Finance & Administration Division
Todd E. Murphy
Vice President of Finance and Administration
As the head of the Finance and Administration Division at West Chester University, Vice President Todd E. Murphy, provides financial leadership and support for the entire university community.
Mission Statement
As members of West Chester University’s community of educators, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to the good stewardship of the University’s financial, physical, and human resources. We provide a wide range of support functions that are vital to the operation of the University and to the success of students, faculty, and staff. Our goals are to provide high-quality services, enhance the learning experience, and ensure safe and functional living and learning environments at West Chester University.
Finance & Administration Offices
Custodial/Grounds, Construction, Environmental Health and Safety
Accounting, Accounts Payable, Bursar, Business Services, Business Systems, Construction Procurement, Payroll, Purchasing, Restricted FUnds, WCU Post Office
Campus Safety, Crisis Response, Emergency Management, Parking Services, Police Services, Security Services
Health Resources
Please visit the Student Health Services page for the latest on the university's response to COVID-19 and Monkeypox.

Question about Financial Aid?
If you have a question about Financial Aid, please visit the university's Financial Aid website.

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Construction Updates
Get the latest on the 175,000 sq ft Sciences & Engineering Center and the Commons (SECC) project, including live camera views.
Real Estate
Do you have a property you are selling? Contact the university to see if there may be an interest in your property.
Emergency Management
Learn about the university’s community response action plans and its communication plans for students, families and guests.
Find Out More...
Annual Security Report - Clery (West Chester location)
Annual Security Report - Clery (Philadelphia location)
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