consider before applying for auxiliary funding:
- Auxiliary funding is permitted for a specific event, not to fund multiple events or to cover their yearly expenses
- An organization is permitted one (1) auxiliary allocation per academic semester
- Auxiliary funding is not guaranteed and will be allocated at the discretion of the SGA Finance Committee.
- All Auxiliary requests need to be submitted a minimum of three full weeks before funds are needed
Once an auxiliary request has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the SGA treasurer. The treasurer will then receive an email from the SGA treasurer to schedule a meeting with the Finance Committee. All auxiliary requests will be reviewed after the treasurer of the student organization requesting the funding has met with the SGA Finance Committee to discuss their request.
The SGA Finance Committee meets on Tuesdays at 5:30pm during the Fall Semester.
SSI Accounts & Accessing Funds
Student Organizations with SSI accounts need to follow all SSI Policies and Procedures to access their funds. In particular:
- The SSI Credit Card can be used for online purchases. Fill out and have your advisor sign a Credit Card Request Form
- For events involving ticket sales, contact SSI to discuss this process. Organizations must go through SSI to sell tickets for their events.
- If using Venmo, use WCU-SSI, the SSI Venmo account. No student should use a personal Venmo to collect funds for a student organization
- Donna Snyder, the executive director of SSI, needs to sign all contracts. No student should sign a contract for a DJ, space, hotel etc.
- Remember your organization should not be paying any sales tax. A tax exemption form is available in the SSI office.
- The last day to use the SSI Credit Card is the last day of classes for the spring term.
Newly Recognized Organizations
Organizations recognized during the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 academic year can request up to $500 in New Organization Funds.
- Organizations must have turned in the SSI account paperwork
- Attended treasurer training or meet with SSI staff to make up the treasurer training. Please contact them at ssi@wcupa.edu
- New Organization Budget Request Form