The Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance offers educational and learning opportunities for all students, faculty and staff at West Chester University (WCU). In accordance with the University’s strategic plan, it is our intent to foster a campus environment that invites all community members to build upon their awareness, skills, and competencies related to diversity and inclusion topic areas. This office works collaboratively with campus partners to provide consultation, resources, and support toward the advancement and sustainability of a positive campus climate for all.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the topic areas and learning opportunities that we can provide:
- Unconscious/Implicit Bias
- Race/Color
- Ethnicity
- Culture
- Class
- Sexuality
- Gender
- Microaggressions
- Religion
- Search Committee Orientations (Process, Recruitment & Hiring)
- Disabilities
- Bystander Intervention
- Sexual Harassment Prevention
- and much more…
The following learning opportunities below address both individual behaviors and University policies that can impact an environment of opportunity and success for all members of the WCU community. Participants will leave these workshops with an increased awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion to an environment of academic and workplace success, as well as tools and strategies to effectively maximize the benefits of diversity and inclusion.
Upcoming Learning & Engagement Opportunities
- Wednesday, February 26 (2 pm – 3:15 pm): FDI Lunch (En) Counters Series: Forgotten or Purposely Marginalized? The Radicalism of Anna Murray Douglass Matters | Virtual
- Friday, February 28 (11 am - 12 pm): Interactive Session: Allyship is Leadership | Virtual
- Saturday, March 1 (10 am - 4 pm): First Annual Sisters of Excellence Conference | Register Here
- Tuesday, March 4 (9 am - 10:30 am): Moving Forward: Supporting your Teams Supervisor Training | Register Here
- Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21: Moon Shot Week
- Saturday, March 22 (10 am - 4 pm): 9th Annual Brothers of Excellence Conference
- Thursday, April 3 (10 am-11:30 am): Moving Forward: Supporting your Teams Supervisor Training | Register Here
Audience: Golden Ram Community
Cross Cultural Communications and Conflict Resolution
Cross Cultural Communications & Conflict Resolution
Presenter: Dr. Tracey Robinson: 1 hour (groups of 20-24 participants) ; 1.5 hours
(groups of 25- 40 participants)
Through a highly interactive activity, this workshop will allow participants to personally examine how communication and culture are interrelated, explore intercultural communications and learn strategies to address cross-cultural conflict.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 20 participants and a maximum of 40.
Inclusive Leadership 1.0: Understanding Identities
Inclusive Leadership 1.0: Understanding Identities
Presenter: Staff, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
We learn about our own identity and the identity of others through interactions with family, peers, organizations, institutions, media and other connections we make in our everyday life. Self-exploration is central to our growth as individuals, our relationships with others, and our ability to promote equity. No one is uni-dimensional. Our various social identities--sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, socioeconomic class, religion, and ability, among others--are important aspects of our selves that shape our attitudes, behaviors, worldviews, and experiences. As we work to create and participate in diverse and democratic environments, we need to understand how our own and others' identities affect our lives and our interactions with each other. In this thought-provoking, interactive workshop participants will have the opportunity to consider the impact of multiple aspects of their own identities, while hearing and sharing stories and experiences that acknowledge difference, privilege, oppression, and perspective.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 120.
Inclusive Leadership 2.0: Exploring Dimensions of Cultural Competence and Inclusive Language
Exploring Dimensions of Cultural Competence and Inclusive Language
Presenter: Dr. Tracey Robinson
Duration: 1 hour
Cultural competency among 21st century graduates has become imperative in the workforce and daily community interactions. This workshop introduces multicultural and international diversity concepts while having individuals participate in reflective activities to develop cross-cultural competencies, identify culturally appropriate strategies, and utilize respectful and inclusive language.
Inclusive Leadership 3.0: Microaggressions
Inclusive Leadership 3.0: Microaggressions
Presenter: Staff, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
What are Microaggressions? How can they harm individual member of the University community? Participants in the workshop will gain better understanding of this form of bias and the building blocks that contribute to microaggressions. The workshop facilitator will use interactive exercises and discussions to help participants recognize microaggressions and learn strategies for addressing the messages sent that can create a feeling of marginalization among community members.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 120.
Planning for Accessible and Inclusive Events and Programs
Planning for Accessible and Inclusive Events and Programs
Presenters: Staff, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
Festivals, fairs, music events, sporting events, and lectures are but a few of the many events that take place every day at WCU. These programs and events celebrate a "sense of community" and must encourage participation by all. This workshop serves to provide information to assist faculty, planners, and managers in making programs and events accessible to people with disabilities. Learn about the value of planning inclusive events, the ADA law, planning tips and strategies, and resources for achieving accessibility. Prior registration is required HERE. Sponsored by the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance and Office of Educational Accessibility.
Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response for Students
Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response for Students
Presenters: Staff, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
Beyond laws and policies, sexual misconduct is very damaging to the academic learning environment and student life experience. After taking this course, students should be able to recognize, prevent, and respond to sexual misconduct on campus.
Scheduled upon request. Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Title IX Open Forum
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs/activities that receive federal funds. This dictates how the University addresses, investigates, and adjudicates sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment. Join us in a discussion about general updates to WCU's Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) policy and procedures. We invite you to submit questions in advance of this meeting through this link. Please submit questions by October 23rd. Details about the policy and resources are available on the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion's website. We hope you join in our discussion on Tuesday, September 24th!
Tuesday, September 24: Title IX Open Forum | 3 pm - 4 pm | Virtual
Unconscious/Implicit Bias Workshop
Unconscious/Implicit Bias Workshop
Presenter: Dr. Tracey Robinson
Duration: 2 hours
Everyone has biases. If left unchecked, biases can harm others in the workplace, even if unintentional. This interactive workshop will allow participants to explore how our biases may play out and impact our interactions. In addition, participants will be introduced to scientifically-tested strategies to reduce bias.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Understanding Antisemitism on Campus
Hillel International's "Understanding Antisemitism on Campus" Curriculum delves into the origins, evolution and context of past and present manifestations of antisemitism. This video-based curriculum aims to help participants understand and feel better-equipped to identify, respond to, and proactively educate others about antisemitism. Join us as Rabbi Jeremy Winaker, Executive Director, Greater Philly Hillel Network, facilitates the following video topics: What is Judaism? Who are Jews? History of Antisemitism, and Antisemitism Today. Presentation will be hosted by Dr. Jonathan Friedman's HIS 349 Jewish History class. Please register for Understanding Antisemitism on Campus HERE. Sponsored by WCU Hillel and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance. For more info, contact Porsche Johnson, 610-436-1109.
2025 dates to be announced.
Audience: For Faculty & Staff Only
Individuals with Disabilities: Creating an Inclusive Environment
Individuals with Disabilities: Creating an Inclusive Environment
Presenter: Meg Hazel, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
WCU is committed to fostering an environment where individuals with varying degrees
of abilities can thrive academically and within the campus community workforce. In
this workshop, attendees are provided with an overview of the resources available,
best practices, as well as policy information related to the American with Disabilities
Act (ADA) and the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Department of Education. Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Moving Forward: Supporting your teams - Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
Moving Forward: Supporting your teams Supervisor Training
Presenters: Meg Hazel & Allison Wisniewski, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1.5 hours
As a supervisor, have you experienced a difficult situation, and you wished you knew
Beyond laws and policies, sexual misconduct and discrimination are extremely damaging
and impacts all involved, including eroding the workplace environment. Together, we
will learn to embrace compliance and learn valuable skills to support members of the
WCU community. After taking this course, faculty and staff should be able to recognize,
prevent, and respond to sexual misconduct and discrimination on campus. (Supervisors
- those who have direct reports - this is a mandatory training.)
Upcoming Sessions:
March 4, 2025 – 9:00 am – 10:30 am (in person)
April 3, 2025 - 10:00 am - 11:30 am (in person)
April 10, 2025 - 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm (zoom)
May 13, 2025 10:00 am - 11:30 am (zoom)
Register Here
Search Committee Orientation: Hiring Process, Recruitment & Implicit Bias
Search Committee Orientation
Presenters: Office of Human Resources and Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
Are you chairing or serving on a search committee? Learn about tips and strategies
to maneuver through WCU’s selection and hiring process to ensure an open, fair and
equitable search process. Learn about the do’s and don’ts of serving on a search committee,
discuss pre/post interview procedures, interview questions, selection criteria, and
recruitment resources to maximize the benefits of an inclusive search process.
Individuals can register by visiting this link!
Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response for Faculty and Staff
Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response for Faculty/Staff
Presenters: Staff, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
Beyond laws and policies, sexual misconduct is very damaging to students and the workplace
environment. After taking this course, faculty and staff should be able to recognize,
prevent, and respond to sexual misconduct on campus.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Sexual Harassment Prevention & Response for Supervisors
Sexual Harassment Prevention & Response for Supervisors
Presenters: Staff, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 2.5 hours
Our University also has a formal policy that prohibits sexual harassment on campus—a
policy ALL supervisors are responsible for enforcing. But beyond laws and policies,
sexual harassment is very damaging to the workplace and work environment. After taking
this course, supervisors should be able to recognize, prevent, and respond to sexual
harassment on campus.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Register for Sexual Harassment Prevention & Response for Supervisors:
Dates: TBD
Universal Design for Learning: An Introduction
Universal Design for Learning: An Introduction
Presenter: Meg Hazel, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
The goal of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is to use a variety of teaching methods to remove any barriers to learning and give all students equal opportunities to succeed. It’s about educating people on how to effectively accommodate students and building in flexibility that can be adjusted for every student’s strengths and needs. This workshop will give an overview of UDL principles, examples of UDL practices, and a discussion of application to current courses and/or physical campus spaces.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Veterans Cultural Awareness Training
GREEN ZONE/ Veterans Cultural Awareness Training
Presenter: Dr. Tracey Robinson
Duration: 1.5 hours
A historic number of military personnel and veterans are enrolling in colleges/universities pursuing higher credentials as they serve within and outside of their military service. Transitioning from the Military to campus life can be challenging for a variety of reasons. Awarded the honor of being a “military-friendly” campus since 2015, West Chester University strives to support the needs and success of our military veteran students and their family members. Veterans Culture Awareness Training (VCAT) is a forum that allows advisors, faculty and staff the opportunity to increase their skills and awareness as it relates to serving military service members, veterans and their families. This forum includes opportunities to hear directly from student veterans about their experience as a Military Service Member and as a student at WCU. Strategies for ensuring inclusive practices and ways to support the success of student veterans are provided through short video clips, case studies, personal stories and group discussions. Resources available to Veterans on campus and in the local community are also shared.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Audience: For Faculty Only
Creating an Inclusive Classroom
Creating an Inclusive Classroom
Presenters: Staff, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1.5 hours
Students come to the University with a wide variety of experiences, cultures, abilities, skills, and personalities. Teaching inclusively means embracing and valuing student diversity in all forms as an asset. It means designing, managing and teaching courses in ways that foster talent and drive the success of students. The seminar will introduce faculty to real scenarios related to designing, managing and teaching in higher education in today’s climate. Designed for all faculty, not just those that teach about diversity, this workshop will enlighten faculty to understand the benefits of inclusive teaching approaches.
Scheduled upon request. Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and maximum of 50.
Teaching and the ADA
Teaching and the ADA (For faculty)
Presenter: Staff, Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Duration: 1 hour
West Chester University is committed to fostering an environment where individuals
with varying degrees of abilities can thrive academically within the classroom. In
this workshop, faculty are provided with current information regarding ADA law, best
practices, as well as policy information related to the American with Disabilities
Act (ADA) and the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Department of Education. Special
attention will be paid to accommodations and modified attendance agreements.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization, on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Teaching in Turbulent Times
Teaching in Turbulent Times
Presenter: Dr. Tracey Robinson
Duration: 1.5 hours
As the daily news often reminds us, there are moments in our society that are fraught with controversy and contention. As a University that values diversity and inclusion, how can you assure that our classrooms are places for civil discourse and respectful disagreement? This discussion will allow faculty to explore this issue through an examination of University classroom case studies.
Request this workshop for your department, class, group, or organization on a specific date(s). Note: this workshop requires a minimum of 15 participants and a maximum of 50.
Webinars through National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)
In November 2018, through a partnership between Academic Affairs and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance, West Chester University became an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. The NCFDD is a highly regarded center with a national reputation and success record for supporting faculty members throughout their careers and towards accomplishing developmental career milestones. West Chester’s diverse cadre of faculty and graduate students have access to resources and support in the form of webinars, forums, mentoring and other materials that assist with navigating academia. All Faculty and Graduate Students are encouraged to activate their accounts for this membership with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). Activate your membership today!
Some of the on-demand webinar titles through the NCFDD include, but not limited to:
- Addressing Incivility in the Classroom: Effective Strategies for Faculty
- Bully in the Ivory Tower: How Aggression and Incivility Erode American Higher Education Creating a Harassment-Free Lab
- Disability and Living/Working in the Academy
- Creating an Inclusive Classroom: Students with Disabilities
- Developing Anti-Oppressive Communities: Supporting Black Students and Mentees
- How to Challenge Race and Gender Bias in Student Evaluations
- Micro-Aggressions, Micro-Resistance, and Ally Development in the Academy
- Presumed Incompetent: Race, Gender, and Class in Academia
- Successful Strategies for Faculty Diversity: Valuing Faculty Work that Promotes Equity
- Teaching in Color: Effective Teaching Strategies for Faculty of Color
Please check out other events, training and education learning opportunities available through our campus partners below:
Center for Trans & Queer Advocacy
Center for Women & Gender Equity
Dowdy Multicultural Center
Greg and Sandra Weisenstein Veterans Center
Request a Workshop - Click here to complete and submit a Personal and Professional Development Request Form if you would like to coordinate another presentation of one of the workshops listed above to a specific group of students, faculty, and/or staff. We are limited in our ability to schedule beyond the dates provided so for planning purposes, please submit your request at least three (3) weeks in advance.